Dick Morris: Obama Has Assumed Dictatorial Powers!

You can count Dick Morris among the growing number of Americans horrified by the increasingly brazen behavior of the President.

In this Dick Morris Lunch Alert, he delved into some alarming developments which are not receiving much attention in the MSM. The National Defense Authorization Act, passed on New Years Day,  gives the government the power to detain American citizens, indefinitely and without trial. No other President has ever had that power, Morris claims.  And it turns out that although the Obama administration pretended not to want it, Carl Levin told reporters after it passed that White House negotiators had insisted on the provision.

Why the subterfuge?

In the March 16 Executive Order, Obama gave himself the right to take over all of the energy industry, (oil, coal, natural gas,  electricity) and to initiate a draft, unilaterally, without consent of congress not only in times of war, but during peacetime. An unprecedented, breathtaking power grab, he says.

If oil prices continue to go up, Morris suspects Obama will try to take over the oil industry – nationalize it, which he says will be the day we become a Socialistic dictatorship. Morris thinks Obama is more dangerous than ever because he understands he’s not going to get reelected and now has a scorched earth policy towards this country:

The two columns Dick Morris alluded to in the video:

Obama Assumes Dictatorial Powers:

The far reaching order authorizes the president “in the event of a potential threat to the security of the United States, to take actions necessary to ensure the availability of adequate resources and production capability, including services and critical technology, for national defense requirements.”

Likely the president already has most of the enumerated powers as part of his role as commander in chief. So, why the order right now?

Black speculates that it is related to the tensions over Iran’s nuclear program. Is the president reminding big oil that he would take over their industry in the event of war? Or is Obama equipping himself with vast powers to be used even in peacetime as a result of whatever he decides is a “national emergency.” Could the rise in gas prices constitute such an “emergency?” Is the issuance of this order right now a shot across the bow of oil companies to get them to go easy on oil prices? Where are we? Stalinist Russia?

In any case, these two presidential signatures – one on a law and the other on an order – together constitute a massive power grab totally unsuited to a democracy. The idea that he would be preparing to assume dictatorial powers seems so remote that the mainstream media has not even reported on these initiatives. But they should give all of us pause.

Obama Tells Secrets To Russia:

President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are increasingly moving to strip America of vital defense capabilities through a web of international treaties and agreements. Already, Clinton is negotiating a code of conduct in outer space that would effectively ban our capacity to destroy satellites and put interceptor missiles in space.

Last week, the president announced that he was going to provide the Russians with detailed technical information about the anti-missile systems he plans to base in Eastern Europe, in the hopes of lessening Russian opposition to their deployment. He is exacting no reciprocal sharing of intelligence, nor can he be sure that Vladimir Putin will not just turn around and forward the gift package to North Korea or Iran.

Reuters noted that “the Obama administration is leaving open the possibility of giving Moscow certain secret data on U.S. interceptor missiles due to help protect Europe from any Iranian missile strike. A deal is being sought by Washington that could include classified data exchange because it is in the U.S. interest to enlist Russia and its radar stations in the missile-defense effort, a Pentagon spokeswoman said Tuesday.”

Read the whole piece. Morris’ conclusion, (he wasn’t kidding about “scorched earth”):

Sometimes I wonder if Obama knows he is going to be defeated and is embarking on a “scorched-earth” policy to weaken our nation and to hogtie us through international agreements before he leaves office, thus fulfilling the fondest desires of his friends like former terrorist Bill Ayers.

I know we have  been assured by many pundits on our own side that these power grabs don’t really represent a startling deviation from the way Presidents have always handled these matters.

Ann Barnhardt addressed that in a recent post:

 We are concerned and even, dare I say it, panicked, because we can see the big picture of the Obama regime for what it is. We can take the totality of the dataset and draw not just a logical, reasoned conclusion, but a conclusion that is supported by centuries – nay millenia – of past precedent. We are, as Patrick Henry put it, “willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”

Why is the 3/16/2012 Executive Order worthy of grave concern? Simply put, because of the man and the regime who issued it. This is a man, and a regime that has done the following:

-Sent the Secretary of Defense (Leon Panetta) to Congress to put them on notice that despite the explicitness of the Constitution, the consent of the Congress to wage war will neither be solicited nor required by the Commander in Chief or his regime. The CiC and SECDEF may, if they feel like it and can find the time, MAY inform the Congress of “kinetic military actions” henceforth.

-Declared the First Amendment null and void by mandating that every American must, as a condition of legal residency in the United States, pay for abortions. Mr. Morrissey, being a Catholic, you should understand that what the Obama regime has done is demand your very soul. In order to remain corporeally “free” in the United States of America, you must enter into mortal sin, reject Jesus Christ in totality, turn your back on your Crucified Savior, excommunicate yourself from the Church, and consign your immortal soul to eternal hell. If that isn’t the prohibiting of the free exercise of religion, then nothing is or ever could be.

-Committed acts of war upon the sovereign nation of Mexico and her people, willfully arming narco-terrorists with the intent of using the optics of hundreds if not thousands of brutally murdered Mexicans in order to stir up and justify the overthrow of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. This is textbook sedition.

-Has coordinated with regime cronies in the Legislative Branch to enable the Obama regime to operate for an entire term WITH NO BUDGET WHATSOEVER. In this time, the Obama regime has looted the United States Treasury and debased the currency of the United States to the tune of SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS, or roughly one-half the gross domestic product.

This is just a very, very, very short list. Additionally, with each passing day it is being further revealed that EVERY SINGLE PERSON Barack Obama has ever associated with has been not merely a Marxist, not merely a Socialist, not merely a Communist, but a TOTALITARIAN hellbent on the destruction of the United States of America.

I’ll concede the point that if this Executive Order was issued by – get this – Jimmy Carter or even Bill Clinton, I could buy the idea that it was merely an emergency protocol housekeeping item of some sort geared toward the reaction of the Federal Government after a nuclear attack. I’d be skeptical, but I would be open to the argument.

Not so now. These people are totalitarian tyrants who are no longer even trying to hide their intentions. See the bulleted items above. There comes a point where you have to pull your head out of the sand, synthesize a massive dataset into its obvious, coherent output, and be willing to know the worst, and to provide for it.

I see it the same way.

Linked by Doug Ross, and iOWNTHEWORLD, thanks!

18 thoughts on “Dick Morris: Obama Has Assumed Dictatorial Powers!

  1. I see it the same way too. When you know Obama and those with him like we do, there is no arriving at any other conclusion.

    ND, this is one of the greatest posts you have ever compiled.


  2. Outstanding! So, what happens when he declares the elections null and void? Will the People Stand up, or continue to just watch it happen? Maybe 2012 is the end of the world after all…..


  3. Reblogged this on Catholibertarian and commented:
    Obama has usurped powers not authorized in our Constitution. He is like Nero fiddling while Rome burns. In his obvious disdain for this country and for how it was originally founded, Obama is watching, unconcerned, as America burns to the ground, because he wants to rebuild it into some European socialist state.


  4. And now it is coming out (in posts like this) how Mr. Obama plans to declare a national emergency and either prevent elections or calling then null and void. I’ve been calling this for over a year now. It’s what communists do.

    And the mindless media is happily going along with it because they envision themselves as co-rulers, aids to disseminating important information for the master, little knowing that their mindlessness will be very useful because that which is disseminated will be exactly what the master and minions tell them, nothing more, nothing less. Any deviation will be met by removal because there will be plenty of volunteers willing to do that for the few crumbs sent their way by the regime.

    “…And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death.” So apropos now.


  5. The damage from Obama is evident and his motives are made suspect by his actions. He is a man that despises this country and is doing everything in his considerable power to bring her to her knees as quickly as possible.

    If Obama decides to exercise the power of taking over the nation during peacetime, many things will happen, none of which will be good.


  6. No, ND, he’s not a nice guy. He’s a communist, has multiple personality problems, has given himself dictatorial powers without a peep from anyone, especially the opposition party. How can you possibly think or say he’s a “nice guy?”


  7. Surely you saw the quotations.
    That is the GOP establishment election year line as used by Romney.
    See – the truth alienates the drones who voted for Obama in 2008, and we need a bunch of those votes. We have to cushion our words so as not to offend the low info types.

    That’s the thinking, anyway.
    I don’t agree with it.

    Honesty is the best policy, I always say – and the truth is sunlight to those who are in the dark.

    Why have a strategy to keep people in the dark?


  8. Well, it worked for Obama in 2008, didn’t it? With the aid of a slobberingly loving media, of course.

    And no, I didn’t miss the quotation marks. I thought it was a ridiculous statement when it was made, is a ridiculous statement now and will be on election day 2012. That, unfortunately, sums up Republican (nonexistent) backbone – no matters what they do to us or say about us, be nice to them because the media will burn you if you don’t be nice.

    Yeah, that really worked out well for Bush in ’92 and Dole in ’96, and John-boy in 2008, didn’t it?

    If I was one of those mythical independent voters, I sure as hellfire wouldn’t vote for someone who didn’t have the courage to stand up and slap down someone who was lying about the opposition – kinda makes the opposition look like maybe there’s something to the lies, don’tcha think?


  9. And all of this while he and his racist thug New Black Panthers along with the usual band of hostile jackasses are trying to incite a full blown freaking race war, a perfect e4xcuse to declare an “emergency”, no?
    And where the hell is the GOP? Gutless effing cowards ALL OF THEM. Obama repeatedly commits TREASON year after year and not a fucking peep from the gutless sycophants who could move to at least impeach the bastard.
    I am sorry for he language but I actually dialed it back substantially, I am so disgusted with the complete and utter failure of our elected “representatives” to do a damned thing to stand up for our country, our Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE. They are probably hoping to get a slice of the commie pie too, the traitors.

    Let me tell ya something, I like Rick, but i don’t think he’ll say what needs to be said, let Newt run with this and he could turn the tide in his favor, in AMERICA’s favor – we are crying out for someone unafraid to speak the truth and stop the goddamned bad guys! Newt’s got the stones, I KNOW he does, and I’ll jump to his team if he goes balls to the wall full bore after those leftist prog mutha funkas.

    I am so sick of “our” side sitting on their hands when they should be punching with both fists! What the hell is WRONG with everyone?


  10. Looks like tlip (or a goofy clone) is back. Silly person. Just like Trix are for kids, tinfoil hats are for libs/leftists/statists! It’s for darn sure logical people don’t use them, so automatically anyone left of George Romney of the ’60s and ’70s are automatic qualifiers.

    Yes, I saw the quotes. I responded yesterday but it is either somewhere in the ether or got rejected. That’s fine; I was a little abusive because of personal problems here.

    But bottom line is Morris is for once scarily close to the truth, and I await the coming national “emergency”, looking forward to whether it will be “inventive” or just the same old Chicago-style thuggery. And I can hardly wait for his “civilian peace corpse.” (That’s a bow and shout-out to Duh-1’s highly polished capability as a reader of speeches.)


  11. Pingback: Why Won’t They Listen? | Random Ramblings from IowaDawg

  12. Pingback: Former Navy Seal: Obama Using “Classic Soviet Style Tactics” To Put America In “The Throes Of a Cold Civil War” « Nice Deb

  13. A note to Anonymous….Martha Stewart had a great line of tin foil hats, now we have to settle for scruffy make overs…..

    I love how the focus of “ME” still continues. BO was put in authority for a purpose, and that is to destroy this country. And a fine job he’s doing, about the only thing he’s doing right. I love how all these EOs come about on a Friday or weekend when everyone else’s focus is on some other highlighted event. He’s very good at deceit.

    But the reality is that he’s just a part of a much bigger picture. You can make Illuminati claims or anti-christ but his primary purpose is to defang the US and withdraw support of Israel. In so doing he completes the judgement on the US that will signal the other throw.

    Hate to break it to you anonymous, but those good times you keep hoping will come back are long, long gone….



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