Video: Trevor Loudon Explains Communist Infiltration In The United States

If you’ve got about an hour to spare, you would do well to sit through this talk Trevor Loudon recently gave to the Ocean County, NJ Tea Party about the history of Communist infiltration throughout the world, and especially here in America where they finally managed to get one of their own into the White House. Much of this you have heard before, but the facts have never been put together like you see here.

Terrifying, but edifying.

Video via Noisy Room

The only thing missing in his narrative is Tom Fife. Google him.

Cross posted at Left-Wing Institute For Civil Discourse.

Linked by Commieblaster, thanks!

27 thoughts on “Video: Trevor Loudon Explains Communist Infiltration In The United States

  1. I got 46 minutes in. Had to stop, pick up later. Good stuff but his accent is just brutal, next to impossible to understand.


  2. Pingback: Video: Trevor Loudon Explains Communist Infiltration In The United States | Global Geopolitics

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  7. Pingback: Trevor Loudon to Speak in Colorado Springs, April 9 | Congressman Tom Tancredo

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  13. Pingback: German Paper: “Is Obama A Communist?” | We Win - They Lose

  14. Jose McCarthy was correct back in the early fifties when he said the communist party was infiltrating the United States through the government and through our educational system . But our government refuse to believe him and the cancer was left alone to grow . We are now seeing the results of that failure to heed Mr McCarthy’s warnings .


  15. Pingback: The Vetting: Paul Kengor on Obama’s Communist Mentor, Frank Marshall Davis « Nice Deb

  16. Pingback: The Vetting: Paul Kengor on Obama’s Communist Mentor, Frank Marshall Davis | FavStocks

  17. Pingback: Video: Trevor Loudon Explains Communist Infiltration In The United States « Nice Deb « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL

  18. Pingback: Ist Obama ein Kommunist? |

  19. IF the audience had of been quiet and listening, and the thumping and bumping that sounded like a construction crew, this would have been easy to hear.. It isn’t his accent that is the problem, just BAD manners… I agree with Julie…


  20. Pingback: Nice Deb’s Top Ten Posts of 2012 « Nice Deb

  21. Gunny G , Thank you for your service . I know all about Trevor London and his view on communist take over of the world . Mr London tells it like it is and pulls no punches about the fraud and usurper barack hussein obama .


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