Saturday Movie Matinee: Nixon a Piker compared to Obama

IRS Scandal – IRS Claims To Have Lost Over 2 Years Of Lois Lerner’s Emails From “Computer Crash”:

Via the Wall Street Journal:

In the course of collecting and producing Ms. Lerner’s additional emails, the IRS determined her hard drive crashed in 2011. At the time, Ms. Lerner asked IRS IT professionals to restore her hard drive, but they were unable to do so. Nonetheless, the IRS has or will produce 24,000 Lerner emails from this 2009-2011 time period, largely from the files of the other 82 individuals.

IRS Claims Lost Over 2 Years Of Lois Lerner’s Emails Special Report Lightning Round:

Truth Revolt, Bill Whittle Firewall: Why Benghazi Matters:

 Washington Free Beacon: Obama’s War On Strawmen:

The president unleashes his favorite logical fallacy and then declares triumphant victory.

PJTV – Poor Hillary: Clinton Pleads Poverty Notwithstanding Her ‘Richest 1%’ Lifestyle:

MSNBC Goes Beyond Self-Parody: Guest: Time to work on gender equity in Iraq..

Speaking with fellow liberal Professor James Peterson, Dyson made it clear he certainly didn’t want to come off as “nasty” with that line of attack.

“We don’t want to be nasty and vicious here, but are the Republicans interested in a perpetual state of war?” he asked. “Because it seems like they are always, with this chest-pumping, patriarchal character, trying to thrust us [into one.]“

Peterson said earlier in the segment there was “gender equity” work, among other areas, that needed to be done in the Middle East that went beyond military intervention.

Dogs Annoying Cats with Their Friendship – Huffington Post: