Herman Cain Takes The Lead In New Zogby Poll – UPDATE: Not Doing As Well In CNN Poll

Meet the GOP’s latest frontrunner:

Via Publius at Big Government:

Fresh off his stunning victory in the Republican straw poll in Florida this past weekend, Herman Cain now leads the entire GOP field in a new Zogby poll of Republican primary voters, with Gov. Rick Perry in second and former Gov. Mitt Romney in third:

UTICA, NY–Rick Perry has tumbled by more than 20 percentage points over the past month among Republican presidential primary voters and is now second to Herman Cain, who leads the field with 28%.

Mitt Romney received little benefit from Perrys fall, garnering 17% of the vote for third place.

IBD Editorials asks: Who Says Herman Cain Is Unelectable?

A while back, Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer belittled Cain, saying his “candidacy is for entertainment.” Karl Rove dismissed him as that “talk radio guy in Atlanta.” Columnist Clarence Page concluded Cain was “able but not electable.”

Why is that, exactly?

Is it because Cain lacks enough brain power or executive experience?

Well, let’s check his resume.

Born in Tennessee to humble roots — his mother was a cleaner and father a janitor — Cain went on to get a B.A. in math and a master’s in computer science, the latter while working full time for the Navy.

He’s had tremendous success in business, most recently as CEO of the once-moribund Godfather’s Pizza. And here’s something you won’t hear from the media: He was on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, serving as its chairman for two years in the 1990s.

So, maybe it’s because Cain lacks sufficient conservative credentials?

That’s hard to argue, given that Cain was a Tea Partyer before there even was a Tea Party and has defended it against some of the most vile left-wing attacks.

Is it because he’s gaffe-prone?

It’s true that Cain made stumbles early on and has said some controversial things. But Cain has also shown an ability to grow into his role as a presidential contender.

So what is it, then, that makes everyone assume Cain’s unelectable, other than the assumption from party elites that Republicans won’t vote for him?


Charles Krauthammer, I’ve got my eye on you…

See also:

The Other McCain: SHOCKER: Herman Cain Now Leading Rick Perry 28%-18% in New Zogby Poll UPDATE: Dennis Miller Endorses Cain, Invites Me* to Hang Out in Hollywood



CNN Poll  post Florida debate shows Perry 28, Romney 21, Gingrich 10, Cain 7, Paul 7, Palin 7, Bachmann 4, Santorum 3, Huntsman 1.


11 thoughts on “Herman Cain Takes The Lead In New Zogby Poll – UPDATE: Not Doing As Well In CNN Poll

  1. Of course the Republican elite don’t want Cain to be the candidate – that would spoil the socialist lite niche they’ve been hewing for themselves since Reagan road into the nomination in 1980.

    And Reagan, for all his homilies and folksiness and likability, wasn’t even THAT conservative! But he was pragmatic.


  2. Being known by the company kept is a lesson which was overlooked by many with Obama. Let’s make sure this does not happen with Cain or whoever may be the next president. We should also be aware of that lesson with all of our elected officials.

    There are a large number of governmental agencies which are run by presidential appointees. These appointees must be approved of by congress. What happens when the Congress and the President are all on the same party line is that the vast bureaucratic ship of state turns towards a direction that looks a lot like a centralization of power and a primary dominion. These are things which the founders of America sought to avoid.


  3. And the Commie news network listeners voted for the candidates that THEY would like to challenge their hero SCOAMF, so, pulling the almost unknowns out like Huntsman, you can practically reverse the order there.


  4. I was thinking about that, last night.
    While conservatives would never want to call legitimate criticism of Cain “raaaaacist”, we also have to realize that the race-obsessed and racist left will make it an issue by constantly framing their criticism in a racial context. Cain as race-traitor, “Uncle Tom”, etc. In fact, some of that has already occurred.
    Then, we’re forced to respond to an issue that in 2012, should not have any relevance, but does because libs refuse to let it go.


  5. I’d like to see Cain win the primary just so we can exactly have that fight. It will tie them in knots, trying to say Herman Cain isn’t “authentically black,” and Tea Party types are inherently “RAAAAACIST!,” while at the same time saying “they hate Obama because he’s black man” while Cain is carrying the GOP banner.
    All of Kosickstan will fall to the floor from massive cognitive dissonance aneurysms; Crooks and Liars will catch on fire; Duncan Black will have a heart attack.


  6. Black reactions to Cain are interesting to me. I recall at some 12-step meetings where the attenders all tried to prove they were more addicted to whatever than the next guy, just so everyone would know how hard they had to fight to get to where they were at that point. Seems to me the Jackson-Lees and Waters and all-such are tryin’ ta prove they’re blacker than that po’ ol’ oreo, their poster house-boy (their words, not mine).

    If they could only know how utterly stupid and racist they sound they’d hide in a hole and never show their faces in public again.

    But we should be so lucky…


  7. Pingback: FMJRA 2.0: Don’t Turn Your Back : The Other McCain

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