Saturday Movie Matinee

Ann Coulter appeared on Hannity to promote her new book, Demonic, (which I fully intend to read in one sitting as soon as I get my hands on it.)

David Limbaugh calls Chilling ‘Demonic’ Is Ann Coulter’s Best Book.

Ann Coulter’s chilling two-chapter recapitulation of the French Revolution is worth well more than the price of her new book, “Demonic,” but that’s just a bonus.

Also priceless are Coulter’s plethora of one-liner skewerings of the liberal mob, but I digress. What make this her best book are her incisive demonstration that the revolution was the mother of the many totalitarian “revolutions” it spawned in the name of the people, her dissection of the mob mentality that drove it, and her case against today’s American liberals as exemplars of this mob mentality.

She first establishes her base line, defining the mob as “an irrational, childlike, often violent organism that derives its energy from the group. Intoxicated by messianic goals, the promise of instant gratification, and adrenaline-pumping exhortations, mobs create mayhem, chaos, and destruction, leaving a smoldering heap of wreckage for their leaders to climb to power.”

Sound familiar? It should, because “the Democratic Party is the party of the mob . . . Indeed, the very idea of a ‘community organizer’ is to stir up a mob for some political purpose.” No truer words.


Move over Susan Boyle, a 22-year-old Korean laborer is taking aim at your title as the Internet’s next unlikely viral singing star. Sung-Bong Choi appeared on “Korea’s Got Talent” on Monday, June 6, a shy young guy in a flannel shirt and a bowl haircut, apologizing for not being a very good singer even before he sang his first notes.

But of course he had the requisite tear-jerker story that signaled to the audience that he probably was going to sing just fine: Dumped at an orphanage at 3, he ran away at 5 because they beat him and ended up selling gum on the streets and sleeping in public toilets for the next decade. (Maybe Sung-Bong is Korean for Oliver Twist? Anyone know?) He lived like a “day fly,” Choi told the judges on the Korean spinoff of the talent hunt TV show.

Then he sang — “Nella Fantasia,” the pop opera tune first done by Sarah Brightman — and everyone in the audience went from laughing at the day laborer to weeping. Including the judges who offered hugs and vocal lessons and a ticket to the next round when he finished.


In case you thought that seemed a bit contrived –  tugging at your heartstrings as it did, they did leave out one important part of his biography:

While he did spend his childhood on the streets, he also somehow managed to attended a high school for the performing arts and studied voice, a bit that was edited out of the show to “make the story flow better,” according to the network.


In case you haven’t seen it yet, the endless shampoo prank:


Via AFP’s Running On Empty:

Empty Tank Policies:

• Illegal Moratoriums: After the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf, President Obama issued a moratorium on all new offshore drilling. The courts twice overturned his ban, and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar was even held in contempt of court for refusing to allow energy producers to get back to work. Since then, oil companies have complained of a virtual “permitorium” as the Obama administration has blocked them at every turn from getting permits. The message is clear: Obama is against domestic energy production.

• Canceling existing oil and gas leases: Amazingly, not only has Obama blocked any new permits but he’s also reaching back and canceling drilling leases that were already in place when he took office. More than 75 parcels in Utah were yanked back after leases were issued. In addition, they’ve ended 61 leases in Montana. They’ve also rescinded leases in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. How can American energy companies get production flowing and put this country back to work if every time they get a lease they have to worry about it being canceled?

• Locking up lands in the West: The Department of the Interior has continued to block more and more access to federal lands in the American West. From unilateral secretarial orders to create “wild lands” on a whim, to using the 1906 Antiquities Act to create massive “national monuments” that span millions of acres, to using the Endangered Species Act to block Texas and Alaska resources, the federal government is working overtime to make sure Americans cannot access their own domestic resources.

• EPA’s job-crushing regulations: The EPA is advancing numerous regulations that will have a disas- trous impact on our economy. They are trying to regulate greenhouse gases to combat climate channge.


A blast from the past. Here’s Dennis Miller’s stand-up routine circa 1988.


Via Moonbattery: Whitewashing the Pedophile Priest Problem:

A recent study about the priest sex abuse crisis has raised many more questions than it has answered. It may be a report that many leaders in the Church wish had never been conducted in the first place.


See PJ TV for the latest installment of Instavision, where Glenn Reynolds interviews Dan Mitchell of the CATO Institute about the failures of Obamanomics and the Keynesianism.

Obama is not worried about a double-dip recession. Should he be? Find out as Dan Mitchell looks at the economic policies of Obama, Bush and Clinton.

Double Dip Recession: Will Obama’s Policies Doom Our Economy and His Chances in 2012?


Watch clips from Sarah Palin’s movie, The Undefeated at Breitbart TV: Film Director Steven Bannon Talks Palin Movie with Hannity

10 thoughts on “Saturday Movie Matinee

  1. Pingback: Saturday Movie Matinee (via Nice Deb) | YOU DECIDE

  2. I’ve read all of her books to date. I especially loved Treason. She confirmed what I had suspected about the McCarthy era all along.

    And the amazing thing is, even though “Demonic” for a title seems a little *out there* —I’ve been thinking along the same lines for awhile now. Especially since the left’s attack on Sarah Palin after the Tucson shooting. These people are not just stupid and crazy…

    I was reminded of how they went after Henry Hyde and other Republicans during Clinton’s impeachment hearings – digging up 30+ year personal scandals to attack them with. It almost seemed like a spiritual battle. Like what goes on during an exorcism (if you believe in such things). What does the demon do to the priest performing the exorcism? It exploits personal failings to attack him with. You saw that demonstrated in the movie, The Exorcist, but it’s a common occurrence in exorcisms. Look at Henry Hyde as the priest exorcising the evil from the White House, and the left who attacked him and other House Republicans as enraged demons refusing to go.

    An argument that has often been made about the way the left views the right that I’ve never quite agreed with is that the left hates us because they believe we’re “evil”. They dismiss us because they really think we’re evil. I don’t believe that. How can a deluded people who don’t even believe evil exists really think that? I think they they attack us because we’re not evil. To them the truth is the enemy….(see how they defend the lies of their Dem masters) beauty is the enemy (see how they attack beautiful conservative women who live wholesome lives)….patriotism is the enemy (how they belittle our love of country) …everything decent and wholesome is the enemy. (See how they’ve polluted the culture and education over the years). Everything that threatens their chosen lifestyles (which separate them from God) – is the enemy. I think it’s more than a coincidence that the left’s playbook, Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals was dedicated to Satan.


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  6. Pingback: Reboot Congress: Video: Ann Coulter's 'Demonic'

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