Monday Catch-Up: The People vs. Barack Obama


J. Andrew Peak, The Black Sphere: The Prosecution of Barack Obama:

In our system, the media is to function as the protectorate of the people. It is what the founders intended. They, as the fourth estate (and unofficial branch of government) are the backstop to tyranny.

When the cornerstones of all other public institutions tremble under the weight of injustice (as they do now); the matter should be tried in the court of public opinion. And it should be done on television to provide a forum conducive to a public hearing. Thus far, many outlets have continually failed in this charge. It is their job to fill the void.

Chief among the duties of the media is to educate and inform a free people. So how best to accomplish this, while at the same time attempting rescue of institutions that are politically compromised and derelict in their duty?

In the age of reality television, what better than a trial of a president?


The People vs. Barack Obama should be held in two phases.

The first phase could be a televised, one hour, grand jury indictment for each matter: Obamacare fraud during passage, its ongoing rewriting and the disparate application thereof; Benghazi; Fast and Furious; IRS scandal; NSA scandal; corruption, etc., etc., etc. If a true bill was returned by the grand jury so impaneled, that single matter would be referred to trial and docketed for a later date. If not, the case on those individual counts would be dismissed.

At trial both sides could be given a finite and equal time, wherein they could enter facts into evidence, give short openings and brief summations and provide oral arguments. Perhaps each affirmative count returned by the grand jury could itself be a two hour television special, broadcast on the weekend, with a brief discovery of public knowledge beforehand and a vetting of facts “in chambers” prior to trial.

Each “trial” could be conducted in a combination of both “mock” and “moot” fashion where an impartial panel of jurors was seated, facts heard, issues presented, the jury appropriately charged and a single poll of the jury taken. A simple majority carries the issue.

An outlet such as FOX News would be ideal because they have the will, gumption and intellectual honesty to attempt such an endeavor. Furthermore, they have the legal talent necessary to conduct such a venture.

For instance, Judge Andrew Napolitano could preside as judge. Peter Johnson Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle could act for the people as prosecutors; Geraldo Rivera and Lanny Davis for the defense. Perhaps other famous defense attorneys such as Alan Dershowitz, Jonathan Turley, Nicholas Rosenkranz or Barry Scheck would toss their hats into the ring. Given that most attorneys aren’t shy of cameras, there wouldn’t be a shortage.

Admittedly, these trials would have no force of law. Nor would they be legally binding. But they would serve two very important functions.

First they would act as an explanation to, and education of, the people. They would serve to inform the populace as to the issues in question and wherein the abusive dangers lie.

Second, any “true bills”, “findings” or “convictions”, made by those impaneled, when splashed across the headlines, would serve to pressure the administration and their agents in Congress to answer, explain, dismiss and rationalize such judgments made by the people.

Allen West: Retired generals critical of Obama say “peaceful civil uprising not out of the question”

According to WND, General Vallely has already called for the resignations of President Obama, Vice President Biden, and senior Congressional leadership. In calling for the forced resignations of Obama and the leadership of Congress, Vallely outlined suggestions for nationwide rallies and said a peaceful “civil uprising is still not out of question.”

“Our federal government continues down the path of destroying America,” Vallely said. “Americans must now stand up and put America back on the right track.”

Along with several other prominent senior military officers and former CIA officers, I serve on a group called the Citizens Commission on Benghazi, sponsored by Accuracy in Media (AIM) founder Roger Aronoff. I believe we shall see more grassroots citizen activism to stand against the growing political elitism in America.

The Conversation: Cruz Report: Obamacare Implementation Abusive, Lawless:

Sen. Ted Cruz, the ranking member of the Subcommittee on the Constitution, released a report, Monday morning, accusing the Obama Administration of unilaterally rewriting parts of the Affordable Care Act, citing the law’s multiple statutory and constitutional problems currently under review by the courts.

Doug Ross: Former Federal Prosecutor Makes Ironclad Case for Impeachment:

Former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy was in rare form on Saturday and his NRO op-ed is worth reading in its entirety.

…The Constitution assumes that the different branches of government will protect their institutional turf. That is, the Framers calculated that, faced with a Democratic president who usurps legislative prerogatives, a Democratic congressman would see himself, first and foremost, as a congressman. Valuing the duties of his office over party loyalty, he would join with other legislators to rein in executive excess.

Today’s Democrats, however, are less members of a party than of the movement Left. Their objective, like Obama’s, is fundamental transformation of a society rooted in individual liberty and private property to one modeled on top-down, redistributionist statism. Since statism advances by concentrating governmental power, Democrats — regardless of what governmental branch they happen to inhabit — rally to whatever branch holds the greatest transformative potential. Right now, that is the presidency. Thus, congressional Democrats do not insist that the president must comply with congressional statutes. Laws, after all, must be consistent with the Constitution to be valid, and are thus apt to reflect the very constitutional values the Left is trying to supplant. Democrats want the president to use the enormous raw power vested in his office by Article II to achieve statist transformation. If he does so, they will support him. They’ll get back to obsessing over the “rule of law” if, by some misfortune, the Republicans someday win another presidential election.

Daniel Horowitz, Red State: GOP Must Shut Down Senate:

Several weeks after Harry Reid changed hundreds of years’ of Senate rules by abolishing the filibuster for all judicial and executive appointments, Republicans have all but forgotten about it.  They could have threatened to block every piece of legislation until the rules are restored, but instead they are fully cooperating with a budget bill to fund Obamacare and increase spending, along with a farm bill to grow government intervention in the agriculture sector.  They might even help Democrats pass a bill that can be used as a vehicle for more gun restrictions.

Needless to say, without any fear of reprisal, Democrats plan to jam through a number of Obama nominees before the end of the year on a party-line vote.

Democrats will attempt to pack the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, the second most important court in the country, with Obama’s radical nominees.  On Monday evening, the Senate will vote on Patricia Millett.  They might try to push through two other D.C. Circuit nominees, Robert Wilkins and Cornelia Pillard, later in the week.  Republicans had been blocking all D.C Circuit nominees because the court is currently split between Republican and Democrat appointees, and unlike other courts, this one actually has a very light caseload burden.  The addition of three more liberals would be devastating for conservatives because this court has original jurisdiction over many of the constitutional issues arising from political fights in Washington – both in Congress and with Executive overreach.

Following Reid’s coup in the Senate, Republicans from both chambers should have immediately a press conference to announce that all “end-of-year legislation, such as the budget deal, farm bill, and extension of Medicare doc fix” was off the table until Reid retracted. But this is why we call them “the Stupid Party” constantly outflanked by the ruthless party who knows how to walk in lock step to further a Statist agenda rather than be on constant defense, grabbing whatever pathetic scraps the opposing party throw at them.

Arlen Williams, The American Thinker: IRS Goes After Obamacare Whistleblowers: An Interview with C. Steven Tucker:

By now, the news has spread online of the IRS audit notices sent to two Obamacare whistleblowers. On November 25th, cancer victim Bill Elliott and C. Steven Tucker were informed of the ordeal each was to face.  Elliott has been waging a pitched battle with cancer. Tucker is the insurance agent and healthcare freedom activist who informed him that the canceling of his insurance, wrought by the Obama administration for the sake pushing citizens into Obamacare, was illegal.

When we had some Q and A a few days ago, you were about to be visited by a representative of the IRS, on Friday, December 6th. Who asked for that meeting? Did the IRS say what they wanted to meet about, before it occurred?

Yes, Treasury Inspector General Robert Williams made an unannounced visit to my old office in Palatine on December 4th, 2013. I was not there so he called my cell phone at 4 p.m. that same day. I answered and he stated that ‘I stopped by your office and you were not there, we noted your story in the news and we would like to discuss the issue you are having as soon as possible’. I said ‘that sounds good, we can meet in my home at 11 a.m. on Friday – December 6th 2013.’

When I hung up the phone. I immediately called my attorney. He then connected me on a three way phone call to William J. Sneckenberg, Esq. – Senior Litigation Attorney and Appellate Specialist at the Sneckenberg, Thompson, and Brody law firm in Chicago. After hearing the story, Mr. Sneckenberg said it was ‘highly irregular’ for the IRS to be sending a letter of demand for a tax return that was filed more than a decade ago. Normally, the look back period is anywhere from 3 to 5 years. He then said he wanted to be in my home to represent me when Treasury Inspector General Williams arrived.

On Friday morning Mr. Sneckenberg arrived and reviewed the letters of demand from the IRS and then contacted his CPA. His CPA also agreed that this is highly irregular. Then Treasury Inspector General Williams arrived with an associate. He showed me his business card and his badge and then sat down to begin his inquisition of sorts during which he and his associate took copious notes. To my surprise his questions were not designed to find out why I was sent the letters of demand but more to find out more about me and even more surprisingly my new friend Bill Elliott.

He asked for Bill Elliott’s phone number twice. I did not give him Mr. Elliott’s phone number. He then asked for a timeline of events. He asked ‘How did you first meet Bill? What law did you use to help him get his policy restored? What television program did he appear on?’ etc. He then asked for my full name and my social security number since the IRS letters of demand were sent to my corporation and not to my personal name. And, then at the end of his line of questioning he made sure to tell me that ‘you need to resolve these issues with the IRS, if not, as you may be aware, you may be visited again by other IRS representatives in your home and we do reserve the right to garnish your wages and lien your assets.’ Mr. Sneckenberg and I then wished them a Happy Holiday and showed them both the door.

After they left and whilst the exhaust from their government vehicle was still lingering in my driveway I received a knock on the door from my post man who had in his hands a certified letter from the IRS. That letter stated ‘Intent to seize your property or rights to property. Amount due immediately $2,106.05.’ If you do not call us immediately or pay the amount due by December 19, 2013, we will seize (“levy”) your property or rights to property and apply it to the $2,106.05 you owe.’

This supposed amount they are demanding payment for is for the year 2010, where they state I did not file my W2s. My tax documents are prepared by a licensed CPA and are done correctly each year. If I had not filed my W2s I would not have been able to complete my 2010 corporate and personal tax returns which are sitting right next to me as I write you these responses. My CPA and my attorney are completely baffled by both the 2010 demand and the 2003 demand for $3,592.19.

Read the entire interview, here. This Regime is out of control. Feds not required to report security breaches of Obamacare exchange website:

Americans who buy health insurance through the federal Obamacare exchange website could have their personal information stolen by hackers and never even know it.

Most of the state-run health exchange websites will be covered by state laws that require notification when government databases are breached by hackers. But there is no law requiring notification when databases run by the federal government are breached, and even though the Department of Health and Human Services was asked to include a notification provision in the rules being drawn up for the new federal exchange, it declined to do so.

Other protections for individuals’ privacy, like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, do not apply to the government-run exchange, only to health providers and insurance companies operating within the exchange.

The Washington Examiner: Doctors boycotting California’s Obamacare exchange:

An estimated seven out of every 10 physicians in deep-blue California are rebelling against the state’s Obamacare health insurance exchangeand won’t participate, the head of the state’s largest medical association said.

“It doesn’t surprise me that there’s a high rate of nonparticipation,” said Dr. Richard Thorp, president of the California Medical Association.

Thorp has been a primary care doctor for 38 years in a small town 90 miles north of Sacramento. The CMA represents 38,000 of the roughly 104,000 doctors in California.

“We need some recognition that we’re doing a service to the community. But we can’t do it for free. And we can’t do it at a loss. No other business would do that,” he said.

California offers one of the lowest government reimbursement rates in the country — 30 percent lower than federal Medicare payments. And reimbursement rates for some procedures are even lower.

Weasel Zippers: Obamabots Flood Facebook With Pro-Obamacare Spam…

Via Daily Caller:

Pro-Obamacare messages are being plastered on Americans’ Facebook pages by President Barack Obama’s most faithful supporters, many of whom need a morale boost, according to a new email blast from the president’s front-group.

“Next time you hear from the Obamacare naysayers in your life, here’s something you can send them… 29,000 Americans successfully signed up in just the first two days of the week,” says the Dec. 7 announcement from Obama’s “Truth Team”

The email is signed by Erin Hannigan, the health care campaign manager for the president’s Organizing for Action nonprofit.

“You don’t need to put up with anyone trying to drag health care reform through the mud. We all have a lot of reasons to be proud of this law, and every day, there are more stories to share that push back against the people cynically rooting for it to fail,” says the message, which includes prominent buttons that allow recipients to flash Obama’s message out to their Facebook pages or their Twitter followers.

Brilliant. “Messaging” will fix ObamaCare.

The Washington Examiner: AmeriCorps parent agency dawdled while nonprofits bilked feds:

An obscure federal agency that annually awards nearly $1 billion to tinynonprofits doles out cash to fly-by-night organizations with little oversight and has been repeatedly bilked.

Not only that, but the inspector general at the Corporation for National and Community Service reports that the agency only slaps the wrists of the few thieves it catches.

The little-known agency administers AmeriCorps and other programs that pay “volunteers” to be active in their communities.

More than one-third of audits of the community-based nonprofits that received federal funds “contain significant negative findings,” according to the CNCS IG’s report.

But in recent years, CNCS has been handing out cash with fewer strings attached and little oversight.

“In 2009, the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act for the first time authorized the corporation to award grants in fixed amounts, based on the hours worked by members to be enrolled in national service positions, without a matching requirement,” the IG report said.

“Unlike the corporation’s traditional grants, which reimburse a grantee for program costs, a fixed grant awards a specified amount … The fixed amount grant program has placed $240 million at financial risk,” the IG report said.

One of its largest grantees, the Digital Opportunities Trust, repeatedly received grants from CNCS, even though it was missing all of its goals and heading towards bankruptcy.

“Instead of taking immediate collection steps, the corporation deferred the problem and optimistically extended funding,” the IG reported.

Michael Yon: Afghanistan: Talking Points US Troops:

Many of our Soldiers in Afghanistan are required to carry this paper in a pocket at all times.  Troops are expected to memorize the talking points and cough them up to any journalists coming through.

We decided to help headquarters spread their message.

Many complaints about poor morale are coming from Afghanistan.  Most troops are kept on base, where they undergo mindless inspections and even small ‘parades’, and of course rocket and mortar strikes.

It has been estimated that in 2014, the cost to taxpayers to keep one troop in Afghanistan for one year will be more than $2 million.  And we have our $2 million dollar troops there doing inspections and memorizing propaganda for the press, while Washington bickers with Karzai and the enemy grows stronger.

George Orwell would be proud of this propaganda jewel:


But wait, isn’t nighttime the time that our special operations forces work the hardest?  Yes, it is.  Does that make Rangers cowards for working at night using fancy see in the dark gear?  Nothing tastes worse than lies.

Gateway Pundit: BRUTAL KNOCK-OUT ATTACK Caught on Security Camera:

More of what is clearly not a trend and certainly has no racial component according to liberal news outlets:

See Gateway Pundit for interview of the victim from his hospital bed.

Via Zip  a Knockout game gone very bad for the assailant: Video: Woman Beats The Snot Out of Knockout Game Attacker…

The boyfriend also lands a sweet kick to the face.

Via CNS News:

Well, this participant of the knockout game probably will reconsider future engagements after being beatdown by the woman he punched and her boyfriend.

Welcome to Obama’s “post racial” America.

Viral Circus: 30 Naughtiest Dogs: You’ll Crack Up When You Find Out What They Did:

Like people, dogs can get up to no good. They dig stuff, eat things, and generally like to “change the appearance” of things. Plus they’re farts stink! But maybe they’re just very creative and don’t like the state of how things are? They are pioneers? Wanting to teach us something? Who really knows. Whatever the reason is, they should just do what they do best – being dogs. That’s why we love them. So here are 30 of the funniest things a dog has ever done. Enjoy!


Check out this outrageously awesome three year old basketball playing phenom.

Movie stars? Check.
Buckets from seven-stories? Check.
Making shots with both hands (at the same time!)? Check.

Titus returns in what may be the greatest compilation of trick shots put together by miniature man.

My latest at The Conversation:

POTUS Subverted DOJ Investigation During Chris Matthews Interview

Recent polling shows that an anti-ObamaCare wave next year could flip as many as 12 vulnerable Democrat Senate seats. If current trends continue, the next election could make the 2010 shellacking look like a Sunday picnic.

3 thoughts on “Monday Catch-Up: The People vs. Barack Obama

  1. Pingback: » Monday Catch-Up: The People vs. Barack Obama | Nice Deb

  2. I have two of those little couch munching trolls myself. Nothing like coming along and plopping down where they’ve been before you. It’s even better jumping under the covers at night in bed and hitting one of their spots. It must be a Chihuahua thing.

    “Lil’ Darlings”


  3. — In our system, the media is to function as the protectorate of the people. It is what the founders intended. —

    Unfortunately, this is not the case. You cannot “intend” that a wholly independent system shall do as you would like; you can only hope for it, and possibly expect it on the basis of its internal dynamic and its past performance. And as we have seen for several decades now, any such hope has been thoroughly dashed.


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