Overpasses For Obama’s Impeachment Launches On Facebook

Yesterday I was wondering why  Republicans continue to allow this Scandal Plagued President to get away with so much corrupt, unethical, destructive, vindictive, dishonest and in some cases criminal malfeasance. (See Doug Ross for Obama’s Complete List of Historic Firsts for the gory details.)

Looks like some United States Citizens are taking matters into their own hands:


Via White House Dossier:

A new activist group is attempting to launch summertime demonstrations across the country demanding that Congress act to impeach the president. The protests will feature groups of anti-Obama activists hanging banners across overpasses above the busiest highways they can find.

The newly formed Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment – inspired by a June 8 Tea Party protest that snarled traffic in Carlsbad, California – plans to begin protests July 4, according to a report by Examiner.com. Organizers hope to organize wave of protests across the nation, dubbed “The Patriot Wave,” in the hope that it will catch the attention of Congress.

Here’s the Facebook page. There are 2,795 likes so far and there are local chapters in all 50 states.

9 thoughts on “Overpasses For Obama’s Impeachment Launches On Facebook

  1. ~NiceDeb, Is it considered bad manners to mention another blogger’s post here? If so, I will understand if you not allow this to post.~ Chilly Palmer, over at “Impeach Obama Today” (@WordPress.com) has reported an “Exclusive: Deputy of banned cleric, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, had White House meeting with National Security Council Staff…”, on 13 June 2013, picture enclosed, as well as the shenanigans to cover it up! If I knew how to link it, I would attach it here for ease of readability. I apologize, in advance, if I have violated any kind of code or ‘bloggers’ law.


  2. Andi, I’ve seen the stories. It’s outrageous. There are so many God-awful grotesqueries going on with this administration, it’s hard to keep up with them all.

    (Btw, go ahead and mention other posts and link all you like.)


  3. Pingback: ConMom

  4. I hope they are on every overpass in the country and would love to see it get the attention of Congress, but unfortunately I don’t think you could get their attention if you hit them in the head with a 2×4.


  5. Just impeach and get on with it. I’d like to see the Government – WE the people and by the people again. Have been so sorry for this Administration or should I say this is a sorry administration. No I didn’t vote for Obama nor would I ever. No I am not racist and neither is God. I am sure He is shaking His head looking at this mess.


  6. Pingback: Impeach Obama Overpass Demonstrations Planned | Prepper Podcast Radio Network

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