Holder On The Hot-Seat For Project Gunrunner

I’ve been red-flagging this most explosive homeland security scandal for you for more than a month.

Independent citizen journalists, inside whistleblowers, and relentless GOP watchdogs on Capitol Hill led by GOP Rep. Darrell Issa and GOP Sen. Charles Grassley have kept up the pressure on the Obama administration to come clean on this deadly, stimulus-funded border nightmare.

And now, the fit is really starting to hit the shan on the Project Gunrunner story.


Friction” between watchdogs and Team Obama is growing, natch.

And Holder is finally, finally squirming on the hotseat.

As I’ve noted before, this goes far beyond the usual waste, fraud and abuse underwritten by progressive profligacy. It’s bloodstained government malfeasance overseen by anti-gun ideologues.

Read it all.

Here’s Holder stonewalling to questions from Sen. Charles Grassley at the Senate hearing, yesterday:

Grassley talked about his frustrating exchange with Holder with NRATV.

He notes that he told Holder in a footnote to a letter that he didn’t think he was being well served by his staff.


Fox Nation: Holder Hammered on Hill Over ‘Gunwalker’ Scandal:

Appearing today before the House Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Eric Holder got grilled about the “gunwalker” controversy in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is accused of allowing guns to get into the hands of criminals in Mexico.

Watch the video at link. Holder, who continues to stonewall, was indeed hammered by Issa.

Issa also appeared on NRA News to answer questions about the exchange:

Issa says ATF whistleblowers, (risking their own jobs) are coming forward to offer information about the program, which he says was opposed by law enforcement at “low levels and medium levels”.  That leaves high levels.

Issa promises to get to the bottom of it.


5 thoughts on “Holder On The Hot-Seat For Project Gunrunner

  1. All I have to say is what Obama said back in March:
    President Obama, speaking for the first time about the growing scandal, conceded last week Fast and Furious may have been “a serious mistake,” but he claimed, “I did not authorize it; Eric Holder, the attorney general, did not authorize it. He’s been very clear that our policy is to catch gunrunners and put the m into jail.”


  2. Pingback: Holder On The Hot-Seat For Project Gunrunner (via Nice Deb) « YOU DECIDE

  3. To use a time-worn paraphrase, “Black man speak with forked tongue.”

    You can choose whether that means Holder, Obhammud, or both.

    Unfortunately, those witless idolators that voted him in, with the aid of a slobbering lover media, probably can’t see the lies and, even if they could, will ignore them.


  4. Outstanding catch! You know how much I’ve been writing about this, and it pleases me to see others doing so!


  5. Pingback: Transcript: Obama News Conference June 29 2011

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