Saturday Movie Matinee: Obama’s Our Greatest National Security Threat

Gingrich: Obama represents greatest national security threat:

Former House speaker goes on ‘Hannity’ to talk POTUS’ response to terror
Watch Sean Hannity talk about Counter Terrorism, Executive Branch, Terror, and White House on Hannity.

Megyn Kellly: White House goes silent on terrorism in California:

With Charles Krauthammer…

Obama Breaks Silence: This is insane (Meaning your guns.)

Cali. shooting shows divide between presidential candidates:

Mark Steyn Talks Islamic Terrorism With Howie Carr clip:

PJ Media, Trifecta: Obama’s Fantasy Foreign Policy:

PARIS CLIMATE CHALLENGE: Christopher Monckton:

Viscount Christopher Monckton at The alternative meeting in Paris to the COP 21,The Paris Climate Challenge. More on the site including exclusive interviews here and


Merry Christmas From Black Lives Matter at the White House – and other hoaxes: