Everyone Blog About Brett Kimberlin Link-Around

I’m going to have to make this brief because I have to run in a few minutes, so I’m going to put up as much as I can, now, and add to it later this afternoon when I get home.

There are  few Brett Kimberlin posts, today that deserve special attention.

Patrick Frey (Patterico) has finally shared his harrowing tale of Kimberlin and his cohort’s campaign of political terror and harassment against him.  I don’t use the term, “terror” lightly. One of their pranks could easily have gotten Frey killed: Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism:


At 12:35 a.m. on July 1, 2011, sheriff’s deputies pounded on my front door and rang my doorbell. They shouted for me to open the door and come out with my hands up.

When I opened the door, deputies pointed guns at me and ordered me to put my hands in the air. I had a cell phone in my hand. Fortunately, they did not mistake it for a gun.

They ordered me to turn around and put my hands behind my back. They handcuffed me. They shouted questions at me: IS THERE ANYONE ELSE IN THE HOUSE? and WHERE ARE THEY? and ARE THEY ALIVE?

I told them: Yes, my wife and my children are in the house. They’re upstairs in their bedrooms, sleeping. Of course they’re alive.

Deputies led me down the street to a patrol car parked about 2-3 houses away. At least one neighbor was watching out of her window as I was placed, handcuffed, in the back of the patrol car. I saw numerous patrol cars on my quiet street. There was a police helicopter flying overhead, shining a spotlight down on us as I walked towards the patrol car. Several neighbors later told us the helicopter woke them up. I saw a fire engine and an ambulance. A neighbor later told me they had a HazMat vehicle out on the street as well.

Meanwhile, police rushed into my home. They woke up my wife, led her downstairs and to the front porch, frisked her, and asked her where the children were. Then police ordered her to stand on the front porch with her hands against the wall while they entered my children’s bedrooms to make sure they were alive.

The call that sent deputies to my home was a hoax. Someone had pretended to be me. They called the police to say I had shot my wife. The sheriff’s deputies who arrived at my front door believed they were about to confront an armed man who had just shot his wife. I don’t blame the police for any of their actions. But I blame the person who made the call.

Because I could have been killed.

The weirdest part of the whole thing was that I halfway expected this might happen. Because I was not the first one it had happened to.

That’s just one part of a very long post that puts into perspective exactly why RS McCain felt the need to flee his home. As he told me when I spoke to him the other night, “I don’t scare easily” , but “when someone as dangerously sociopathic as Brett Kimberlin, with his terrorist background,  takes a personal interest in you –  finds out where you live, you tend to feel threatened.”

Lee Stranahan came up with the blogburst idea: Welcome To Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day!

The Other McCain blogging from an undisclosed location: KimberlinFiles.org

Michelle Malkin: Free speech blogburst: Show solidarity for targeted conservative bloggers; Update: It’s Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day; Donation fund for targets

and Letter from an Indiana reader about Brett Kimberlin

That’s all I have time for right now – please check back later.


Sooper Mexican: Brett Kimberlin: Domestic Terrorist, Liberal Activist

All American Blogger: Who Is Brett Kimberlin, Why You Need To Know and The Biggest Linkaround EVAH!

Dan Riehl: Brett Kimberlin Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying, Love The Bomb And Became A Prison Boy Toy

Legal Insurrection: “A #BrettKimberlin situation ‘could happen to you’…”

“The Lid”: Brett Kimberlin: The Narcissistic Terrorist-UPDATED W/Links To Other’s Posts

RWN: Interviewing Robert Stacy McCain About Brett Kimberlin

All American Blogger: Audio Interview with Stacy McCain on Brett Kimberlin and Living in Parts Unknown

The Mental Recession: The Mental Recession: Today We Stand Up Against Serial Domestic Terrorists, Today We Stand Beside Champions of Free Speech

DaTechGuy: Today is Everybody blog about Brett Kimberlin day

Patterico: Leftists who are friends with #BrettKimberlin what say you? #despicable

Protein Wisdom: I think I was meant to be intimidated [updated]

Dan Riehl: Brett Kimberlin Blog Burst: This Just Doesn’t Happen

American Power: #StandYourGroundConservatives! — May 25th Solidarity Blogburst Stands Up to Brett Kimberlin and the Left’s Intimidation Network

CDN: Progressive-Backed ‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin Commits Legal Terrorism

Israel Matzav Blogburst against #BrettKimberlin and terrorism

Riehl: More Brett Kimberlin Blog Burst: The Even Larger And Complete Memeorandum List

Redstate: Daily Kos’s Neal Rauhauser, Bomber Brett Kimberlin, and Political Terrorism

Lee Stranahan: Brett Kimberlin Is A Dangerous Person. No, Seriously and The Political Connection: Brett Kimberlin & Brad Friedman

Gateway Pundit: Gateway Pundit Stands With Our Fellow Conservatives on ‘Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day’

Dana Loesch,  Big Journalism: The Conservative Blogosphere Introduces Kimberlin 2012

Matthew Vadum, FrontPageMagazine: Brett Kimberlin and the Hall of Fame of Leftist Terrorists

MRCTV: Did “Speedway Bomber” Brett Kimberlin Write a Song About One of His Victims?

Sundries Shack: Why this #BrettKimberlin Thing Matters

The Right Scoop: Exposing #BrettKimberlin: Glenn Beck interviews Patterico’s Patrick Frey and blogger Aaron Walker

Twitchy: Media malpractice: Even with #BrettKimberlin trending, lapdog media remains silent

Absolute Moral Authority: I love the smell of *Kimberlin in the morning


AoSHQ: What Can You Do?

In addition to reading his record into the Congressional Record, to finally end this absurd contention that it is now apparently illegal to mention the facts laid out in US federal court records, there is tangible legislative action that can be requested:

* That a 501(c) “charity” must certify its principals and employees are not engaging in harassment, intimidation, or attempts to punish free speech, on pain of perjury if this is false.

Will Brett Kimberlin’s business partners and co-principals sign such a certification?

* That a 501(c) principal conducts his legal affairs through a licensed lawyer and not pro se (on his own behalf) unless he can demonstrate that he is indigent.

See, 99% of lawyers would not put their license at risk for frivolous crap like this. Kimberlin can because he has no law license to lose. He represents himself, as as is his right as a citizen… but then, he has no right to run a 501(c). I think a 501(c)’s principals can be slightly burdened to have their suits signed off by a real lawyer, who can face sanctions for false or vexatious litigation against Free Speech.

* That they urge the FBI and DoJ and IRS investigate this matter, as well as possibly-related crimes of intimidation of Free Speech, such as Patterico’s and Mike Stack’s SWATting.

Are those related? We don’t know. It would be nice to know, however.

* That the Government Oversight Committee (or whichever committee is proper) hold hearings on the possible abuse of 501(c) charities for uses against the public interest.

* That Congress stiffen penalties (or add them) such a punitive damages and possibly inductive relief against anyone attempting to use harassment and intimidation to suppress Free Speech. And that they add a law which permits a judge to rule that a litigant bringing vexatious lawsuits with the purpose of chilling free speech be henceforth required to post a large bond before suing, and to have his lawsuits signed off by a lawyer or judge before filing.


Here’s an Easy Thing: Ask Congress to pass a special law against SWATting with serious penalties — like 10-20 years.


The Organized Left Now Stalking Romney

Stalking Republicans office holders and candidates has become a favorite tactic of the left. Just ask Governor Walker. He can’t even appear at non-political events like book readings to schoolchildren, Christmas tree lightings, or the opening of the WI State Fair without being hounded by radical unionistas and leftists in Wisconsin.

Occupiers dogged Republican candidates  at numerous primary appearances, earlier this year, and now MoveOn is promising to hound Romney at all of his outdoor speaking engagements.

The following is an email sent to all MoveOn members. Note that it starts off bemoaning how the presidential election is going to be “one of the dirtiest ever” (excuse me, who’s fault is that?!) while in the next breath, suggesting that MoveOn members donate to their campaign of harassing Romney everywhere he goes from now until election day…

Dear MoveOn member,

This is shaping up to be the dirtiest presidential election ever. And the most expensive, with pro-Romney super PACs and huge corporations spending like drunken sailors, thanks to Citizens United.1 The sheer quantity of misleading ads will be stupefying.

But even if they buy the airwaves, they can’t buy the skies. So we can “rise above” their dirty ads—literally—and fly messages from the 99% over dozens of Mitt Romney events. We already did it successfully when we hired a plane to fly over Romney’s Liberty University graduation speech towing a banner that read: “GOP = HIGHER SCHOOL DEBT.”2

We can’t afford hundreds of millions of dollars of TV ads. But it turns out, if we all chip in a bit, we can afford to fly banners over Romney’s head. All the time.

Call it 99airlines.

Here’s the plan: if we can raise $150,000 today, we’ll use the opportunity of high-dollar Romney fundraisers to fly a plane overhead towing a message that reminds voters how he represents his corporate and 1% donors.

It’ll be fun—and it’s sure to grab the media’s attention. But most importantly, with Mitt leading in many polls, it’s a way to let millions of voters who are concerned about the economy know whose side Mitt is really on. Will you chip in?

Yes, I can contribute $5.

With 99airlines, we’ll transform Mitt Romney’s 1% fundraising tour into an airborne progressive message machine. If we hit our fundraising goal, we can secure enough plane banners so that at every Romney event, instead of looking at the podium, the reporters’ eyes and cameras will be pointing up, on the lookout for our banners.

According to Gallup, only 1/3 of voters under 29 are registered to vote and say they’ll definitely do so in November (far less than every other age group).3 That’s enough to swing the election. So with your support, we’ll also reach these voters by making 99airlines huge online—using Facebook and a Tumblr site, to post pictures of the best plane banners.

This summer, we’re pulling out all the stops to win the fight against the Romney super PAC ad assault. The 99airlines planes—and the messages they carry—will transform Romney fundraisers into an opportunity to remind voters what he really stands for—corporations and the 1%.

Can you contribute $5 to help launch 99airlines?

Thanks for all you do.

–Justin, Victoria, Emily, Garlin, and the rest of the team

Apparently, the Obama campaign, too,  is now organizing protests outside of Romney speaking engagements.

Via Gateway Pundit:

Mitt Romney visited an inner school in Philadelphia today to discuss his education agenda. The Obama Campaign met him at the school and protested his visit outside.
Mayor Michael Nutter led the protest complete with Obama 2012 signs.

The Romney protest was organized by the Obama Campaign.

The Washington Post reported:

When Mitt Romney came to an inner-city charter school here Thursday to promote his new education agenda, he received something of a history lecture about the persecution of blacks in America and the struggles of African American children to meet the academic achievements of their white counterparts.

Seeking to broaden his appeal heading into the general election, Romney was venturing for his first time in this campaign into an impoverished black neighborhood to hear the concerns of local educators and community leaders. But here in the streets of West Philadelphia, the emotion surrounding his contest with the nation’s first black president was raw, as dozens of neighborhood residents shouted, “Get out, Romney, get out!”

…Outside, meanwhile, some brick row houses across from the school were boarded up. Police had cordoned off a full city block to protect Romney and his entourage. Residents, some of them organized by Obama’s campaign, stood on their porches and gathered at a sidewalk corner to shout angrily at Romney. Some held signs saying, “We are the 99%.” One man’s placard trumpeted an often-referenced Romney gaffe: “I am not concerned about the very poor.”

Yes, harassing Republicans is fun for leftists. But the goal is not to inform “millions of voters who are concerned about the economy to know whose side Mitt is really on.” People aren’t persuaded by airplane banners, or protests outside candidates’ speaking engagements. The idea to wear people down, demoralize them into thinking the opposition is much greater than it is, depressing Republican  turnout in the general election.

Don’t be fooled. Obama is floundering and his false narratives are flopping. He’s the guy who’s barely winning in one Democrat primary after another against mullet headed jailbirds or “uncommitted”. They are the ones who are demoralized as hell, as DaTechGuy likes to say– Mitt needs to ride right through them.

Linked by Michelle Malkin, thanks!
