Dick Cheney: “Absolutely Certain” There Will Be Another Mass Casualty Attack Against the US


Obama, moments after he gave his speech about ISIS beheading American journalist James Foley.

Last night, Former Vice President Dick Cheney, appearing on Fox News with Sean Hannity,  had some tough and cogent words for our current president Barack Obama, warning of the precarious state of insecurity he’s put the nation in. He said that due to Obama’s mismanagement of our national security, he is “absolutely certain”  the United States is  in for another mass casualty attack, only this time the terrorists will have far deadlier weapons than they did on 9/11/01.

“After watching this [beheading] video, I’m pretty convinced that we have a group of people at war with us,”  Hannity said. “Would you agree with that?”

“Absolutely,” Cheney agreed, saying that the beheading of American photojournalist James Foley by ISIS  was a tragic development, but there is surely more to come.

“Magnify that a million times over because that’s what’s in store for the rest of the world if we don’t deal effectively with this crisis,” he said. “I think the danger’s enormous. I don’t think the president understands it.”

After chronicling a number of the administration’s gross missteps on foreign policy, Hannity asked Cheney, “What s the president missing?”

“I keep wrestling with this question, Sean, of whether it’s naivete, or lack of experience, or because that’s the way he wants things to work, Cheney began. “I’ve just about reached the point where I’ve concluded that what he is discovering fairly late into his administration, is his basic world view is fundamentally flawed – that the world is a mean, nasty place on occasion – that you need a very strong America – you need superior American military forces to deal with it, and  I think that with every day that goes by, he’s finding the bigger and bigger gulf between his hoped for view of the world, and reality. He’s not up to speed and doesn’t want to believe all that’s going on out there, but every day we find new evidence that he’d rather be on the golf course than dealing with the crisis that developing rapidly in the Middle East.”

And that is the most charitable take one can take, of course. Cheney hinted at the darker explanation when he said, “because that’s the way he wants things to work.”

Because there are some who would argue that Obama is ideologically allied with the dark forces sweeping through the Middle East slaughtering Christians and other ethnic minorities. Of course Obama made sure to point out in his speech on Martha’s Vineyard, yesterday, that “the overwhelming majority” of their victims are other Muslims. On the other hand, the Vatican has given its blessing for US airstrikes to prevent Christian genocide in the Middle East.

Obama allowed the wholesale slaughter of Christians throughout the Middle East to continue unabated for years until the very bad optics of mostly Yazidis trapped on a mountain forced him to act.  The implications of that can not be easily dismissed.

“Do you think the president understands the danger of radical Islam, and what do you think the danger is,” Hannity asked Cheney.

“I think the danger’s enormous and I don’t think the president understands it,” Cheney replied.  “I look at things like the Rand Report that was published a couple of months ago that talked about a 58% increase in the number of Jihadist groups around the world over a three year period of time, I look at the statements by General Flynn who’s just stepping down as Director of the Intelligence Agency who says over a 10 year period of time, there’s been a doubling of the terrorist threat in that part of the world. The intelligence is there for all to see – there’s no question about what’s happening, but this president and the people around him refuse to recognize it.”

Remember when I said that under Obama, everything that is bad, sky-rockets? – this is just one more example of that maxim. Obama and his fellow ideologues argued that it was our presence in the Middle East that was breeding terrorism. So we pulled out of Iraq and promised to leave Afghanistan and what did terrorism do? It  sky-rocketed. It’s one thing to be wrong about everything – but this president refuses to learn from his mistakes.

And the fact that he continues to go golfing and refuses to take the ISIS problem as seriously as he should,  makes people wonder if “this is they way he wants things to work.”

Cheney went on to decry the major reductions in our military spending that is weakening our national defense, calling it a “trainwreck.”

“And it’s hard to believe that this president is as ineffective as he clearly is,” he added (again hinting at a darker explanation.)  He called him “the weakest president in my lifetime.”

“I’m absolutely certain that another day there will be another mass casualty attack against the United States, only next time, they’ll have far deadlier weapons,” he said.

2 thoughts on “Dick Cheney: “Absolutely Certain” There Will Be Another Mass Casualty Attack Against the US

  1. Yes there will be another 9/11and, like the last one, Cheney will be a cohort in its design and blame the Muslims!


  2. Congratulations. Your comment made my the top ten list for all time dumbest comments here at Nice Deb. I award you 1,000,000,000 dumbshit points, (and may God have mercy on your soul.)


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