Saturday Movie Matinee: Open Gates

Breitbart London: With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations:

Although the 19-minute film may feel like a dispatch from the future, it is cut entirely from recent news reports, police camera footage, and interviews. Kicking off with scenes of a modern car ferry disgorging thousands of illegals into Greece, the film then cuts to dozens of aerial shots of columns of migrants marching north into Europe.

The film then changed to the harrowing testimony of one young Greek woman who was unable to hide her horror and despair at the scale of the migrant crisis sweeping over her home island of Lesbos. Just six miles from the Turkish coast, the island was subjected to migrant riots in September as newcomers turned on their hosts for not moving them to mainland Europe fast enough.

As Breitbart London reported at the time, the tearful woman tells a news crew: “We are in danger, every day, every minute. We need someone to protect us. They come into our houses. I want to go to work, but I can’t. Our children want to go to school, but they can’t. They have stolen our lives!”

Walid Phares on the terror attacks in Paris:

GERALDO Breaks Down – His Daughter Was in Paris Stadium During Attacks:

PJ Media: University of Missouri Professor and Administrator Harass Journalists at Campus Protest:

Ben Carson: We’re being too tolerant of infantile behavior:

WFB: Neil Cavuto embarrasses student who wants free college and has no idea how to pay for it:

A painful exchange with a young student who’s organizing for free public colleges, cancellation of all student debt and $15/hour minimum wage for all campus employees. She doesn’t really know how to pay for it, unfortunately.

Megyn Kelly, Alan Dershowitz rip liberal fascism on campuses: ‘These students are book burners’:

Black on White Crime Ignored at University of Missouri:

Neel Kolhatkar: Modern Educayshun:

SEE ALSO: Roger L. Simon, PJ Media: The Cultural Revolution Comes to America’s Campuses:

Recent events at the University of Missouri and Yale (where I attended graduate school), plus now other institutions, have only increased my apprehension. It’s not  at the level of the Cultural Revolution — professors haven’t been asked to wear dunce caps yet and no one (to my knowledge) has been killed — but the portents are not reassuring.

Mob rule, not anything close to democracy, is at play. The so-called SJWs (Social Justice Warriors) seem to be functioning as early avatars of the infamous Red Guard, bullying and then threatening violence to anyone whose thoughts run outside what is deemed to be correct.

College professors and administrators quiver in their path. In the case of Mizzou, the president resignedbefore any concrete evidence of racism was made manifest. It still hasn’t been days later. At dear old Yale, it’s even more bizarre because there were no imputations of racism in the first place, only that there might have been or might be. Forget Bull Connor and the KKK, inappropriate Halloween costumes were the new danger. It was all about having a “safe space” so  feelings wouldn’t be hurt, as if the world could be perfect and the human species remade for an extraordinarily fragile generation of coddled students.

Donald Trump Exposed, A Documentary That everybody Must See:

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