Another Thing We Can Thank The First Amendment For

Paul Krugman.

No.  Seriously.

I really am thankful that the First Amendment protects the vile nonsense that he spews.  Not because I enjoy him proving with each column the utter meaninglessness of being a Nobel Prize Winner, but because it makes him feel secure in revealing who he is, namely a slimy little toad who thinks nothing of disparaging men whose boots he isn’t fit to lick, let alone fill.

Krugman eagerly attacks men who stepped up to lead when it was required of them.  Bush never complained about “inheriting” Bin Laden from his predecessor.  Giuliani never whined about the “bad luck” that befell his city on that sunny autumn morning.  Instead, Giuliani went to help coordinate the response to the attack, and he himself was temporarily trapped at the command center.  Bush went to Ground Zero for those of us who couldn’t go ourselves, and personally carried the thanks of a grateful nation to those whose profound sadness and mourning we all carried on that day.  And then he put the resolve of a wounded nation into words, and directed it in a fashion that took the fight to those who thought they humbled us on that day.

Paul Krugman doesn’t live in the same world as the rest of America.  Every word he types, every “nuance” that he utters in the service of a worldview that misplaces its hope and drips contempt for anyone who believes not in the justice of redistribution and Keynesian economics, but in the power of the individual, and the government that would respect it, rather than restrain it, and every fantasy to empower the government he would worship tells us all that we need to know about him.  And that’s a good thing.

In a world where such a small person can lash out at people who can’t help but to be better than him, we can all count ourselves lucky that he and others like him not only reveal their true character, but their tragic lack of understanding.  It is good that such would-be tyrants, and others like him can show themselves without any modicum of self-reflection or shame, because then we are all put on notice of exactly who they are, and that all of us can fulfill one of the many duties we each have as citizens, and keep such people from gaining any more power than they already have by challenging all of the false assumptions and conclusions foisted upon us by people who let their jealousies blind them to the nature of evil, and the ability to discern what it is.  I thank God for the wisdom he gave to the Framers who made such that we had such freedoms, knowing full well the capacity for their abuse, and I thank the generations of men and women who made sacrifices to defend the flag that waves over all our heads today, and the guarantees we enjoy because of it.  And I thank God for those who looked upon the dust and rubble that settled over lower Manhattan on that day and put their lives on the line to make sure that Krugman, Bloomberg, and others could continue to show their contempt for the things that continue to make this country great.

Cross-posted at Taxes, Stupidity and Death.

UPDATE (Nice Deb):

Thanks, Biw, I was away this weekend, and I’m just now getting caught up.

Over at Big Government and Ace of Spades HQ, special attention has been paid to the weaselly last words of Krugman’s column:

“I’m not going to allow comments on this post, for obvious reasons.”

Larry O’Conner says:

If by “obvious reasons” he actually means “Because even the left-leaning readers of the New York Times will find this post inappropriate and tasteless and I can’t handle the shit-storm that will inevitably hit this page if I allow comments,” then yes, we understand. But here at Big Journalism we have no such concern.


If al-Krugman won’t open his comments, why, I guess we should just open ours. Let ‘er rip, morons.

My own feelings:

The hard left will forever be enraged that 9/11 happened during a Republican’s watch, and they will never forgive the Republicans who were in charge because they showed strength and character when it was needed most. They deeply resent the fact that Republicans benefited politically from 9/11 because they see everything as an opportunity to politically game events to their advantage. Everything is about power with these people. Everything.

The hurt  feelings of these disgruntled vermin persist to this day, which is why some of them loathe  the idea of memorializing 9/11.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy,  and Doug Ross in Larwyn’s links, thanks!

7 thoughts on “Another Thing We Can Thank The First Amendment For

  1. Pingback: BizzyBlog

  2. Pingback: Krugman: 9/11 made Bush, Giuliani become ‘fake heroes’ « The Fifth Column

  3. Pingback: Finance Talking » Blog Archive » To the List of Things Never to Forget About 9/11 …

  4. “…proving with each column the utter meaninglessness of being a Nobel Prize Winner…”

    Gosh, I thought Duh-1 was all the proof one would need to realize that.


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