Barack Obama – Call Off Your Dogs


It has been said that two things trump everything else in Obama’s mind: redistributing the wealth and empowering labor unions. When he succeeds in  driving us over the fiscal cliff, our first Marxist President’s scheme to turn America into a Socialist paradise will be nearly complete.

In an odd turn of events, though, even as Socialism in America is in ascendance, its shock troops, the unions, are becoming less popular and less powerful. Today in Lansing, MI, as a right to work bill was signed into law,  union thugs, threw a massive temper tantrum reminiscent of what happened nearly two years ago in Wisconsin. “There Will Be Blood:” a Michigan Legislator threatened, and the state’s union goons obliged….

Right-to-Work supporters were assaulted multiple times by the union mob.

Jimmy Hoffa: We’re Going To Have a “Civil War” in Michigan…

The pro-union thugs destroyed the Americans for Prosperity tent while people were inside..

Union thugs assaulted Steven Crowder who was reporting on the scene:

He talked about the assault on Dana Loesch’s show, this afternoon, where he said that he would  have been torn limb from limb if he had fought back.

“When assaulted during mob rule, you just gotta to kind of turtle and let them whale on you..and that’s what happened, today….this wasn’t an isolated incident – the Dark Knight Rises has nothing on this as far as mob rule….I’ve never seen anything like it…”

More ugliness: SICK… Union Thugs Destroy AFP Tent on Michigan Capitol Lawn Then Cut It & Divvy Up the Spoils (Video)

As you may remember, Obama once told the SEIU audience “your agenda’s been my agenda….” and during the first year of his nightmare reign, SEIU union chief Andy Stern was the most common visitor to the Obama White House.

Since Stern stepped down, Obama’s new best friend is Richard Trumka, the head of the AFL-CIO.

Richard Trumka was asked in a meeting “How often do you get to have conversations with the White House?” to which Trumka replied “Conversations or be at the White House?” followed by nervous laughter. Trumka then replied “I’m at the White House a couple times a week…two, three times a week.”

Then Trumka clarified “I have conversations everyday with someone in the White House or in the administration, EVERYDAY.”

It’s no secret that the Communist Party USA openly and actively collaborates with the Democrat National Committee, Obama’s personal campaign (Organizing for America),, Rock the Vote and the AFL-CIO.

Obama and big labor share the same hard left (Communist) agenda and are joined at the hip.

Joel Pollak of Big Government maintains Obama owes the peaceful right to work demonstrators who were assaulted in Michigan, today, an apology:

Obama traveled to Michigan yesterday to support the unions’ protest against the laws, which would allow most workers to decline union membership. Currently, many workers in Michigan are forced to join unions as a condition of employment. Republicans sought to change the law to make the state more competitive. Right-to-work states typically enjoy faster economic growth, higher job creation and lower unemployment rates.

Fellow Democrat Doug Geiss, a state legislator, had vowed earlier that “there will be blood” if the legislation passed; he failed to apologize, merely stating that he supported “nonviolence” in union protests. No Democrat or union representative, as of this writing, has apologized for the violence that took place today in Lansing.

In the past, conservatives have been held to account for random acts of violence that were entirely unrelated to anything they had said or done. In January 2011, for example, Gov. Sarah Palin was held responsible by media commentators for Jared Loughner’s crazed shooting spree in Arizona, merely because she previously used a political map with targets on it, indicating places where she focused her efforts in the 2010 elections.

In this case, the connection with Obama is direct. He went to Michigan to encourage the unions and oppose the state government; the unions turned out to protest and attacked those who had come to support the right-to-work legislation. In addition to the assault on Crowder, union members tore down a tent that had been pitched by Americans for Prosperity; Breitbart News’ Lee Stranahan captured the union members’ attack as the tent collapsed, with people inside, as union marshals looked on.

Pollak calls on the president to “live up to the commitment to “civility” he promised after Tucson, admonish his union allies, and apologize.”

The leader of the free world was also expected to condemn the Islamist President Morsi’s power grab in Egypyt.

He was expected to admonish James Hoffa when he told a crowd of union supporters to “Let’s Take These Son of a Bitches Out”.

And I’ve been saying for four years that Obama should condemn the use of his image on American flags.

We’re still waiting….


The union goon who sucker punched Crowder has been identified:

Gateway Pundit:UNION THUG Who Beat Steven Crowder ID’ed – His Name Is Tony Camargo (Updated)


Neil Munro, The Daily Caller: White House declines to condemn union violence in Michigan:

White House spokesman Jay Carney declined to condemn the increasing violence and threats by union members in Michigan, merely telling reporters Tuesday that “the president believes in debate that’s civil.”

When asked by a reporter about a claim by Michigan state Democrat that “there will be blood” should Republicans pass a union-choice law in Michigan, Carney professed ignorance and then downplayed the comment.

“I haven’t see those comments, and I’m not sure they mean what someone interprets them to mean,” he said.

Those comparisons some people (me) made of Obama to the Dark Knight character, Bane, are looking pretty prescient, right now…
This seems to be the Facebook page of one of the tent attackers from listener   Lorraine. Chris Opalewski, going by his physical appearance and name stitched onto his jacket and present on the back of his helmet, screamed “He’s got a gun!” “I’ll kill a [the?] motherfucker with a gun! I killed 20 motherfuckers with a gun!”
You are going to love this….
Believe it or not, there’s now a Memorandum thread with a number of collectivist blogs signing on to “the Breitbart folks faked the violence” meme.
When I saw this video-claiming that a “violent mob” destroyed the tent the Koch brothers had paid for in front of the Michigan Capitol-I knew right away it was likely a false flag.  After all, Stranahan, James O’Keefe’s buddy, first posted it.
Depressingly enough – the drones actually buy this BS.


Michelle Malkin: Video gallery of union thuggery in Michigan; Updated

7 thoughts on “Barack Obama – Call Off Your Dogs

  1. Thanks, Deb. Good work here! I tweeted m’self hoarse last night pointing this back to Obama, to make him own it. Steve’s proffered stunt is not the best he can do with this video footage and I’m disappointed that he’s focusing it on himself. The impact would be more significant if some astute right-wing lawyer (where, fer gosh sakes?) would name Obama as an accessory to the facts.


  2. Pingback: Union Goons Protesting Right-To-Work Attack Americans For Prosperity Tent In Michigan – Update: Video Of Thugs Ripping Down Tent Added…also video of Crowder attack « Notion Tidbits

  3. Pingback: New Unedited Videos Show AFP Tent Being Attacked by Union Thugs as Lefties Claim “False Flag” (Video) « Nice Deb

  4. Pingback: Video: The Union Goon Who Attacked Crowder Had Spewed Profanities at Him Earlier in the Day « Nice Deb

  5. Pingback: How to become a force multiplier 2.0 – The Brenner Brief

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