Krauthammer: Obama Comments On Scott Walker’s Foreign Policy Acumen “Borders on the Pathological” (Video)

I see Charles Krauthammer concurs with me on the surreal spectacle of a failed President  giving advice to the ascendant Governor Scott Walker.  Obama had the presumption to advise Walker to “bone up on foreign policy” after the Wisconsin Governor said he would revoke any agreement with Iran as president.

Of course, Dr. K. is somewhat more erudite and civil in his punditry than I am.

Transcript via RCP:

“I think this really helps Walker,” Krauthammer declared on Fox News’ Special Report, tonight.

“It’s not just a campaign story. This is a character story. I mean, we all know that Obama is a narcissist. But this is sort of bordering on the pathological. Given the wreckage that he has left America’s foreign policy in across the world, and I could go through the list of countries but it would take up the whole segment from all the way from Mali to what’s happening in Iran and Iraq and Syria right now.

For him to be condescending to anybody on how to conduct foreign policy is quite remarkable. And if he is giving out advice, I think any president, new president would be knowledgeable enough to, for example, this is one of hundreds. You would not want to tell a KGB thug like Putin that after my election I will be a more flexible because Putin, of course, understands all that and he has reacted accordingly.

You have got a president who has left the United States in a position of more weakness, less respect, less trust of our allies, respect of our enemies around the world, compared to six years ago, when he came into office. I think he should be a little more humble when it comes to offering others advice.”

Video: Sen. Rand Paul Officially Announces 2016 Presidential Bid (Full Speech)

ICYMI, here is Rand Paul’s official announcement that he is running for president – (which I think everyone already knew.)

The speech itself is getting mixed reviews with some folks saying that he “gave a great speech” – and others saying that he got merely a single “when he could have had extra bases or a home run.”

I think it was necessary for Paul to separate himself from the radical isolationism of his father – which he did in this portion of the speech:

In my Vision for America, Freedom and prosperity at home can only be achieved if we defend against enemies who are dead-set on attacking America.
The enemy is Radical Islam and not only will I name the enemy, I will do what ever it takes to defend America from these haters of mankind!
We need a National Defense robust enough to defend against all attack, modern enough to deter all enemies, and nimble enough to defend our vital interests.
But we also need a foreign policy that protects American interests and encourages stability — not chaos!
I envision an America with a National Defense unparalleled, undefeatable, and unencumbered by overseas nation building!
I envision a National Defense that promotes, as Reagan put it, ‘Peace through Strength.’
I believe in applying Ronald Reagan’s approach to foreign policy to the Iran issue.
Successful negotiations with untrustworthy adversaries are only achieved from a position of strength.
We brought Iran to the table from strength, through sanctions I voted for.
Now we must stay strong. That’s why I co-sponsored legislation that insures that any deal between the US and Iran must be approved by Congress.
Not only is that good policy, it is the law.
I will oppose any deal that does not end Iran’s nuclear ambitions and have strong verification measures. I will insist that any final version be brought before Congress.
The difference between President Obama and myself-he seems to think you can negotiate from a position of weakness.

Video: Obama Slams “Less than Loving” Christians As Christian Genocide Continues Throughout the World

On Good Friday, Pope Francis seemed to be speaking directly to the president of the United States when he denounced the “complicit silence” of leaders in the face of Christian genocide. In his address to tourists in St. Peter’s Square, Monday, Francis revisited the subject, exhorting leaders of the free world to do something about the slaughters of Christians that are happening in several parts of the world.

Addressing pilgrims and tourists in St. Peter’s Square, Francis praised those who were “sensitizing public opinion about the persecution of Christians in the world.”

While not suggesting any particular course of action, he urged “concrete participation and tangible help in defense and protection of our brothers and our sisters, who are persecuted, exiled, slain, beheaded, solely for being Christian.”

The pontiff said that the martyrs of today outnumber those of the first centuries.

“I hope that the international community doesn’t stand mute and inert before such unacceptable crimes, which constitute a worrisome erosion of the most elementary human rights. I truly hope that the international community doesn’t look the other way.” Francis declared.

Meanwhile, the president of the United States Barack Obama continues omit the word “Christian” in White House statements condemning Muslim atrocities – most recently in his response to the massacre of 150 Christians at Kenya’s Garissa University College, last week, where he substituted “innocent men and women” for Christians.

At the National Prayer Breakfast earlier this year, however, the president had no trouble identifying Christians as perpetrators of atrocities hundreds of years ago – during the crusades and inquisition.

And this morning, Obama, still pretending that he’s a Christian himself, seemed to go after his Christian opponents, as he veered off script during the White House Easter Prayer Breakfast (where the Reverend Al was among the guests.)

“On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that, as a Christian, I am supposed to love,” the president said during the breakfast at the White House. “And I have to say that, sometimes when I listen to other less-than-loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned.”

Steve Hayes, Editor of the Weekly Standard, noted on Fox News that it was odd that Obama would use the occasion of the prayer breakfast to talk about Christians not being loving – rather than the recent massacre of Christians in Kenya, Nigeria and elsewhere.

“It’s not just that he didn’t take this opportunity to point out the struggles Christians are dealing with throughout the world, Hayes said. “It’s also his focus on ‘non-loving things’ Christians are saying at the same time that his administration just this past week sort of shrugged off these ‘death to America’ chants that we heard in Iran – led and embraced by the Iran Supreme Leader.”

Hayes continued, “he doesn’t seem to be troubled by those…but he likes to focus on the alleged misdeeds or misstatements or anger of Christians.”

He agreed with Martha MacCallum that president’s lack of  a response to the Pope’s exhortation for help was “strange.”

“Sometimes the silence from the president says more than his words do,” Hayes noted.


OMG. What?

Gateway Pundit:  Obama Bashes “Foolish” Scott Walker For Not Trusting Iranian Regime (Video) …Update: Walker Responds:

Obama, who had absolutely no foreign policy experience when he was elected president, said Walker needed to take some time to “bone up on foreign policy.”
CBS News reported:

President Obama says Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker would be taking a foolish approach if he follows through with vows to revoke a nuclear deal with Iran if elected president.

The president was asked in an NPR News interview about Walker’s recent comments promising to reject any Iran deal Mr. Obama reaches on his first day as president.

And if the president’s ability to strike agreements starts being questioned, Mr. Obama told NPR, it will be a problem for allies and embolden U.S. enemies. He says he’s confident anyone knowledgeable enough to be elected president “won’t won’t start calling to question the capacity of the executive branch of the United States to enter into agreements with other countries.”

The president said in the interview, “It would be a foolish approach to take, and, you know, perhaps Mr. Walker, after he’s taken some time to bone up on foreign policy, will feel the same way.

Um yeah. Obama – whose appalling policies have contributed to the horrifying debacles we’ve been witnessing throughout the world – has the unmitigated GALL to lecture Republicans on foreign policy. At this point any Tom Dick or Harry randomly chosen from the phone book would do a better job than this idiot – this SCOAMF.

Sorry for that “less than loving expression” of disgust with the heinous presidency of Barack Obama.

Our Weasel Of The Week Nominees!!

It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

Here are this weeks’ nominees….
Alix Bryan, TV  ‘Journalist’ And Member Of The Thought Police!

The Noisy Room : I nominate Alix Bryan, “1/3 of a kick-ass web and social media team @CBS6” in Richmond, VA for being an epic weasel and announcing on Twitter that she had reported the wildly successful GoFundMe campaign for Memories Pizza for fraud — “just in case.” I join Twitchy in asking, just in case what? That they were successful? Which they were and we can’t have that, now can we? Last time I looked, people had donated almost $1 million to Memories Pizzeria in Indiana, who felt they had to close their doors after receiving death threats when they declined to supply pizza to a gay wedding because of their Christian beliefs. Donations, I might add, that came in from gay and straight alike and from both sides of the political aisle.

Hmmm… who to believe… a Progressive Marxist working for lying scum at CBS OR a Christian family? Think I’ll go with the Christians.

In an “apology” tweeted Friday night, Bryan claims that she “searched for the name of the person associated with the GoFundMe account and reached out via social media,” but received no response. Now that’s odd, since that account was set up by Dana Loesch’s contributor Lawrence B. Jones. They made no secret of their support for the pizzeria or that they were raising money to help this family out. Bryan owes Dana Loesch, Lawrence B. Jones and Memories Pizzeria an apology. Man up, Alix… that should be easy for you.

Sounds like you’ve got this weaselly lying thing down pat, Alix. Actually, apologizing won’t cut it. The damage has been done. You put out a blatant lie that went everywhere and you just let it wreak havoc. That’s so very Alinsky of you. Then you gave a meh apology that means nothing. Maybe you should work for Barack Obama.
Male Bashing Leftist Cadre and U of VA President Teresa Sullivan!!

 Don Surber : This Mustela academia arbitrarily suspended every fraternity and sorority at the University based solely on a music magazine’s ludicrous, unsourced story about a gang  rape. She did so without a hearing or even any modicum of a nod to jurisprudence, even though her husband is listed as a “legal scholar” by Wikipedia. She did so despite Duke University’s witch hunt against its lacrosse team in 2006. But Teresa Sullivan has a lengthy career in the Mustela family, beginning as a student at the University of Michigan when she sucked up to its then-president, Clifton R. Wharton, Jr., as an intern. She climbed the ladder of college presidenting basically because she is a woman at a time when universities need women presidents because, hey, 60% of their students are. In 2012, the University of Virginia board tried to dump her, but then-Governor Bob McDonnell threatened to dump all the board members. He is now in prison for political corruption. Jann Wenner — our Mustela trustfund-hippietis  — deserves an honorable mention, of course, but give her the Golden Weasel.
Rolling Stone’s Investigative Reporter Fiction Writer And Rape Fantasist Sabrina Erderly!

 Nice Deb : I’m gonna nominate the Rolling Stone’s hack reporter Sabrina Erdely who has issued an apology to an extensive list of people, but somehow managed to leave out the injured parties.

Via Twitchy:

“The past few months, since my Rolling Stone article “A Rape on Campus” was first called into question, have been among the most painful of my life. Reading the Columbia account of the mistakes and misjudgments in my reporting was a brutal and humbling experience. I want to offer my deepest apologies: to Rolling Stone’s readers, to my Rolling Stone editors and colleagues, to the U.V.A. community, and to any victims of sexual assault who may feel fearful as a result of my article.

“Over my 20 years of working as an investigative journalist — including at Rolling Stone, a magazine I grew up loving and am honored to work for — I have often dealt with sensitive topics and sources. In writing each of these stories I must weigh my compassion against my journalistic duty to find the truth. However, in the case of Jackie and her account of her traumatic rape, I did not go far enough to verify her story. I allowed my concern for Jackie’s well-being, my fear of re-traumatizing her, and my confidence in her credibility to take the place of more questioning and more facts. These are mistakes I will not make again.

“Reporting on rape has unique challenges, but the journalist still has the responsibility to get it right. I hope that my mistakes in reporting this story do not silence the voices of victims that need to be heard.”

Erdely neglected to include Phi Kappa Psi – the fraternity she defamed in her apology.

 The Right Planet :Rolling Stone magazine’s leading whole cloth weaver (a.k.a. “reporter”), Sabrina Rubin Erdely, decided she needed to write an article (see “narrative”) detailing the alleged rape of a University of Virginia (UVA) student, allegedly named “Jackie,” that highlighted the alleged “rape culture” so allegedly prevalent on today’s alleged college campuses. Erdely’s article titled ‘A Rape on Campus’ alleges Jackie somehow was lured into a dark room at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity where she was allegedly gang-raped by the mysterious bad boy lifeguard “Drew.”

There’s just one problem … it was all fabricated. Yep. It was all just one big Harlequin rape fetish fantasy. We’ll just overlook that little pesky fact that “Jackie” smeared an entire fraternity and wasted four months of police time and effort. Unsurprisingly, lefty rags like WashPo are claiming it is “Jackie” who’s the true victim.

Apparently Rolling Stone is just fine with Erdely’s style of “confirmation bias journalism.” Sabrina Rubin Erdely is still employed at Rolling Stone magazine; and her editor reportedly has no plans of making any policy changes. According to Rolling Stone’s publisher, Jann Wenner, no one’s really at fault here. Besides, like George Costanza of the Seinfeld show once counseled, “It is not a lie if you believe it is true.” They were just trying to “raise awareness,” don’t ya know. Yep, folks, you just can’t make this stuff up. D’oh! My bad … yes you can! Back out quiet (allegedly).
Rolling Stone Publisher Jann Wenner!!

The Independent Sentinel : Jann Wenner is an exceptionally fine candidate for weasel of the week.

Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner finally took the fabricated UVA rape story off the Internet, long after everyone knew it was false. He has decided not to take any disciplinary action against the editors or fact-checkers because they simply made a mistake. It wasn’t intentional. This is a man who has had no problem firing anyone in the past.

The University was discredited, the three friends were humiliated and insulted in the article, and the fraternity members were ostracized, but it’s not worth firing anyone over that according to Wenner.

Wenner blamed the victim who he described as “a really expert fabulist storyteller” who manipulated the magazine’s journalistic process (which obviously doesn’t exist). He blamed the author who was “willing to go too far in her effort to try and protect a victim of apparently a horrible crime. She dropped her journalistic training, scruples,and rules, and convinced Sean (editor Sean Woods) to do the same.”

In the end, Wenner feels they should have been “tougher”.

Maybe he should take some personal responsibility for having absolutely no journalistic standards.

Fortunately, most people know not to go to Rolling Stone for their news though there is no question they cause harm.

On Twitter, the left is blaming the right, saying that where Rolling Stone went wrong was they used right-wing standards to tell a left-wing story. The left is still painting the liar ‘Jackie’ as a victim and claiming that this unsubstantiated story was beneficial because it brought a real story to light. Men raping women on campuses is a favorite of the left-wing.

The fraternity is going to sue Rolling Stone and I don’t mind if they put them out of business. It would be a service to the country.

Well, there it is. What a despicable group of  Weasels…ANY OF THEM COULD WIN! Check back Thursday to see which Weasel walks off with the statuette of shame!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum.

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