Saturday Movie Matinee: Rick Perry Indictment Is Political Payback

FOX 4 News – Dallas-Fort Worth: Gov. Rick Perry indicted:


A grand jury indicted Governor Rick Perry Friday for his attempts to remove Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg from office after she was arrested for driving while intoxicated last year in a case that made national headlines.

In April 2013, Lehmberg was arrested after a witness called 911, describing her as driving erratically, swerving back and forth into the bike lane, and into oncoming traffic. Officers at the scene reportedly found an open bottle of vodka in her car, and a blood sample obtained later that evening purportedly showed a blood alcohol level of 0.239—almost three times the legal limit—even that many hours later.

Not only did her arrest attracted headlines, but her belligerent behavior after she was brought to the police station—all captured on video tape—drew attention, as well. Lehmberg is seen blaming the police for destroying her political career, yelling and insulting them; demanding that they call Travis County Sheriff Greg Hamilton; sticking out her tongue; making faces; kicking at the door to her cell; and eventually getting restrained with leg irons, being strapped to a chair and wearing what is commonly referred to as a “spit mask,” which is usually used when a detainee is spitting or biting. To be fair, the video does not expressly show that happening, and Lehmberg’s defense attorney later claimed that the mask was used to “protect her identity.”

Daily Rushbo: LEVIN GOES NUCLEAR Over Rick Perry Being Indicted:

Fox News: Plenty New Details & Plenty New Confusion, Surrounding Why Ferguson Kid Was Stop & Killed:

The Dana Show: Alleged Friend Of Officer Darren Wilson Offers His Side:

A woman claiming to be a friend of the officer involved in the shooting of Ferguson’s Mike Brown called into my program offering Darren Wilson’s side of the story. Video via my show’s flagship station, KFTK in St. Louis:


Ace of Spades HQ: Ferguson Police Chief: The Initial Stop of Michael Brown Was Not About the Robbery, But About Brown and Johnson Walking In the Middle of the Street:

More facts.

“The initial contact between the officer and Mr. Brown was not related to the robbery,” Thomas Jackson, the police chief, said during a news conference Friday afternoon.

Rather, it stemmed from the fact that Brown and his friend were “walking down the street blocking traffic,” Jackson said.

This explains why Brown’s friend said the stop was over the fact that the cops rolled up on them for just walking in the street — apparently, that’s pretty much what happened. They were walking in the middle of the street, and the cops stopped beside them to say “Get the f*** on to the sidewalk.”

Or so Darion Johnson says.

That matches up with what the friend told Dana.

johnny dollar said, “the robbery is apparently not relevant to why he was stopped. However, it could be relevant to why the suspect reacted in the way he did.”
If the APB about the strong arm robbery came after the initial altercation, that is relevant.
Trey Gowdy Discusses the Benghazi Hearing:
The investigation has been quietly moving forward – a hearing has been scheduled for September, but Gowdy says private depositions are much more useful to him than listening to five minutes of grandstanding by Congressmen. “If you want to be on the news, rob a bank,” he says.
Bill Whittle, Truth Revolt: The Struggle for Stupidity:
Andrew Klavan, Truth Revolt: Income Redistribution:

Why is President Obama returning unexpectedly to Washington? That question misses the point, says Charles Krauthammer:

Look, I think the problem is not that he’s on vacation. I think the problem is, what does he do when he’s not on vacation? Or what would he be doing even if he was in the White House? He can have all the communications equipment in the world that he needs, but what is he communicating?

PJTV Trifecta: Back to Iraq: Where the Caliphate is So Bad, Al Qaeda Disowned It (Pt. 1)

PJTV Trifecta: Obama Yanked the Troops and Iraq Collapsed, Should We Go Back? (Pt. 2)

Lindsey Graham: ‘Strong Intelligence’ to Suggest ISIS ‘a Threat to the Homeland’

Newsmax: Retired Army lieutenant colonel, author, and Fox New strategic analyst joins Steve Malzberg to discuss  ISIS is and what we should be doing about them:

Krauthammer Obama’s Bluff in Iraq Has Been Called:

Now that Maliki has stepped down….

Fox News Greta Van Susteren Christians Under Attack Special:

Bill Whittle’s Explains His Brief Bout Of Mental Illness:

The Right Scoop: What’s The Matter With The NRSC? (Hint: LOTS)

From last weeks Red State gathering in Ft. Worth, TX:

Atlas Shrugged III: Who Is John Galt? In theaters 9/12/2014

Atlas Shrugged Struggles with Hollywood:

5 thoughts on “Saturday Movie Matinee: Rick Perry Indictment Is Political Payback

  1. That Dana show clip is interesting, pretty much exactly how I envisioned how everything unfolded. In the meantime the pimp industry continues to fan the flames to keep things stirred up. They have no shame, it’s just the latest “cause celeb” for them, next week they’ll relocate onto something else. The idiots who they managed to incite will be left to pick up the pieces and find other places to shop, ’cause there will be nothing remaining in the hood. Anything not burnt to the ground will pick up the remaining pieces and try to start over. . . . .somewhere else, of course.

    We have seen this scenario played out how many times now, since the ’60’s? Yet the same race baiter’s still have their forum to spew their hatred. Capitulation never works with these people. Ask comrade de Basio up in New York how sharpton bit his extended hand off when he threw him a bone over the Garner incident. The appointment of the Captain Johnson of the State Police quieted everything for almost 24 hours, then everything was back in play.


  2. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

  3. This article illustrates that there are likely many examples of this kind of behavior by elected officials going on in our community. If you know of other acts of political payback, or more on this issue, visit http://www.politicalpayback.US and have your voice heard so officials take notice.


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