Video: Newt Gingrich Calls For Congressional Investigation of Gibson Guitar Raid; Republicans Invite CEO To Obama Speech

Neil Cavuto opened  the segment with the news that presidential candidate, Newt Gingrich was calling for an investigation in Congress of the Gibson Guitar raids.

Also, CEO Henry Juszkiewic, has been invited by Republicans to sit with Republicans for Obama’s jobs speech, Thursday night:

Eric Holder maintained that the raid was based on the “facts” (what facts?), the law (which wasn’t being violated), and the enforcement responsibilities they have (why don’t these enforcement responsibilities extend to Dem Guitar makers?), and denied that politics were involved (yeah, right).

Everything that corruptocrat Eric Holder’s DOJ does is politically motivated.

An investigation is in order, and the fact that Republicans have invited the CEO to possibly sit in the Speaker’s Box suggests that Republican Leaders are amenable to the idea:

Political Punch reports:

Henry Juszkiewicz, the CEO of Gibson Guitar Corp., will either sit in the House Gallery as the guest of his member of Congress, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn. (members of Congress each get to invite one guest to sit in that balcony), or he will be invited to sit in the speaker of the House’s box for the speech, Republican officials tell ABC News.

As of Wednesday afternoon, officials in House Speaker John Boehner’s office were trying to decide where he should sit.

Last month, the Nashville company was raided by federal officials for importing ebony from India that the Justice Department says was “fraudulently” labeled to evade Indian export laws. The Justice Department says the mislabeling constituted a  violation of a 2008 law requiring companies to detail information about wood they import, and to abide by the relevant laws of foreign nations.


Andrew Stiles  at The Corner: In the Speaker’s Box Tonight:

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) will host more than a dozen special quests in the House gallery during President Obama’s jobs speech to Congress this evening. According to the speaker’s office, the guests “are all employers who have run into unnecessary Washington-made barriers as they’ve tried to create jobs,” including Gibson Guitars CEO Henry Juszkiewicz.
Read the full list at The Corner.

Linked by Michele Malkin, thanks!

Hat tip: Gateway Pundit


3 thoughts on “Video: Newt Gingrich Calls For Congressional Investigation of Gibson Guitar Raid; Republicans Invite CEO To Obama Speech

  1. “The Justice Department says the mislabeling constituted a violation of a 2008 law …”

    That would be the Lacey Act, passed in 1900 to protect wildlife. It’s been amended several times over the years, gradually expanding the scope of the original.

    I’d say it’s sort of like the RICO law – that catchall that lets them charge you with Catch-22 “we can’t think of anything else, so we charge you with this”.


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