Rep Brady to Koskinen: “This is the most corrupt and deceitful IRS in history.”

While Congressman Ryan’s exchange with the hapless IRS Commissioner Koskinen has garnered the most attention, today. Rep. Kevin Brady also had an interesting and edifying back and forth with him – blowing holes in IRS cover story.

Via The Houston Chronicle:

In a tense exchange between the commissioner and the Texas Republican, Brady claimed Koskinen withheld information from the congressional investigation on the IRS.

“You knew in March, and you withheld the information from this congressional investigation, and in May you assured this committee that all of Ms. Lerner’s emails would be provided to us and yet you knew that was not possible,” Brady said.

Koskinen fervently denied he had any knowledge that Lerner’s e-mails were irretrievable by March, or that he withheld any information from the investigation.

Brady said, “the IRS denied for two years targeting of Americans based on their political beliefs. That wasn’t the truth. They said it was a few rogue agents in Cincinnati. That wasn’t the truth. You said you were targeting liberal organizations. That wasn’t the truth. Then you assured us you would provide us all the emails in May and that wasn’t the truth. And today, you are telling us out of thousands of IRS computers, the one that lost the emails was a person of interest in an ongoing congressional investigation. And that is not the truth either.”

Exit question: What’s the penalty for lying to Congress?


Ace of Spades: Lois Lerner’s Hard Drive “Crashed” Ten Days After House Ways & Means Chairman David Camp Made His First Inquiry About Targeting Conservatives

 IRS Commissioner John Koskinen knew in February that Lois Lerner’s hard drive had “crashed” — but did not inform Congress until last week.

Worse yet, he has repeatedly told media outlets that he only knew of the crash in “late spring.”

Furthermore, a Treasury letter from April (repeatedly referenced by Rep. Brady) states that that department agreed with the IRS that Congress should be informed as soon as possible. And yet Koskinen did not inform Congress until last week.

Koskinen’s defense for what appears to be perjury or at least withholding critical information from Congress is this: I knew about the hard drive crash, but I didn’t know that emails would be irretrievable (and he maintains he doesn’t know if they can’t be retrieved), so I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you jumping to unwarranted conclusions.

Ed Morrissey, The Fiscal Times: Lost IRS Emails Point to An Abuse of Power and Cover-Up 

The closest insinuation between the IRS targeting scandal has been an unusual meeting between the IRS’ chief counsel, William Wilkins, and Obama on April 23, 2012. The chief counsel for the IRS would have no discernible reason for a private meeting with the president; his job would be to brief the IRS commissioner – at the time Douglas Shulman – who met with Obama the very next day.

The day after that, Wilkins sent a revised set of guidelines to Lois Lerner for the tax-exempt unit to use when applying extra scrutiny. To this day, no explanation for this meeting has been made public, even though records show that Wilkins spent hours at the White House with “POTUS” as his host.

Nor was this the first time that Wilkins appears in the targeting narrative. Carter Hull, a retired high-ranking IRS official with 48 years’ experience at the agency, testified that after he approved a Tea Party-related tax-exempt application, it got routed to Wilkins rather than finalized.


Paul Ryan to IRS Commish: ‘I Don’t Believe You!’ (Video)

Here’s some red meat for your Friday – Paul Ryan giving IRS Comissioner John Koskinen the business at Friday morning’s Ways and Means Committee hearing.

“I’m sitting here listening to this testimony and I don’t believe it. That’s your problem. I don’t believe it.”

… … …

Koskinen: ” I have a long career – that is the first time anybody has said that they do not believe me.

Ryan: “I don’t believe you.”


“Let him answer the question!” a Dem wagon-circler interjected at one point. “I didn’t ask him a question!” Ryan exclaimed in disgust.

He wanted to vent, and was not interested in hearing Koskinen lame protestations.

Somebody is thinking about running for president.


I was willing to entertain the possibility that when he took over for Miller in 2013 Koskinen would be an honest actor. But when he decided back in February to reinstate millions in bonuses to IRS employees to “boost morale” at a time when the agency should have been tightening its belt, I began to have my doubts.

Now, it’s obvious – Koskinen is a company man. He’s all in for the Regime.

Context: I’m told Ryan  followed a Dem member of the Black Caucus who had “apologized” to Koskinen for the uncivil way the barbaric Republicans were treating him at the hearing. That explains Ryan’s opening comments.

The Council Has Spoken!! This Weeks’ Watcher’s Council Results


The Council has spoken, the votes have been cast, and the results are in for this week’s Watcher’s Council match up.

“Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not.” – President Thomas Jefferson

“A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.” – Sigmund Freud

“An armed society is a polite society.” – Robert Heinlein

“That rifle on the wall of the labourer’s cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.” – George Orwell


This week’s winner, Bookworm Room’s – Bookworm’s 5 Point Gun Manifesto: Or Why I believe in Gun Rights spells out oh so clearly why without the Second Amendment all the others are meaningless. Here’s a slice:


God forgive me, but I used to be so anti-gun that I donated to The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence. I know. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Since that time, I’ve done a complete 180 and become a fervent gun supporter and a proud member of the NRA.

This change did not come about because I suddenly became a psychopathic killer, with guns as my weapon of choice. I do kill (spiders, fleas, and ticks) and I do eat dead bodies (cows, pigs, chicken, and fish), but I’m scarcely Hannibal Lecter.

Instead, my reversal on guns came about because I realized that gun’s are a predicate requirement for individual freedom and security. I’ve created five principles that justify this conclusion. These principles are: (1) Individuals bearing guns are the best defense against the world’s most dangerous killer: government; (2) I am a Jew; (3) I am not a racist; (4) a self-defended society is a safe society; and (5) the only way gun-control activists can support their position is to lie.

I develop each of these principles below.


A. Individuals Bearing Arms Are The Best Defense Against The World’s Most Dangerous Killer: Government.

1. DemProgs fear small digit murders by individuals; Second Amendment supporters fear murders in the millions by governments.

a. Mad or predatory individuals, ideologically motivated groups, and mean or careless corporations have never succeeded in using guns to achieve more than a few thousand deaths in any individual act.

DemProgs and conservatives alike share the same concerns: they don’t want killers to have guns. It’s just that DemProgs haven’t quite figured out who the real killers are. Their obsessive focus is on individuals and corporations. Let’s humor their fears and look at number of deaths those particular killers have achieved, beginning in the 20th century through to the present day.

Killers Without Guns:

The worst psychopathic individual mass murderer who did not use a gun: Gameel al-Batouti. On October 31, 1999, he cried out “Allahu Akbar” as he piloted a plane full of passengers into the Atlantic Ocean, killing 217 people.

The worst ideologically driven collective of mass murderers who did not use guns: The 19 al Qaeda members who, on September 11, 2001, used box cutters to hijack four planes, crashed those planes into three buildings and one into a field, and killed 2,996 people in a matter of hours.

The worst corporate mass murderer that did not use guns: In December 1984, the Union Carbide India Limited pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, accidentally released toxic gas from its facility, killing 3,787 people.

CONCLUSION: When dedicated mass murderers use something other than guns, they’re able to achieve deaths that range from a few hundreds dead to a few thousand dead.

Killers With Guns:

The worst psychopathic individual mass murderer who did use a gun: Anders Behring Breivik who, on July 22, 2011, shot and killed 69 people in Norway – mostly teenagers. This rampage came after he’d already set off a bomb, killing 8 people. Norway has strict gun control.

The worst ideologically driven collective mass murderers who did use guns: Given Islamists’ tendency to use all weapons available to shoot as many people as possible in as many countries as they can, this is a tough one to call. I believe, though, that the Mumbai terror attack in 2008 is the largest ideologically driven mass murder that relied solely on guns. Throughout the city of Mumbai, Islamic terrorists engaged in a coordinated attack that killed 154 people. Even the unbelievably bloody and shocking mall shooting that al Shabaab staged in Kenya killed only 63 people.

The worst corporate mass murder that did use guns: I can’t find any. To the extent that numerous workers died in any given 19th century labor dispute, those deaths occurred because state government, siding with management, sent out the state’s militia to disperse the strikers. For example, in November 1887, in Thibodaux, Louisiana, the state militia killed between 35 and 300 black sugar plantation strikers. The 20th and 21st century did not offer such examples.

: When individual killers or small groups of killers rely on guns, their effectiveness is limited, compared to those who use planes or bombs. In addition, corporations (outside of crazed Hollywood movies) drop out of the running entirely.

It’s clear that both individuals (singularly and collectively) and corporations can kill. However, even when given optimal killing situations (e.g., acts of terrorism or corporate negligence), the numbers stay in the low thousands – and sink even further when guns are involved.

DemProgs could conceivably argue that, once you start adding up small killing events (a murder here, a murder there), you’re going to find a lot of dead bodies piled around you. For example, if one adds upAmerica’s annual murder statistics from 1960 through 2012, the total number of Americans killed in those 52 years is 914,191. (This number encompasses all murders, not just those with guns, but we’ll still use it as the most extreme illustration of Americans’ alleged propensity to violence.)

If we then engaged in the risible pretense that these numbers were stable for all 233 years of America’s existence (900,000 murdered citizens per every 50 years), we could claim that citizens of the most murderous nation in history (which is how DemProgs view their own country) would have managed to achieve only around 4,000,000 murders in 233 years, using all weapons available.

Wow! 4,000,000 murders in 233 years! No wonder that DemProgs are so desperate to keep guns out of their fellow citizens’ hands. To them, Americans are stone-cold killers, wholly capable of killing almost a million of each other in just 50 years.

b. The serious killers in the last century haven’t been individuals or small groups. The serious killers have been governments acting against unarmed (usually disarmed) citizens.

Enough of the silly numbers! Let’s talk now about the real killers of the 20th and 21st centuries: Governments killing their own people or engaging in genocidal attacks against specifically selected religious, cultural, or racial groups – all of them unarmed and defenseless.

Much more of this must-read piece at the link

In our non-Council category, the winner was Mark Steyn for The Unmaking of the American Worldsubmitted by Liberty’s Spirit. In it,he analyzes the psychological aspect of America’s retreat, and how the Left is bringing it about.

Here are this week’s full results. Only Simply Jews, still enjoying himself in Italy was unable to vote this week, and was not subject to the 2/3 vote penalty for not voting:

Council Winners

Non-Council Winners

See you next week! Don’t forget to tune in on Monday AM for this week’s Watcher’s Forum, as the Council and their invited guests take apart one of the provocative issues of the day and weigh in…don’t you dare miss it. And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us Twitter..’cause we’re cool like that!

Issa: Lerner Broke the Law When She Decided Not To Recover Hard Drive (Video)

House Oversight and Reform Chairman Darrell Issa told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News, Thursday night, that the IRS broke the law when they recycled or destroyed a disc without informing the National Archives. At a bare minimum they have violated the Federal Records Act – but obviously – many suspect more nefarious crimes have been and are perhaps still in the process of being committed.

Issa said,  “I think the American public gets it that when a disk drive –quote – crashes, the data is still there and competent authorities can recover virtually, if not all, of that data. It’s clear that this disk drive went to the bone yard at a convenient time with convenient information.”

“The Federal Records Act required that these records be retained,” he said in answer to Greta’s question as to whether or not what the IRS did was intentional. “When they – recycled or destroyed the disk without informing the National Archives, they violated the law. The National Archives has now opened an investigation completely separate from ours into this series of wrongful destructions.”

” I had a conversation with the archivist, Issa continued. “His people train all of government on what to do and if your policy is not to retain on your servers past six months, which is what we now understand, and you tell your individual high-ranking officials they should retain the appropriate documents under the Federal Records Act, then you know those drives contain that.

Greta wanted to know if he thought the IRS lost emails deliberately. Issa chose his words carefully.”The person who made the decision not to have this drive recovered is the person who took the fifth. Lois Lerner.”

Greta suggested that Issa might want to move his focus to the receiving end of the emails.

Issa, replied, “Every email she sent out went to somebody on the other end. The problem is, except for the NSA under this administration, who has all those emails?”

Greta pressed Issa to issue subpoenas to all the entities on the receiving end of Lerner’s emails, but the Oversight Chairman was reluctant to go on a “fishing expedition” like his predecessor Henry Waxman often did.

“We would like to be pragmatic and positive and reasonable,” Issa said. “But right now when the IRS falsely holds this information back, that they knew under multiple commissioners, our first responsibility – Dave Camp and myself – is to put the commissioner in front of us and ask him what did he know and when did he know it and why didn’t he tell us?”

Greta reminded Issa that he testified in February “and he didn’t tell you then and apparently they’re supposed to know it by then.” Issa said that IRS Commissioner Koskinen was “clearly not forthcoming and he was right on the edge of perjury when he told our committee that, in fact, it could take up to two years to get this data, when he knew at that point, it could take up to forever.”

If ever a fishing expedition were warranted – it’s right now.

The Republicans should not be holding back but employing a scorched earth campaign to find the truth until it is all destroyed.

Megyn Kelly spoke with cyber security expert, Morgan Wright and  ACLJ Attorney Jay Sekulow about all the latest in the scandal -(which by the way, all the other networks are almost completely ignoring.)

It turns out,  chief of staff to former IRS commissioner Steven Miller, Nikole Flax (who was scheming with Lerner and the DOJ to prosecute conservative groups) visited the White House two days after Lerner made her big announcement about IRS wrongdoing in May of 2013.

When Megyn Kelly noted late into the interview that the White House has come out and said they have no emails between the White House office and Lois Lerner,  Seklow said Flax was the conduit between the White House and the IRS. Congress should check THOSE emails.

Question: How does the FBI investigate this when the head of the DOJ is corrupt and complicit in the cover-up?