DOJ Defunds Patriotic ‘Young Marines’ Group For Crime of Loving God


“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.”

In the latest example of the Regime’s ongoing War Against religion, Eric Holder’s loathsome Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights tried to get the leader of a patriotic group for young men in Louisiana to sign a letter pledging not to pray, or mention the word “God” at their meetings.

“I flat said, ‘It’s not going to happen. Enough is enough. This is the United States of America – and the idea that the mere mention of God or voluntary prayer is prohibited is ridiculous,” the Sheriff said.

If he were praising Gaia, expounding on the wonders of gay sex, cross-dressing, selling  Obamaphones, blaming America for all of the world’s woes, handing out free condoms, etc – the DOJ would be celebrating him – promoting him even as an example for others to follow..  But no. The Regime is punishing  two programs that help troubled young people because of the crime of  encouraging faith in God. 

Todd Starnes reported at Fox News:

Julian Whittington, the sheriff of Bossier Parish, La., told Fox News the Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights defunded $30,000 for their Young Marines chapter as well as a youth diversion program.  Federal officials objected to a voluntary student-led prayer in the department’s youth diversion program and an oath recited by the Young Marines that mentions God, according to Whittington, who blasted what he considers the government’s  “aggression and infringement of our religious freedoms.”

“We were informed that these are unacceptable, inherently religious activities and the Department of Justice would not be able to fund the programs if it continued,” Whittington told Fox News. “They wanted a letter from me stating that I would no longer have voluntary prayer and I would also have to remove ‘God’ from the Young Marine’s oath.”

The DOJ and the Office of Civil Rights are aware of the controversy but did not return phone calls seeking comment.

Fox News obtained an email written by an attorney for the DOJ’s Office of Civil Rights raised questions about references to God and church along with the phrase “love of God.”

The attorney also raised questions about one of the five elements of the Young Marines Creed – “Keep myself clean in mind by attending the church of my faith.”

The programs have been in place for at least ten years, and there hasn’t been a problem until now.

Here’s the content of the offending Young Marines oath:

“From this day forward, I sincerely promise, I will set an example for all other youth to follow and I shall never do anything that would bring disgrace or dishonor upon God, my Country and its flag, my parents, myself or the Young Marines. These I will honor and respect in a manner that will reflect credit upon them and myself. Semper Fidelis.”

Disturbing stuff huh? —( to maybe 2% of the population + Holder’s Office of Civil Rights.)

“Right here in good, old Bossier Parish, Louisiana in the United States of America – something as basic as voluntary prayer and the mere mention of God is offensive and prohibited (by the government),” he said.

Both youth programs have been hailed as a successful way to reach at-risk young people. Since 2002 more than 1,000 young people have graduated from the program, directed by a Bossier Parish deputy who is a former U.S. Marine.

The federal money had been used to purchase uniforms and supplies for the kids. But Whittington said it’s not about the money.

“The money is not the issue,” he said. “It’s the principle of the matter. What is going on here? Who is dictating what can or can’t be said in Bossier Parish?”

The sheriff wrote a letter to La. Gov. Bobby Jindal explaining his decision not to compromise.

Read the rest here. 


More evidence of the Regime’s war on God can be seen in the Middle East, where not only are we doing nothing to help Christian minorities under constant attack – our State Dept. is actively telling them to sit down and shut up and take it like good little Dhimmis: Breaking… Obama to Christian Copts: Don’t Protest the Muslim Brotherhood Leader:

Once again the Barack Obama Administration is taking direction from the Muslim Brotherhood and telling Christian Copts in Egypt not to protest the Morsi regime. Opposition groups are planning a massive anti-Morsi protest on June 30.
Middle East Forum reported:

As Egyptians of all factions prepare to demonstrate in mass against the Muslim Brotherhood and President Morsi’s rule on June 30, the latter has been trying to reduce their numbers, which some predict will be in the millions and eclipse the Tahrir protests that earlier ousted Mubarak. Accordingly, among other influential Egyptians, Morsi recently called on Coptic Christian Pope Tawadros II to urge his flock, Egypt’s millions of Christians, not to join the June 30 protests.

While that may be expected, more troubling is that the U.S. ambassador to Egypt is also trying to prevent Egyptians from protesting—including the Copts. The June 18 edition of Sadi al-Balad reports that lawyer Ramses Naggar, the Coptic Church’s legal counsel, said that during Patterson’s June 17 meeting with Pope Tawadros, she “asked him to urge the Copts not to participate” in the demonstrations against Morsi and the Brotherhood.

The Pope politely informed her that his spiritual authority over the Copts does not extend to political matters.

Regardless, many Egyptian activists are condemning Patterson for continuously behaving like the Muslim Brotherhood’s stooge. Leading opposition activist Shady el-Ghazali Harb said Patterson showed “blatant bias” in favor of Morsi and the Brotherhood, adding that her remarks had earned the U.S. administration “the enmity of the Egyptian people.” Coptic activists like George Ishaq openly told Patterson to “shut up and mind your own business.” And Christian business tycoon Naguib Sawiris—no stranger to Islamist hostility—posted a message on his Twitter account addressed to the ambassador saying “Bless us with your silence.”

This story isn’t exactly breaking – I saw it several days ago.

I want my country baaaaack…

4 thoughts on “DOJ Defunds Patriotic ‘Young Marines’ Group For Crime of Loving God

  1. Pingback: Look What Egyptians Are Saying About Obama’s Awesome Ambassador To Egypt | Nice Deb

  2. One common theme throughout this Administration is its attack on anything considered moral.

    Look at everything/everyone being attacked, and you will see that there is always personal morality involved. I recall a propaganda video shown in my college history class, in which the Socialists were carrying signs saying: “SMASH THE BOY SCOUTS!!” That video was from the 1930’s, during the Depression.

    The Left has never changed. They attack morality wherever they see it. They even attack Blacks who oppose abortion and homosexuality.

    Just watch, and you will see that the incessant attack are always against society’s moral values. That is how they break down society — because without morality, there are no values. And without values, anything is acceptable.

    That is how they destroy society. Then they pick up the pieces — with themselves in charge. It worked for Stalin, and it is now working with Obama.


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