RE: Mitt Romney and Timetables

Huckabee supposedly dealt Romney a devastating blow when he mentioned Romney’s previous support for a timed withdrawal from Iraq:

Here is what Mitt actually said about timetables in an interview on Good Morning America back in April.

Listen carefully, he sounds very reasonable to me, but with clever editing it can be made to look like he’s flip flopping:

Coincidently, the creator of the last video happens to be a Huckabee supporter.

So How Did Fred! Do In The Republican Debate?

Here are a few reactions from around the right-wing blogosphere.

Bryan at Hot Air:

1st–Fred wins. He said the least but what he said was most worth listening to. He managed to come across as the sage in the race, too wise to get into the fray but not above smacking the kids around when he has to.

Jim Geraghty, Campaign Spot:

I don’t think it was enough tonight, even though he’s expected to be in asterisk territory in New Hampshire on Tuesday. Few of his answers were bad, and I like the indifferent dismissal of the question from the local TV guy on oil companies’ profits.

During his moment of “If you are rewarded for your illegal behavior, by being allowed to stay in the country, then it’s amnesty” – I jokingly called him Arthur Branch. Still, it summed up what is likeable about Thompson – direct, clear, and logical. He occasionally rotated his chair, and when he did speak – almost only when directly asked – he seemed like a trusted adviser. Is he running for president? Or consigliere?

Mark Hemingway, The Corner:

Thompson was just great. He seemed judicious and thoughtful, but he needed another breakout moment or two like the last debate to get people’s attention and couldn’t find it.

Moron Commenters At AOSHQ: All say teh Fred! won.

Mark Steyn, The Corner:

Fred was great. He’s like Perry Como. He should never not sit down.


If only Fred Thompson had as much energy as he has gravitas. He needed to be a bit more aggressive.

Dan Riehl:

Notice Fred challenging people on the issues, but he wouldn’t say a thing against old pal John on immigration, or other items he’s changed on. Fredheads better clue up – their support for a losing candidate does nothing but enable McCain. Maybe he’s already cast himself as his VP. Fred may be quaint, but he’s ill-equipped to engage the electorate the way one must to win a presidential election. He should go back to Hollywood and get a surreal job. He doesn’t belong in this race.

Tsk. Oh no you di’nt Dan Riehl!

John Hawkins Right Wing News:

Fred Thompson (Winner): Very sober, very conservative, but slightly sleepy. That was good for a victory in a low energy debate without a lot of exciting quips.

That’s better!

Steven Hayes, Weekly Standard:

Fred Thompson’s performance in the debate was a microcosm of his performance in the campaign: When he participated, he did well. He articulated conservative positions in a way that should help him. He was, as usual, strongest on national security. But he probably didn’t speak up enough to get rank-and-file conservatives to volunteer for his campaign or, perhaps more importantly, to open their checkbooks.


Nice Deb:

…Ehhh, I didn’t watch, I was busy doing mommy stuff.

My gut feeling?

I’m gonna be switching to McCain or Romney real soon.

Damn it.