Video: Navy Seals Expose Obama – Claim Vast Majority of Seals Won’t Be Voting For Him

In this Veterans for a Strong America ad, United States Navy SEALs reveal that the SEAL community is not voting for Obama because of his shabby conduct as Commander in Chief.

“There’s a pervasive feeling across our community that he’s going to use whatever to get elected and he doesn’t really care about the men on the front lines.”

 OPSEC is asking for donations to run an anti-Obama ad during Seal Team Six Movie

We’ve got a major problem….In just a few days, National Geographic Channel will begin broadcasting “Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden,” even after reporting by the New York Times and other media outlets disclosed that the timing and editing of the film by Obama mega-donor and Hollywood liberal Harvey Weinstein were orchestrated to use the heroic work of U.S. Special Operations Forces to promote President Obama’s re-election.  OPSEC’s not going take this sitting down.

If we can raise the funds necessary — we’re going to air our hard-hitting ad, “Bump In The Road,” right along-side the documentary on National Geographic ChannelEvery person who watches will know how this documentary is exploiting service members, divulging national secrets that are putting special forces lives at risk, and is timed to be nothing more than an ad for President Obama.

[Name Withheld], please make an urgent donation of $25, $50, $100 or more right now to help OPSEC send a powerful message to Obama, Hollywood liberal Harvey Weinstein, and anyone else who wants to exploit the hard work of America’s Special Forces that they will have to score political points elsewhere!

It’s truly sad that once again, Special Forces operations are being used as a political pawn to win votes for Obama’s reelection….not to mention the further leaks of tactics and methods that will further jeopardize future missions against Al Qaeda. National Geographic’s Channel own President even admitted that, “that some people were suspicious of the film’s intentions.”

[In the original email, a link to the NY Times article on the editing of Seal Team Six appears here. (Boldface ours)]

Our ad hits the Obama Administration hard for lying about the attacks in Libya that cost the U.S. Ambassador, two former SEALs and another U.S. diplomat their lives while also having politicized the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

So will you make an urgent donation to help us run this ad side-by-side with Harvey Weinstein’s exploitive Seal Team Six documentary? It’s absolutely critical we raise the funds necessary to get our response running right along side this TV program.

Playing politics with national security is wrong and endangers American lives. It will only result in special forces coming home in flag draped coffins because their missions have been reduced to petty political games in place of protecting America.


Scott Taylor

Former Navy SEAL


The Washington Free Beacon: 500 Admirals, Generals to Endorse Romney:

Nearly 500 former military admirals and generals are poised to endorse Mitt Romney, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

The group will post a full page ad in the Washington Times on Monday. The advertisement will have the headline, “We, the undersigned, proudly support Governor Mitt Romney as our nation’s next President and Commander-in-Chief,” followed by the names of the former military commanders.

The Washington Free Beacon: GOP Senators to White House: Stop Leaking National Security Secrets:

A group of Republican senators is demanding to know why the White House continues to leak to the press highly classified information that “stands in direct contradiction to the information briefed to congressional oversight committees,” according to a letter sent Friday to President Barack Obama.

Senior Obama administration officials have taken to the press in recent weeks to provide anonymous and often highly classified information to reporters in an effort to bolster the president’s national security credentials following a deadly attack in Libya that left four Americans dead, the lawmakers claim.

Hat tip: Gateway Pundit

Linked by Theo Spark, thanks!

Voter Fraud Alert!: Obama Supporter in NC Brags on Facebook About Voting Multiple Times To Save Country From Romney

Via The Barracuda Brigade:

How easy is it to commit voter fraud in this country?

Let Jim Turner of Chapel Hill, NC count the ways:

That “bold” post has since been deleted – due to a right wing conspiracy that sees our national glass as “half empty”, or perhaps more likely by someone in a cold sweat about being caught stupidly bragging about committing a felony on Facebook.

Yeah, you made a bold comment, alright Jim.

And this post from Sept 24 has ominous implications:

Tomorrow is National Voter Registration Day and I will be part of a group to provide help at Town Hall in Pine Knoll Shores, NC from 10:00 until 4:00. If you will be 18 by election day you MUST register to vote. Have you moved? Have you married? Changed you name?? If any of these apply you need to REGISTER TO VOTE.

It’s very disturbing that an admitted repeat voter would be in charge of voter registration.

Spread the word – this man needs to be made famous. As you can imagine, he represents but the tip of the iceberg. This can not stand. This criminal and others like him can not be allowed to cancel out all of our votes. Mitt Romney is winning NC. But Jim Turner and people like him want to deliver his state to their Messiah via voter fraud.


Apparently, his daughter is trying to claim that the post was a “joke”.

When have we heard that before? Oh, I know – every time a Democrat’s been caught engaging in shockingly corrupt behavior.

Go back and reread the post and see if you can find the punchline – ’cause I’m not seeing it.


A commenter at the Time for Choosing blog has verified that a James Turner has voted in two of the locations he mentioned in the post:

I downloaded North Carolina’s early voting and absentee voting data from their online site on the 23rd of October. It does show a James Turner voting from Beaufort and Henderson, both white males, 67 years old. This may or may not be the same person, but it does seem to support what he wrote on twitter.

The problem is that even if he didn’t do this, the post he made encourages others to do so. The idea that someone in a position responsible for upholding election integrity encouraging others, jokingly or not, to commit voter fraud and claiming it is about “the American spirit” has no real idea about what the American spirit is about. It has nothing to do with disenfranchising other voters by negating their legal votes with fraudulent ones, it has nothing to do with cheating to get your way and to win at all costs. Encouraging others, or committing the fraud yourself because you think you’re more right than another person who voted differently, is still fraud, regardless of how you try to wrap yourself in up in the flag afterwards.

Another commenter wrote:

I emailed a fraud incident (not voter fraud, a polling place thing) to my county’s GOP here in NC, and within 2 hours a Romney attorney was at my house taking a statement.

They’re taking this stuff seriously – someone in NC should report him to the county GOP (there’s probably a contact on their website) and the State Board of Elections.

By the time the attorney came to my house, there had been 6 statewide alerts from different organizations with my email in it, so there ARE people doing things.

Linked by Right Wing News, and Doug Ross, thanks!

Saturday Movie Matinee: 30,000-35,000 Turn Out to See Romney-Ryan in Ohio

Via Freedom’s Lighthouse: Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney Speak to Huge “Victory Rally” of 30,000 People in West Chester, Ohio – Video 11/2/12:

See also: Gateway Pundit: WOW! 30,000-35,000 Turn Out to See Romney-Ryan in Ohio …(Obama Draws Crowds Less than 4,000):

2,800 supporters turned out to see Obama in Hilliard, Ohio this morning.
4,000 turned out to see Obama in Springfield, Ohio this afternoon.
3,800 supporters turned out to see Barack Obama at his final campaign stop today in Lima, Ohio.

20,000 to 30,000 supporters turned out to see Mitt Romney in Chester, Ohio tonight!
** Carl Cameron just announced on FOX News that 20 to 30 thousand are at the Romney rally tonight in Ohio.
There were long lines to get into the event today.


Columbus Dispatch:Hours before Obama rally, Republican lawmakers hold press conference to blast him on auto bailout:

Hours before President Barack Obama arrived at a rally in Springfield, Ohio, Rep. Mike Turner R-Centerville, held a press conference to criticize decisions Obama’s administration made during the 2009 auto bailout.
Turner, R-Centerville and Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, held a press conference to denounce a decision made during the auto bailout that resulted in salaried Delphi employees seeing their pensions slashed while union Delphi employees were made whole.
The duo was flanked by three salaried Delphi retirees who saw their pensions reduced by anywhere from 30 to 40 percent, though some salaried employees saw their pensions reduced by 70 percent. The 2009 decision affected pensions of about 700 Dayton-area Delphi retirees.
Obama “owes Delphi salaried retirees answers,” Turner said.
martysoffice: Clint Eastwood On Hannity Interview; Talks RNC Speech & Liberal Hollywood:
Clint Eastwood sat down with Sean Hannity tonight for a wide-ranging interview that hit on everything from Eastwood’s infamous RNC convention speech in August to just how liberal Hollywood actually is. Hannity repeatedly told Eastwood he loved the speech and made many important points about President Obama that he agreed with.
PJTV: Voter Fraud: Will The Democrats Vote Early, and Often?:
Can we expect the Democrats to engage in gangland style voter fraud in the presidential election? Democrats are encouraging their base to vote early through absentee ballots. Are the President Obama and the Democrats concocting Election Day shenanigans? Find out on this Trifecta.

Via Oversight and Reform: Obama State Dinners: Spend Like He Says, Not Like He Does:

Blackwell Head X-Ray Shows Nothing:

At the Repeal and Replace No McCaskill Rally at Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo, Friday night, conservative columnist and longtime Republican pol, Ken Blackwell shared a football story from his days at  Xavier University.