Don’t Cry For GITMO Detainee, Omar Khadr

You remember the sobbing young teen in the interrogation video, that got wide play, last week, which had libs in a tizzy about his alleged mistreatment?

Via the Toronto Sun, here’s some information on his family I did not know:

Omar Khadr thought the cavalry — i.e. the Canadian Security Intelligence Service agents who turned up in Guantanamo — were there to rescue him and, in his own mind, he had every reason to believe it.

After all, Prime Minister Jean Chretien had previously rescued his terrorist father, Egyptian-born Ahmed Said Khadr, from the clutches of the Pakistanis following his 1995 arrest for his alleged role in the bombing of the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad, a plot orchestrated by family friend, Ayman al Zawahiri, currently the No. 2 man in al-Qaida.

The boy, therefore, thought his release was a given.

“It is part of the Khadr legend that whatever they did, the Canadian government would coming running to their rescue,” said a source well versed in the Khadr file.

“As soon as CSIS arrived on the scene, the kid thought he was getting out, no questions asked.

“But, when the tough questions began being asked, he knew the jig was up, and that there was no going home,” said the source. “And that’s when the tears began.

“It was not because he was being ill-treated, because he wasn’t. It was because the legend didn’t kick in.”

Continue reading at The Toronto Sun.

I’m apparently very late to the party on this family of al Qaeda terrorists. You would think from listening to the left’s lamentations about this poor, unfortunate young man, that he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. But actually he was born into the wrong family: his family’s ties to alQaeda are well known, and well documented. He was simply caught doing the family business.

More about the Khadr family, here.

Daniel Pipes called the Khadrs ‘Canada’s first family of Terrorism’.

The mom’s a real pip:

Said she did not want to raise her children in Canada because they would have got involved in ‘drugs and homosexual relationships.’ Enrolled her sons in al Qaeda training camps.

I hope he’s in solitary confinement.

One thought on “Don’t Cry For GITMO Detainee, Omar Khadr

  1. Hypocrisy of the “Repatriate Omar Khadr to Canada” Movement

    As soon as the Gitmo interrogation tape of Omar Khadr hit the Internet, the blogosphere was flooded with demands to repatriate him to Canada. This wave is reminiscent of a Soviet campaign to free Luis Corvalán from the “fascist regime” of Augusto Pinochet thirty five years ago. The scenario is strikingly similar. A “victim” held by “fascist regimes” this time run by Bush and Harper, and a public outcry for justice. Except for the fact that Luis Corvalán didn’t kill anyone and didn’t fight for a terrorist group that wants to impose Sharia.

    The “repatriate Khadr” crowd describes him as “a child”, “a kid”, “a boy”, and even “a torture victim”, with no facts to substantiate the torture claims notwithstanding. They complain about Khadr being mistreated, again, without anything to back up their claims. Some of them are outraged about “child abuse.” And they all scream for justice.

    They want justice? OK, let’s talk about JUSTICE. What about justice for Sgt. First Class Christopher J. Speer, who was (according to an eyewitness) murdered by this “child”? What about justice for Tabitha Speer, who is a widow because of this “kid”? What about justice for Taryn and Tanner Speer, who are left without a father by this “a boy”? And what about all those Afghani civilians and NATO troops who are a little bit safer because this “torture victim” is behind bars? How many of these “repatriate Khadr” hypocrites concern themselves with justice for real victims? In literally hundreds of posts, we couldn’t find a single one.

    One would ask, what is the reason for this idiocy? The answer is simple. Ignorance. Complete and utter ignorance. Let’s forget for a second that Omar Khadr killed Christopher Speer. Let’s forget that Khadr’s father was an al Qaeda financier. Let’s forget that Khadr’s family is known for it being al Qaeda sympathizers. Let’s just remember what this “child” was fighting for in Afghanistan.

    This is what Taliban-imposed Sharia looks like in real life:

    Why don’t all of you, bleeding heart demagogues go to Afghanistan and spend a day in a Taliban-controlled territory? And let’s talk about Khadr when you get back. If you get back.


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