Latest Rasmussen Poll Shows Obama Trailing Santorum in Key Swing States

The results of the latest Rasmussen poll has Santorum more leading Romney in the “core fours”, making him more electable in the must win states.

President Obama now trails former Pennylvania Senator Rick Santorum by four points in a hypothetical 2012 matchup in combined polling of key swing states Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia.

Santorum leads the president 48% to 44% in the so-called Core Four states. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate in this matchup, and two percent (2%) are undecided. This marks a shift from last week, when the president was slightly ahead of Santorum.  (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Obama’s leading Romney in the same four states, 46% to 42%.

Santorum fares worse overall in a hypothetical 2012 match-up, Obama leads 49% to 43%. Because apparently, the American people prefer the lying, Marxist, racialist, demagogue who is deliberately bankrupting the nation over a pro-life Catholic.

Romney and Obama are tied at 46% .

The Missouri caucus is being held, tomorrow, St. Patrick’s Day. (Anyone else but me seeing a problem with that?)

Missouri is still Santorum country, but when and how the delegates end up getting counted is a complicated matter.

The LA Times reports:

Well, brace yourselves, Missourians, because it doesn’t get any less complicated Saturday: The state’s delegate headaches will continue long after the votes are cast.

Yes, again.

It’ll work like this: Saturday’s vote is for Republicans to elect representatives to attend a congressional district convention April 21, which then elects 24 of Missouri’s 52 delegates. The delegates then pick the rest of the delegates at the state Republican convention June 2.

In short, this means that although a candidate will certainly trumpet a victory here Saturday — as Santorum did after Missouri’s “beauty pageant” of a vote in February — once again, there will be no real champion yet.

“Because there is no vote on candidate preference, neither the Missouri GOP nor any election authority will have or release any data regarding the ‘winner’ of the caucuses,” the state party warned in a memo released before the vote.

The result is that the party has created a gnarly contraption of indirect representation that generates a scenario in which a huge win for Santorum on Saturday may not actually be a huge win at all. The former Pennsylvania senator may, for a second time, be deprived of Missouri delegates.

Santorum was back in Missouri, Friday morning, with a speech in Osage Beach, a lake town at the foot of the Ozark Mountains…

  It’s the land where Santorum’s Catholic bonafides broadcast on similar frequencies as the Missouri GOP‘s bedrock evangelical base.

“I always say thank God for the tea party, thank God for the conservative movement that rose up in 2010,” Santorum told the crowd of a few hundred, using righteous tones to hammer the “immorality” of the nation’s deficit. The biggest, longest, standingest ovation came when Santorum demanded the government keep its regulations away from the Catholic Church.

As the crowd filtered out, a woman gushed to a friend that he had “that twinkle in his eye — I mean, you look at this guy, he’s a Christian, the real deal.”

This is Santorum country, no doubt.

Santorum has a video message for Missouri voters:

Hat tip: Charles B.

GOP Gently Mocks Obama Propaganda Film With New Poster

Via The Blaze, this is how the  Republican National Committee decided to commemorate the release of Obama’s ridiculously expensive 17-minute documentary:

Did I say gently mocks? LOL, I was kidding. It’s about as gentle as a sledgehammer.

Minor quibble – Instead of saying, “after four years, the only bad thing they found about their time in office  was that it was just too good” should read, “he (Obama)was just too good”.

The Daily Caller reported on the cost of the Obama propaganda film, Thursday:

Records filed by Obama for America with the Federal Election Commission indicate that the president’s re-election campaign shelled out at least $345,353 to commission “The Road We’ve Traveled,” a 17-minute campaign documentary by Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim, set for release Thursday. The price comes out to more than $20,300 per minute.

And it’s even creepier than we imagined it would be, thanks in large part to Tom Hanks’ narration and the weeping Obamabots.


See Also:

Bullet People has a shorter version: The Road We’ve Traveled in 10 Minutes

The American Thinker: Coming Soon: The Commercials that Obama Fears

PSSSST….RNC: Ed Lasky has written the commercial for you. You need to get someone on this:

…there is a delicious irony in taking advantage of Obama’s Obama Obsession.  He has been so busy bloviating over the last few years, so eager to display his omniscience when it comes to energy, that there is plenty of visual material to cull from the public domain that can and will be used against him as the campaign season rolls on, if the GOP has any brains.  Call it divine justice that the man who seemingly can never stop talking can be hoisted on his own petard.

One can start with a graph of how gas prices have gone from $1.84 when Obama took office to $3.79 and climbing during March (and this is before the summer driving season spikes them upward).  Then there’s the voice we have heard so many times over the years that it seems to come straight from George Orwell’s 1984: Barack Obama talking during the campaign about his wish to see higher gas prices.  Fade to Ken Salazar, Obama’s choice to head the Department of Interior — the department that has done so much to stop oil exploration and development on federal land.  Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell proposed a bill to encourage offshore oil drilling.  Ken Salazar kept objecting to the bill even when McConnell suggested that the amendment be triggered when gas prices hit $10 a gallon at the pump.  Even when gas prices hit $10 a gallon, Salazar was opposed to allowing more offshore drilling.  The YouTube clip can be found here.

Then pair it up with Energy Secretary Chu telling us in 2008 that his desire is to figure out “how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”  He is well on his way to accomplishing his goal.

Keep reading.
