Fox News: Secret Docs Show Bergdahl Declared Jihad In 2010 (Video)

Via James Rosen of Fox News, relying on intel from “The Eclipse Group” – former CIA operatives.

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at one point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a “mujahid,” or warrior for Islam, according to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account and obtained by Fox News.

The reports indicate that Bergdahl’s relations with his Haqqani captors morphed over time, from periods of hostility, where he was treated very much like a hostage, to periods where, as one source told Fox News, “he became much more of an accepted fellow” than is popularly understood. He even reportedly was allowed to carry a gun at times.

The documents show that Bergdahl at one point escaped his captors for five days and was kept, upon his re-capture, in a metal cage, like an animal. In addition, the reports detail discussions of prisoner swaps and other attempts at a negotiated resolution to the case that appear to have commenced as early as the fall of 2009.


The Five discussed the breaking story, this afternoon on Fox.

Obama, meanwhile, made a big show of defending the swap, today, making no apologies, and referring to Berghdahl  as “somebody’s child.” And of course, he characterized the negaive reaction to the swap as political – once again stating: “We have a basic principle: we do not leave anybody wearing the American uniform behind.”

Even though he left his platoon behind and allegedly worked with the enemy against them.

Bergdahl’s platoon mates on the other hand, have been smeared as potential psychopaths by a Regime flunky. 

2 thoughts on “Fox News: Secret Docs Show Bergdahl Declared Jihad In 2010 (Video)

  1. Reblogged this on Lake Erie Conservative and commented:
    … this guy (Bergdahl) is going to be called to account before the bar of military justice … no doubt about it … he went AWOL , no doubts … desertion — some questions , but is likely …. collaboration — possible , but strong doubts …. traitor — ???? ….
    .. Bergdahl needs a lengthy chance to recover in a military hospital . Spending nearly 5 years in captivity will take a lot of starch out of anyone . It will give ArmyJAG a good chance to get their best people on the job to investigate what happened , when , and why . Then , and only then , might Pvt. Bergdahl be hauled to account for what he has done ….


  2. Someone needs to explain how after a AR 15-6 Investigation. Which would’ve included interviews of fellow soldiers from his unit, Intel from the battlefield that are now being exposed and intercepted enemy communications……how the hell this guy managed to get two promotions?

    While members of his unit were required to sign confidentiality agreements about his behavior? Was this guy Maxwell Smart & Agent 99 all rolled into one?



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