One Less Thing To Worry About

Remember that 40 million dollar media campaign led by David Brock that was to be the main vehicle for independent attacks on John McCain? There were numerous reports about Progressive Media USA about a month ago, and it had some Republicans shaking in their boots.

Well, according to TPM, the group is “quietly shuttering those efforts with barely a whimper”.

Brock has quietly leaked a statement to The Washington Post saying that his group is, for all practical purposes, defunct.

“Progressive Media will not be running an independent ad campaign this year,” Brock’s statement to WaPo said, adding that “donors and potential donors are getting clear signals from the Obama camp through the news media and we recognize that reality.”

One interesting footnote: With the likelihood of Obama donors helping them pretty much non-existent, Brock and company reportedly realized that Clinton donors, too, would be unlikely to help fund an effort to get Obama elected.

Mark Levin asks an obvious question at The Corner:

His group was to be “independent” but now won’t be active because Obama told them to back off? Uh, how is that independent, Brock?

Nevermind that. What can we do to stop McCain’s worst enemy from derailing his campaign for POTUS?

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