Did The Chuck Norris Endorsement Cause The Huckabee Surge?

Don’t laugh. Look at the ‘facts’:

When Chuck Norris wrote on Oct. 21 that he was choosing to support former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee in the campaign for the 2008 presidential election, Huckabee had been holding support from about eight percent of voters, according to Rasmussen Reports, which is considered one of the most accurate tracking polls available.

Within a couple days, the time it took for the Chuck Norris column to make the rounds of the blogs and media sites, Huckabee’s support rose to 10 percent, his first time ever in double digits, and within another day it was at 12 percent.

That’s right. Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked those numbers skywards, and the other candidate’s numbers tumbled just like thousands of other Chuck Norris foes have tumbled in the face of Norris’ supreme awesomeness.

Huckabee had been among the “second tier” of GOP candidates behind leaders Giuliani, Thompson, McCain and Romney at that point, but his campaign website reported a surge of $550,000 in donations in just a few days after the endorsement became public.

At that point, the Rasmussen Reports said, “This is the first time all year that Huckabee has surpassed Mitt Romney.” Stewart told WND that “fundraiser hits increased dramatically” following the endorsement.

New Chuck Norris Cool Fact:

Chuck Norris doesn’t “endorse” Presidential candidates, he roundhouse kicks them all the way to the White House.

12 thoughts on “Did The Chuck Norris Endorsement Cause The Huckabee Surge?

  1. I think I’ll subscribe to a different set of “facts”. Like the fact that Huckabee’s mention count went way up on FOX when Thompson shined that spotlight on them for continually hammering home negative opinion about him.
    Don’t get me wrong, I like FOX. They are the only real alternative to the bald faced leftist propaganda outlets we have (CNN, CBS, NBC). They are also the only major national news service that has not been racked with fraud or blatant treason over the past 10 years, but, it was becoming clear that they were neck deep in Giuliani doo-doo, who is clearly just another New England Liberal despite his best efforts to paint himself otherwise. They had no choice but to start mentioning other for a change. They miscalculated how long it would take for people to catch on.
    Besides, Chuck Norris had ties to Johnson County in his early days as a fighter. He was an acquaintance, and frankly , highly over rated. 😉


  2. I’m being kind of tongue in cheek, here.

    But it is interesting how Huckabee’s fortunes changed right after the endorsement.


  3. By the way, I prefer Fred out of all the Republican candidates, but (hopefully this goes without saying), I’ll vote for whoever the nominee is in the general election, (barring *of course* Ron Paul).


  4. I’m being kind of tongue in cheek, here. – Deb

    It’s a valid theory, as many believe endorsements have a great effect. Marketing is hardly an exact science and political science is a contradiction in terms.
    As for me, my preference would be Tancredo, however, since Illegal Immigration is second to Hillary Clinton in degree of threat to the free world, I’d have to side with Thompson myself.
    Not because he’s the best thing since sliced bread, he’s really just the only viable alternative to a New England Liberal, a stone cold Socialist, and a closet Muslim.


  5. Obama. Even his newest endorser Oprah started out her speech today doing a “Hillary” and imitating an Arab accent when repeating some of the questions she anticipated his supporters would ask. There is a reason this dude was against invading Iraq and it lies directly within the name of those who were defeated. The Baath Socialist Party. They also happen to be the dominate political faction of Comrade Pelosi’s ally in Syria
    Our leftist friends in politics and the media forget to mention the full name, and real reason they want us to fail in the Middle East. They are of like mind.


  6. Pingback: Major Endorsement For Fred! To Come Tomorrow « Nice Deb

  7. Pingback: Celebrities Endorsing Political Campaigns « My View Weblog

  8. Pingback: Thanks Beth And Carol « Nice Deb

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