Monday Morning Catch-Up: The Ferguson Follies – Media Backing Away Slowly…



The lawlessness in the Ferguson/St. Louis area didn’t take a break for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Here’s the latest, in case you missed it:

The Conversation: Black Teens In St. Louis Murder Unarmed Bosnian Man In Brutal Hammer Attack:

A 32 year-old unarmed Bosnian man was beaten to death with hammers by at least three black teenagers in South St. Louis early Sunday morning. Two teens, 15 and 16, were arrested.

The victim was identified as Zemir Begic, 32, of the 4200 block of Miami Street. He had injuries to his head, abdomen, face and mouth. He was taken to St. Louis University Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Police said Begic was in his vehicle in the 4200 block of Itaska about 1:15 a.m. when several juveniles approached on foot and began damaging it. Begic got out and the juveniles began yelling at him and striking him with hammers. Two male juveniles, 16 and 15, were taken into custody.

Police are still searching for a 16-year-old black male and a 15-year-old Hispanic.

Dozens of people from the Bosnian community spilled out into the street, Sunday evening, to protest the violence.

“We’re just angry because we’re trying to protect our community,” said Mirza Nukic, 29, of St. Louis. “We’re just trying to be peaceful.”

Nukic was among at least 50 people, mostly, if not all Bosnians, who briefly blocked Gravois Avenue at Itaska Street on Sunday night to protest the killing. The intersection was near where Zemir Begic, a Bosnian man who moved to St. Louis this year, was attacked by at least three teens with hammers early Sunday.


“Some people are going to have to die for the cause,” Jay Daniels, 27, of Charlotte said. “It’s sad to say, but this is the new civil rights movement for our generation, and there will be casualties and there should be bloodshed.”

Gateway Pundit: Farrakhan Threatens to “Tear This Godd*m Country Apart” Over Ferguson Shooting (VIDEO)

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan threatened to “tear this godd*m country apart!”over Ferguson.

Farrakhan told parents to teach their kids how to toss Molotov cocktails.

Weasel Zippers: Ferguson Protesters Follow Mom & Daughter Through Target Shouting Obscenities At Them For Shopping

A mother and daughter were in Target today trying to shop for stuff. Presumably holiday shopping when a group of Ferguson protesters upset over the Michael Brown grand jury decision invaded.

They followed the pair around the store, heckling, chanting and singing at them till they left.

Big Government: St. Louis Cops Want NFL to Discipline ‘Hands Up’ Rams Players:

“Five members of the Rams entered the field today exhibiting the ‘hands-up-don’t-shoot’ pose that has been adopted by protestors who accused Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson of murdering Michael Brown,” the group explained in a statement. “The gesture has become synonymous with assertions that Michael Brown was innocent of any wrongdoing and attempting to surrender peacefully when Wilson, according to some now-discredited witnesses, gunned him down in cold blood.”


On Monday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, host Joe Scarborough railed against the news media for its coverage of the Ferguson, MO controversy.

The tipping point for Scarborough was the St. Louis Rams “hands up, don’t shoot” gesture before Sunday’s game.

John Sexton, The Conversation: The Media is Backing Away from the Left’s Narrative About the Brown Case:

What’s striking is that so many on the progressive left have continued to deny the facts for so long. The autopsy findings were released more than a month ago. It was OBVIOUS THEN that they didn’t accord with the left’s narrative about the case.

Rather than admit that the facts didn’t seem to line up with the claims made byUNRELIABLE witnesses, progressive outlets competed to accuse Wilson of lyingWITHOUT ANY FACTS to back them up. One writer said the real story set off his BS detector. Another said it sounded like a “myth.” Another writer said he doubted Wilson’s account was true even after admitting it matched the evidence.

But slowly the media is turning away from the left’s narrative.

Gateway Pundit: NAACP Begins 120 Mile Missouri March for Mob Justice for #MikeBrown:

The NAACP is walking from Canfield Drive in Ferguson to Jefferson City for justice for Mike Brown.
The Root reported:

To call attention to what it sees as a flawed U.S. criminal justice system after a grand jury declined to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed Michael Brown, 18, the NAACP on Saturday is to begin a 120-mile, seven-day protest march from Ferguson, Mo., to the governor’s mansion in Jefferson City.

The march is to begin at 12 p.m. Central at the Canfield Green Apartments in Ferguson, near where Brown was shot and his body left lying in the street for hours on Aug. 9, the NAACP said in a statement. The purpose of the march is to call for new leadership of the Ferguson Police Department, beginning with the police chief, and for reforms of police practice and culture in Ferguson and across the country, the release states.

Unfortunately, there’s no snow in the forecast.

Weasel Zippers: Congressional Black Caucus To Speak On House Floor Today Over Ferguson…

Via PJM:

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus are planning to speak on the House floor today about the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown.

The lower chamber comes back into session at 2 p.m. as lawmakers return from the Thanksgiving break.


White House Dossier: Ferguson and Obama’s No-Responsibility America:

It’s easy to talk about the can-do American spirit. Everyone thinks of themselves as part of an America where people haul themselves up by their bootstraps, become self-made men and women, succeed despite the odds, and several other cliches.

What is being forgotten, in President Obama’s no-responsibility America, is that these things take really, really hard work, sacrifice, and risk. Obama is doing a splendid job of     erasing the basic American spirit and character. He’s telling us, for example . . .

. . . to immigrate the easy way, the illegal way, and not go through the hoops necessary for legal immigration;

. . . that we don’t have to work for our health insurance. It will be provided by the gradually diminishing percentage of the population willing to work, through their tax dollars;

. . . that we don’t have to pay our debts, which are headed toward $18 trillion;

. . . that we can wallow on welfare as long as we please.

And so on.

New York Post: CNN is lying when they say Ferguson protests were ‘peaceful’:

Civil disobedience does not happen at night. No matter when the grand jury decision was announced, people who are engaged in peaceful protest take out their signs and march down the street in broad daylight.

Peaceful protesters do not dress like they are about to knock over a convenience store because they are not about to knock over a convenience store.Peaceful protesters don’t wear creepy anarchist masks or even bandannas to cover their faces. They are protesting with a clear conscience and are happy to have anyone know their identity.

From day one, CNN has twisted the Ferguson story. The network decided early on that an injustice had been done, contrary facts aside. When the grand jury decided not to indict, CNN was primed for outrage, because there was no way Officer Darren Wilson could have acted appropriately.

The network helped stir up a nation to the point of violence. Yet, since the protesters must always be on the side of the angels, CNN lies about the destruction that follows.

It’s rare you see the liberal media’s dishonesty in such stark terms, but CNN can’t control the pictures. If you wanted to know what was really happening this week, all you had to do was press the mute button.

The Daily Caller: Obama Tries To Focus Public On Racist Cops:

President Barack Obama’s first move in December will be to focus the nation’s attention on complaints about racist cops in African-American communities.

The move may be part of an effort to grab the political initiative after the Democrats’ massive losses in the Nov. 4 election, and also to keep the public’s attention away from his unpopular Nov. 21 announcement that he will provide 4 million illegal immigrants with work permits and taxpayer-funded aid programs.

Progressives, Democrats and media outlets stepped up their complaints about law enforcement in African-American neighborhoods after a grand jury decided Nov. 24 to not charge police officer Darren Wilson with any crime following his shooting of a black man in August in Ferguson, Mo.

The shooting — and the grand jury’s decision — prompted riots and was cited frequently by Democratic activists during the 2014 midterm campaign.

Conservative Treehouse: Controlling The Narrative – President Obama Calls For Cabinet Meeting With Civil Rights Activists On Ferguson…

The Injustice League Unites – If Stompy Feet calls in the same group he met with prior to the new round of riots and agitation, he’ll be meeting with committee head Valerie Jarrett, DOJ’s Eric Holder, CRS head Grande Lum, MSNBC’s Al Sharpton, NAACP president Cornell Brooks, and National Urban League president Marc Morial.

Don Surber: Do Not Rebuild in Ferguson

From a kid who survived the Hough Riots in Cleveland nearly a half century ago, some unsolicited advice to the business owners in Ferguson, Missouri: Do not bother rebuilding. Your customers do not want you. They tore up your stores — twice. And after one of them robbed a store. These are not protests. They are pogroms aimed at the middle class. Take the insurance money and run.

Police officers, too, should leave. Why risk a criminal trial or worse for doing your job?

Homeowners, too. Black, white, Asian, Hispanic — it does not matter. You are middle class. They do not want you. Leave.

 The New York Post: How Obama blatantly disregards the law: (Or how Obama became a “Constitutional Scholar so he could learn how to subvert it.)

Learning to run around American law was his main purpose in attending Harvard Law School, where he quickly sidled up to Professor Derrick Bell, who bashed the Constitution as a form of “original sin.”

There was no reverence in studying the founding documents and the system they created, no desire to work within America’s legal framework and enforce existing law.

No, Obama didn’t study federal statutes to defend them. He studied them to game them, sabotage them. To abdicate them.

Kurt Schlichter, Townhall: Obama Shafts Hillary With Amnesty and Ferguson:

Amnesty was never about Hispanics. It was about creating a permanent poor underclass to be mined for votes. Ferguson wasn’t about the nonexistent phenomena of white cops shooting unarmed black gentle giant college students for no particular reason. It was about keeping core constituents angry while distracting them from the five million job competitors The One just imported.

If sacrificing the life of some working stiff flatfoot from flyover country like Darren Wilson was the price, Obama and crew were happy to pay it. Like all those outside the base, he is expendable.

While this was great for solidifying the coalition that Obama hopes will keep him a power broker long after he leaves office, it’s an albatross for Hillary. Obama can remain a player with a 35% constituency, but Hillary needs 50% + 1 to win. The Obama coalition/Democrat base has the Chablis-swilling limo libs from Marin County, the AFSCME-dues paying DMV diversity consultants, and the big screen-watching EBT cardholder vote nailed down. Everyone else, not so much anymore. And Obama is clearly fine with that.

Hillary was supposed to do what Bill did and bring back those blue collar Dems – the people who make things with their hands, the people who didn’t go to Wellesley, and the government employees like Officer Darren Wilson who actual perform a useful service. But Obama doesn’t need or even want them, and he’s happily driving them away to strengthen his own coalition. He’s refused to stand up against the race hustlers and rioters. And he’s hung the executive amnesty around Hillary’s neck, ensuring that she’ll spend the next two years promising not to undo it – in contrast the GOP nominee who will be talking about little else.

Forum: How Was Your Thanksgiving? Which Of Your Thanksgiving Favorites Did You Serve This Year?

Every week on Monday morning , the Council and our invited guests weigh in at the Watcher’s Forum, short takes on a major issue of the day, the culture, or daily living. This week’s question:Which Of Your Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes, Food And Drinks Did You Serve This Year?

Laura Rambeau Lee, Right Reason:Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. When my mom passed away in 2011, it felt like there was a giant shift in the cosmos. I took that giant step forward understanding the impact of now being the elder family member. I find it interesting how I have embraced this and have taken the lead in arranging for holiday family events, although I am not the oldest child. It is always difficult to get the entire family together. Most of us have jobs that require us to work on the day after Thanksgiving, so we might not celebrate on the actual day. What we usually do is take turns at whose house we celebrate, and each of us makes a dish so no one has to go crazy and we can all enjoy the day. I don’t remember my family having any special recipes except for a sweet potato casserole that mom made and I make that every year now. A few years ago I found a really easy recipe for roasting a turkey that everyone loves. If anyone is interested, it is called the Michigander turkey. Chicken bouillon, minced onions, parsley flakes and seasoned salt. That’s it! I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving!

GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD : Gruss Gott, i served for 2 different families and didn’t get much other than a cold biscuit, a leg from KFC and then got drunk on Lemon Meringue Pie…

The Glittering Eye :
Every year I look forward to Thanksgiving as kids look forward to Christmas. It’s probably my favorite holiday of the year and I explained why in my Thanksgiving post for 2004, now ten years old.

I have been cooking Thanksgiving dinner for more years than most of you have been alive. I started when I was fifteen years old and I don’t think I’ve missed a year since then. Some years I’ve had as many as twenty guests; others as few as one. If you come to my house for Thanksgiving, you are my family. Make no mistake about that.

We have an inviolable custom which I described in my Thanksgiving post for this year:

We followed our usual custom. Before we began to eat, proceeding from youngest to oldest we each said what we were thankful for. I, of course, was most thankful for my dear wife but there were other things for which I’m thankful.

I’m thankful that my new job circumstances have renewed my confidence in my abilities. If you’ve never experience doubt in that, I don’t know that you can appreciate what a difference that has made for me.

I’m also thankful for Tally’s life. I learned so much from her! I miss her dearly but I’m very thankful for her life.

It should go without saying but I’m also thankful for all of you who stop by here to read and even, perhaps, to comment. This blog is an important part of my life and it would be impoverished without the little coterie of commenters here. Thank you.

I’ve collected most of my usual Thanksgiving recipes in this post. If you’ve never tried it, I urge you to try the Pumpkin Chiffon Pie. You won’t be sorry.

This year I posted a new recipe that I had tried this year for the first time: Folded Rolls. They’re probably the best dinner rolls I’ve ever made.

JoshuaPundit : Ah, Thanksgiving! My wife and I had a great deal to be thankful for this year, as indeed we always do.

Food? I’ve always been the turkey chef in our family. This particular year we brined our turkey overnight, seasoned it (I like to rub the spices directly into the bird)  and then  put it into the oven.  Past turkeys have been lubricated with red wine in the cavity,  but this one wasn’t.It came out great.

We had one of my faves,  kasha ( whole grain roasted buckwheat) as a side dish. We also had homemade cranberry sauce, stuffing made with a mixture of egg bread, rye bread, celery,onions, homemade broth and a bit of  Merlot for flavor, mushroom n’ Merlot turkey gravy, and a nice Zinfandel to go with.

Another thing I always look forward to is the leftovers. Turkey sandwiches are a huge favorite of mine,and in a few days, it’ll be time for turkey soup, seasoned with thyme, sage, a touch of coriander, a little pepper and a prayer for peace.

Gerard Vanderleun, American Digest:

Grateful for each hand we hold

Gathered round this table.
From far and near we travel home,
Blessed that we are able.

Grateful for this sheltered place
With light in every window,
Saying welcome, welcome, share this feast
Come in away from sorrow.

Father, mother, daughter, son,
Neighbor, friend and friendless;
All together everyone in the gift of loving-kindness.

Grateful for whats understood,
And all that is forgiven;
We try so hard to be good,
To lead a life worth living.

Father, mother, daughter, son,
Neighbor, friend, and friendless;
All together everyone, let grateful days be endless.

Grateful for each hand we hold
Gathered round this table.

Well, there you have it!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum. and every  Tuesday morning, when we reveal the weeks’ nominees for Weasel of the Week!

And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it...or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

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