Celtic Woman’s Carol of the Bells (Video)

I’ve had an excruciatingly  busy day – I started with some Christmas baking, finally got my cards and packages sent out, and did a little Christmas shopping (still not through!) Luckily for me, my teenage Martha Stewart made dinner.

I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel – now that the the cards and packages are out I can relax a little. Whew…

Anyway, since I’m too pooped out to blog, here’s an exceptionally good rendition of Carol of the Bells by Celtic Woman for your Thursday night.


Well now, this is just too sweet. Yid With Lid has a special message for his Christian friends – and he sings it a cappella in his surprisingly good baritone: A Video Holiday Message From The Jews To Our Christian Friends:

Irony Alert: Super-Sized Anti-Gun Zealot, Michael Moore’s Bodyguard Arrested on Gun Charges

As you may know, the virulently anti-gun (for you)  Michael Moore, like most Democrats, has been ghoulishly “not letting a crisis go to waste”  since the Sandyhook school shooting, last week.
Here are just a few headlines from the past week courtesy of the indispensable Weasel Zippers:

Oh my – the schadenfreude is just too delicious, here:

Filmmaker Michael Moore’s  bodyguard was arrested for carrying an unlicensed weapon in New York’s JFK airport Wednesday night.

Police took Patrick Burke, who says Moore employs him, into custody after he declared he was carrying a firearm at a ticket counter. Burke is licensed to carry a firearm in Florida and California, but not in New York.

See, Moore believes in 2nd Amendment rights for his well-heeled self, but in typical totalitarian-embracing left-wing fashion, he just doesn’t believe in 2nd Amendment rights for the less well off or less politically connected.

For more on Moore’s famous hypocrisy, see Jeff Kuhner of the Washington Times: The hypocrisy of Michael Moore from 2/11:
Michael Moore is a hypocrite. He embodies all that is wrong with Hollywood: He is a shameless, self-serving propagandist masquerading as an idealistic “artist.”

This week the famous left-wing movie director filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court against the producers of his 2004 anti-war, anti-Bush film, “Fahrenheit 9/11.” The reason: Mr. Moore is demanding $2.7 million in unpaid profits that he says are owed to him. He has already pocketed nearly $20 million in profits from the blockbuster documentary. In other words, he has reaped a huge financial windfall. But this is not enough for him.

Mr. Moore has built an entire career – a vast personal industry – upon denouncing capitalism, the profit motive and “greedy” corporations. He is exhibiting the very behavior he claims to abhor. His lawsuit reveals that, despite his public image as a champion of the working class and the common man, he is a cynical, money-grubbing charlatan who worships the almighty buck. Rather than being a principled progressive, he is simply another crony capitalist on the make.

Mr. Moore is a jet-setting multimillionaire living a life of luxury, leisure and fame. He travels in a private plane and a fleet of SUVs. He is completely detached from the workers he claims to defend. In fact, he has misrepresented almost every facet of himself in order to forge a false “little guy” persona. As Peter Schweizer convincingly documents in his superb book, “Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy” (Broadway Books, 2005), Mr. Moore is a fraud.


He is the booming voice of the Occupy protests, encouraging activists to continue their battle against the wealthy one per cent of Americans.

But it seems left-wing documentary maker Michael Moore has been uncharacteristically quiet about one thing: his own wealth.

While Moore has denied he is among the top-earners in the country, tax records show he owns an extensive property in one of the country’s most elite communities.

Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart posted the details Thursday, detailing Moore’s large holiday home on Torch Lake, Michigan.

The documentary film maker owns the luxurious lakeside escape in addition to his pricey Manhattan residence.

The spacious 10,000 sq ft property is a far cry from the scene of tightly-packed tents near Wall Street in New York City.

The sprawling timber property has large bay windows, a number of small turrets, a private drive and decking that leads right to the water’s edge.

What a gigantic humbug.
An alert reader, Adam informed me in the comments that this story is from 2005, and indeed it is  – not that it takes away from Moore’s assploding hypocrisy on the issue. He has  continued to use a bodyguard as noted by Katie Pavlich at Hot Air:

UPDATE: Here is a more recent video of Michael Moore and his gun hypocrisy from 2008. Moore explains that he owns a gun because he opened a bank account and in return received a free gun. He then proceeds to say he wants to raffle it off for a good cause. Why? He doesn’t need it because he has security. He had it then and he has it now.

“I don’t think that uh…I have enough security that I don’t really need to worry about that.”


And the hits keep on comin’:

Weasel Zippers: Bloated Lib Michael Moore: Americans Own Guns Because Of Racist Fears…

MICHAEL MOORE: I think we’re a very frightened people. I think we’ve been frightened ever since we landed on these shores. We were frightened of the native people.; we were frightened of the slaves we brought over, as we should have been. And those in power have known how to manipulate us with fear. And we’ve started wars over being told lies about, you know — whether it was in the Spanish-American War, the Mexican-American War.

Dude – not “we” —YOU. You’re the one with the armed  bodyguard.
