Obama’s Healthy Racial Tensions: Cops Killed in NYC – Shot At In LA, FL and NC

According to the president, the United States is less racially divided than ever before and the issue of race relations is surfacing “in a way that probably is healthy.”

Obama welcomed the attention race relations and policing in minority communities have attracted recently and said he believes there will be “progress” on those issues in the next year as a result of the task force of police, community leaders and activists he assembled this year.

He’s talking about people like the sh*t-stirring Al Sharpton and the DOJ Community Relations Service. Yes, thanks to the Rev. Al and Holder’s community organizers – “progress” is being made. (Even CNN put the word “progress” in sneer quotes.)

“I actually think that [the U.S. is] probably in its day-to-day interactions less racially divided,” Obama said in an interview with NPR released Monday and recorded before his family vacation in Hawaii. “The issue of police and communities of color being mistrustful of each other is hardly new; that dates back a long time. It’s just something that hasn’t been talked about.”

Listen to the “Healer-in-Chief” go on with this therapeutic-sounding bravo-sierra:

President Obama believes the racial tensions over the police shootings of unarmed black Americans have “surfaced in a way that probably is healthy,” he said in a recent interview with NPR.

“I think that the fact that there’s a conversation about [racial divides and police mistrust], and that there are tools out there that we know can make a difference in bridging those gaps of understanding and mistrust, should make us optimistic,” Obama said.

What crap.

Does Obama’s conversation include anything about the high crime rate among young black males? The epidemics of black on black and black on white crimes? Do the community organizers encourage blacks in crime-infested communities to stay in school, stay away from drugs, obey the law, respect the law, have personal responsibility, traditional morality, reject generational dependency on government? No? Then his “conversation” is worse than worthless. It’s doing more harm than good.

So far the Community-Organizer-in-Chief’s “conversation” on race has contributed to a climate of anti-cop hate that has resulted in the assassination of two cops in NYC and numerous other attacks  on law enforcement officers.

CNN: Officers shot at in Florida and Los Angeles:

Two Los Angeles police officers were shot at Sunday night while they drove their patrol car in the southern part of the city, police said. The officers returned fire, authorities said, and no one was injured.

Phew. That means no violent race riots in retaliation.

One suspect was arrested and two weapons, including a rifle, were recovered. Another remains at large, prompting a manhunt that lasted for hours and involved about 100 officers, LAPD Capt. Lillian Carranza said.


And there was a second incident over the weekend in which police were fired at, this one in Florida on Sunday morning.

Someone fired three bullets at two deputies with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office as they sat in their patrol car.

A Durham, NC police officer sitting in a parked car saved his own life Thursday night by catching the approach of two men in his squad car’s rear-view mirror.

The officer exited his vehicle to confront the pair, when one of the would-be assassins opened fire without saying a word:

A Durham police officer dove for cover Thursday night after a man walked up and began shooting at him, police said Friday.

The incident happened about 10 p.m. on Lakeland Street, just north of Truman Street. Police said Officer J.T. West was sitting in his patrol car, working on a report, when he saw two men approaching his car from behind.

As West got out of the car to speak to them, one of the men pulled out a gun and began firing, police said. The man fired six shots at West, striking the patrol car once.

West fired two rounds in return. Police said it wasn’t known if West wounded either of the men.

Hopefully (for shop owners near Lakeland and Truman in Durham) neither of these gentle giants were harmed after opening fire on the police officer.

One more via Gateway Pundit: Recent Parolee Arrested in Shooting Off-Duty St. Louis Police Officer:

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported:

A recent parolee has been charged in the shooting last weekend of an off-duty St. Louis police officer in the city’s Hyde Park neighborhood.

Authorities said the officer was critically injured Dec. 19 in a gunfight with people in a car driven by the parolee, Dominic Lamont Irons, 29, of the 2800 block of Delmar Boulevard.

A court document says one of the others in the car was killed in the shootout. At least one other person was still being sought by police.

You know what the country needs right now?  A conversation about white privilege.

When Department of Justice officials arrived in Ferguson, Mo., one day after the death of Michael Brown, it wasn’t just to conduct an investigation on potential civil-rights violations. In fact, officials from one Justice Department office were conducting meetings with Ferguson residents to educate them on subjects such as “white privilege.”

The DOJ’s Community Relations Service arrived in Ferguson purportedly to lessen the tension between protesters and city officials. But sources who attended the DOJ’s private gatherings with Ferguson residents tell NRO that the Justice Department also sought to educate and question the community about the issues of white privilege and racism. The political nature of the Justice Department’s intervention in Ferguson may not be exclusive to its interactions with residents; it also might have affected its ongoing investigations into the Ferguson Police Department and officer Darren Wilson.

That is the conversation Obama and his community organizing “task force” is cramming down the nation’s throat instead of one that could actually do some good.


Look what else Obama’s “healthy racial tensions” have inspired.

Gateway Pundit: Al-Qaeda References Anti-Police Protests in Latest Magazine, Includes “Don’t Shoot” & “I Can’t Breathe” Slogans

The latest issue of Al Qaeda’s Inspire magazine includes notes on Ferguson and Eric Garner’s death. The magazine hopes to lure young African-Americans to their cause by including mentions of Mike Brown and the “Don’t shoot” campaign.
PJ Media reported:

The latest issue of al-Qaeda’s Inspire magazine includes notes referencing the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Tamir Rice, and suggests that a March gas explosion that leveled two Harlem apartment buildings may have not been an accident.

The Winter 2014 issue — an “open source jihad special” — is largely devoted to lauding recent “lone mujahid” attacks and encouraging future lone wolves, as the U.S. government calls them, to try a new al-Qaeda recipe for a bomb they claim can fool airport security.

The slick publication from Al-Malahem Media, the media arm of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, features a jetliner on the cover plowing through stormy clouds, with the headline “Neurotmesis: Cutting the nerves and isolating the head” — stressing that the “main goal” of 9/11 was “economy hemorrhage.”

Of course. This cluster-F wouldn’t be complete without some healthy input from one of the world’s most notorious terrorist groups. How long before ISIS weighs in?

Forum: What Are Your Predictions For 2015?

Every week on Monday morning , the Council and our invited guests weigh in at the Watcher’s Forum, short takes on a major issue of the day, the culture, or daily living. This week’s question
: What Are Your Predictions For 2015?

 The Noisy Room :

1. Gitmo will be emptied and closed.
2. The Republicans will facilitate and fund the full implementation of
3. The Republicans will facilitate and fund the full implementation of
4. The Republicans will support and assist Obama with the Trans-Pacific
5. Riots and violence will increase across the US and you will see a
nationalization by Obama of our police forces.
6. Net Neutrality and censorship will be implemented on the Internet.
7. There will be a stock market correction or crash.
8. Inflation will begin to spiral out of control.
9. The dollar will be replaced as the international monetary standard.
10. Christians and Jews will see increased persecution worldwide.
11. Russia will bring more satellite countries into the fold and will
encroach on Europe.
12. ISIS will march on and spread the caliphate further.
13. China will expand their military.
14. Venezuela will finish going bankrupt.
15. Russia, China and Iran will gain a much bigger toe hold in South
16. There will be a rapid rise in the illegal alien influx, cartel
violence and border skirmishes.
17. There will be a major terrorist attack in the US.
18. IRS abuses will get even worse in the coming year.
19. Taxation will increase on many fronts.
20. Employment will continue to diminish for Americans and all economic
indicators will be further manipulated by the government and become
utter fabrications of reality. It will be one aspect of a massive
propaganda blitz by the US government to keep Americans docile.

My last prediction is that I will not be invited to any cocktail parties
as I can clear a room in 10 seconds flat. ; )

The Right Planet:I’m not really one to make predictions, since I always seem to be wrong. But, I’ll take a stab at it …

  • The national debt will continue to skyrocket (as always) and nothing will be done about it.
  • Obama will continue his racial agitation, despite the fact he’s the first “black” president in U.S. history who promised a “post-racial” America.
  • The radical left will continue to search for the next Michael Brown in order to in order to whip even more racial animus.
  • Obama will continue to dismantle the military.
  • The GOP establishment will do nothing to stop Obamacare, despite campaign promises to the contrary
  • Another massive new wave of illegal immigrants.
  • The GOP establishment will continue to push presidential candidates like Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney, despite the base’s lack of enthusiasm for these establishment types.
  • The left will push for Marxist radicals like Elizabeth Warren as their next presidential candidate in 2016.
  • Despite the fact the GOP won a major victory in the 2014 midterms, they’ll still act like they lost.
  • Obama will unleash the most radical agenda ever seen in the history of the United States, because he feels he’s got nothing to lose.

Sorry, I think it’s going to be a sh*tty year for the USA. And I think it’s only going to get worse.

Laura Rambeau Lee at Right Reason : 2015 is shaping up to be a defining year for America. Lame duck President Obama will continue to push through executive orders, further undermining the balance of power and the rule of law. Even with Republican majorities in the House and Senate I don’t see them effectively challenging him. One or two will speak out, but will be vilified as radical right extremists by the left and also by the establishment GOP.

I am afraid the events at the end of 2014, with thousands of people protesting against the police in Ferguson, MO and New York, are a precursor of things to come in 2015. The left will continue its agenda of dividing our country by race, religion, class, and cries for social justice.

As we head into the 2016 election season, younger voters will become involved in the political races based on social issues, such as same sex marriage and the legalization of marijuana and align themselves with Democrat candidates or Libertarians. Conservative Republicans will need to find a strong voice who will speak out for fiscal restraint, smaller government, and traditional values, or we can expect to see Jeb Bush being propped up as the frontrunner.

As the world continues to become more dangerous we will be drawing down our military and will be unable and unwilling to get involved.

While we have seen a little improvement in the job market and the economy, as new regulations roll out expect small businesses to take a bigger hit and many will close their doors for good. The cost of doing business in this country has become punitive for the average small business owner.

I hope I am wrong, and the Republican led Congress will work towards gutting Obamacare, cutting punitive regulations from the EPA and CFPB to name a couple, and not approving any funding for Obama’s illegal amnesty action, but I just don’t see it happening.

JoshuaPundit : Hmmm…OK, domestic politics.  I’m not prepared to predict  how the new congress will behave, but  I will say that if it simply becomes business as usual, you will see a major revolt by the Republican Party base to the extent where we may end up with a third party that ultimately replaces it.That’s almost certain if the GOP leadership tries to foist someone like Jeb Bush on the party as a presidential nominee.I actually expect the new congress to attack some areas, like EPA regulations that restrict coal. And don’t be surprised if you see increased opposition to the president’s amnesty bill, especially when it comes to attacking its funding. It was the one area Boehner left open, not because he wanted to but because he had to give the conservatives in congress something in order to get votes to pass cromnibus in the House.

Don’t be surprised if the Supremes gut ObamaCare. What will happen after that is anyone’s guess, since the health insurance industry has been monkeyed with almost beyond repair and will take some time to come back.

I also predict that we will see increased tension  between the president and the new congress, especially when it comes to his appointments, investigation of the various scandals surrounding the White House, his amnesty and the funding of certain presidential executive orders.

I think the GOP nomination will boil down to a choice between Rand Paul,  Mike Huckabee,  and Jeb Bush. I don’t think Dr. Carson will run in 2016, nor will Ted Cruz as much as I ‘d like to see him do so, but I’m happy to be wrong on that one. Either one may end up as VP candidates.

I see the chances of Hillary Clinton running as no more than 50-50, because of her health, her unpopularity withthe party’s far Left progressives  and because of continued revelations on how horribly she ran the State Department, including the Benghazi fiasco. Elizabeth Warren is a more likely choice, I think.

Other domestic predictions; I regret to say that I think we’re headed for a major terrorism attack, along with a huge scandal concerning our domestic intel setup. I see it as being an attack that the media will attempt to paint as being carried out by a so-called ‘lone wolf’, but will in reality be one aided and abetted by our overseas enemies, just like 9/11 was. I hope I’m wrong on that one.

The economy will continue about how it’s been, but probably with slightly higher interest rates come midyear. The economy is a colossal con, with real unemployment and real CPI inflation far higher and our growth and GDP far lower than we’re being told, but so far we remain the best game in town in terms of relatively safe foreign investment. The reckoning will come in very gradual stages after Obama is safely out of office.

Baseball will have a resurgence next year. This year was about getting rid of the stench of the steroids scandal.

Foreign Affairs; We will continue to flail around in Iraq, with this president gradually increasing troops on the ground. His real object is to have Iran doing more of the fighting against Islamic State, with the result, of course, that Iran will control Iraq as part of the nuclear armed Shi’ite bloc they wish to create. 2015 will also likely be the year that Iran explodes a successful nuclear weapon unless Israel stops them. Obama will not.

Syria may well see a cease fire and an arrangement between Assad and IS to share the country, midwifed by Putin. The way things are now, neither side can win but both sides need time to consolidate their gains and lick their wounds.

Israel will continue its move to the right politically, with Naftali Bennett continuing to rise in popularity. Israel will continue to expand its increasingly closer ties with India, China and East Asia. The EU will continue to become more hostile to Israel, perhaps even to the point of sanctions by countries like Ireland, the UK (at least in the short run) Spain, Portugal,  Scandinavia, Belgium, the Netherlands and France.Other countries like Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Balkan states  and other eastern European countries will simply ignore any sanctions.

While the Obama Administration will likely veto the current UNSC resolution to unilaterally force a Palestinian state by the Palestinian Authority,  the Obama regime  will almost certainly abstain and allow another one to pass if it’s  put before the UNSC after the Israeli elections in March. The Obama team is attempting  to interfere in the Israeli elections to get the Left wing Labor Party elected  and they will want to see if they can mange it before taking the political flak of allowing a UN diktat to pass..which would be opposed vociferously by congress.

Of course once that happens the relationship between America and Israel is going to change quite a bit,which was what this president has wanted all along. Since getting Labor/Hatnua elected with enough seats to form a governing coalition is highly unlikely, I think that scenario is what we’re ultimately looking at. Expect continued terrorist attacks on Israel in this current Third Intifada, which will be followed by a major crackdown boo-hooed by all the usual suspects.

Russia will likely attempt to assert its authority over one or more of the Baltic States…not by invasion, but by simple intimidation ala’ Finland. I’d say Estonia is the most likely target.

Japan and  Australia will rearm and increase their defense spending.They will also increase their security cooperation, which will likely include Vietnam and the Philippines. Germany will do the same; expect an enlargement of the Bundeswehr and security coordination with its neighbors like Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Expect UKip to do exceptionally well in the British Elections, And while French elections aren’t until 2017 unless the socialists and the extremely unpopular Hollande is forced out,  expect Marine Le Pen’s right leaning Front National (FN) to continue to gain massive ground. 

 Rhymes With Right : Well, my friends, after having had a mixed year making projections for 2014, I’m once again at it. I’ll once again stare into that foggy crystal ball and catch a glimpse into the future — undoubtedly with mixed results. Each of my four categories will have a prediction that I feel is almost certain to come true, one I feel is somewhat more iffy but still probable, and one that is a long-shot and will in twelve months be seen either as prophetic genius or utter folly.

World Affairs

  • Safe Prediction — Benjamin Netanyahu will remain Prime Minister of Israel following a challenge by a more secular and more leftist coalition. The reason for his success — which will not be expected only weeks prior to new elections — will be a renewed campaign of terrorist attacks on civilians in the wake of UN recognition of a “State of Palestine”.
  • Not-So-Safe Prediction — Continued North Korean anger over The Interview will lead to more attacks on the American entertainment industry. The target? Online streaming services renting/selling The Interview and Team America: World Police.
  • Long-Shot Prediction — King Abdullah of Jordan is overthrown in an Islamist coup.

National Affairs

  • Safe Prediction — Barack Obama will continue to govern using the same playbook as the late Hugo Chavez, issuing executive decrees and usurping Congress’ lawmaking role despite the restrictions on executive power contained in the Constitution.
  • Not-So-Safe Prediction — There will be an unexpected resignation from the Supreme Court at the end of the 2014-2015 term. This will set the stage for a major confirmation fight and, after the rejection of Obama’s nominee, an effort by the President to make a recess appointment to the High Court.
  • Long-Shot Prediction — A bipartisan immigration reform bill will be passed by both houses of Congress and be signed by the president. It will have broad support among the American people, but will be rejected by both the progressive wing of the Democrat Party and conservative wing of the Republican Party in Congress.

Texas Affairs

  • Safe Prediction — Despite strong opposition by the grassroots, Joe Straus is again selected as Speaker of the House in the Texas Legislature. When the filing date for the 2016 primary passes in December, a record number of well-funded conservative challengers will have filed to run against incumbent legislators in the Republican primary.
  • Not-So-Safe Predictions — The resignation of Steve Munisteri as Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas will result in the election of Tom Mechler by the State Republican Executive Committee. The selection of the current RPT treasurer will be more about interim stability than the long-term direction of the state party, with everyone looking toward a major floor fight at the 2016 convention between former Harris County GOP chairman Jared Woodfill and Dallas County chairman Wade Emmert in which the grassroots will make their voices heard.
  • Long-Shot Prediction — Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick surprises political observers by being an even-handed consensus builder as the presiding officer over the Texas Senate.

2016 Presidential Politics

  • Safe Prediction — As 2015 ends, the GOP will have a spirited race for the presidential nomination underway, with the leading contenders being Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, and Rand Paul, followed by Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, and Paul Ryan.
  • Not-So-Safe Prediction — Chris Christie does not seek the Republican presidential nomination.
  • Long-Shot Prediction — As 2015 ends, the Hillary Clinton juggernaut faces unexpected difficulties in the race for the Democrat presidential nomination. These will come in the form of leaked documents from Hillary’s time as Secretary of State, a new Bill Clinton sex scandal that raises questions about Hillary’s sensitivity to women alleging sexual abuse/assault, and an unexpectedly strong challenger from the Left.

The Glittering Eye :For many years at The Glittering Eye I would do an annual predictions post. Last year I gave up the practice. It wasn’t because my track record wasn’t pretty good — it was around 85% right — but because like everybody else I never managed to predict the really big stories of the year.

However, I’ll get into the spirit of things and give you one prediction. The Supreme Court will decide in favor of the plaintiffs in King v. Burwell with a vote of 5-4, Justice Kennedy concurring with the majority. That’s the case challenging the paying of federal subsidies to individuals who live in states that did not set up their own healthcare insurance exchanges.

Well, there you have it! Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum. and every  Tuesday morning, when we reveal the weeks’ nominees for Weasel of the Week! And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning. It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it...or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content. And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?

Giuliani Doubles Down On Obama Criticism, Says de Blasio Should Apologize To NYPD (Video)

Did you catch former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on CBS with Major Garrett, Sunday morning?

He was very impressive in the first half of the interview, refusing to back down from his previous comments indicting Obama for “contributing to a rhetorical atmosphere about hating American police.”

Apparently Glenn Kessler, the WaPo “factchecker” fact-checked his opinion and gave it some Pinocchios after coming to the (not-so) shocking conclusion that POTUS has been generally supportive of the police in his rhetoric (as if the Alinsky-trained,  community organizer/president would be anything but supportive of the police on the surface in a center-right country.)

But Garrett was very impressed with WaPo’s fact checking, and wanted to clear the air.

“I’ve never come across anything that looked like propaganda urging the country to hate police,” he said crossly at the former Mayor.  “Do you want to recast that, or take that back?”

“No, not at all,”  Giuliani answered without missing a beat. “I think you miss one important point.”

That, of course,  would be the giant, teleprompter-challenged elephant in the room – “He has had Al Sharpton to the White House 80-85 times,”  Giuliani explained. “Often when he’s talking about police issues he has Al Sharpton sitting right next to him.”

“If you would like to have a poster boy for hating the police, it’s Al Sharpton,” Giuliani continued. “You make Al Sharpton a close advisor, you are going to turn the police in America against you.”

He added, “I saw this man help cause riots in New York. I’ve heard his anti-police invective first hand.” Giuliani then went in for the kill: “To have a man who hasn’t paid $4 million dollars in taxes – have a man who has spent his career helping to create riotsphony stories about the police – to have that man sitting next to you – it speaks volumes. Actions speak louder than words.”

Garrett tried to get Giuliani to admit that the president has at least been supportive of the police in his rhetoric, but Giuliani refused to back down.

“Look, who you associate with is part of your rhetoric,” Giuliani answered heatedly. He went on to make a perfect analogy that should have embarrassed Garrett because it was an indictment of him and the Obama-media as a whole.  “If I were talking to you about ending the mafia as I did in the 1980s – fighting the mafia – and I had Joe Colombo sitting next to me, you would say I was a big hypocrite, wouldn’t you?”

(The answer is yes, any journalist with a pulse would have called him out for that. But love is blind, as they say, and if President Boyfriend occasionally says nice things about the police but constantly meets with a notorious cop-hater and riot instigator, they fail to notice the problem.)

Giuliani drove the point home, saying, “It wouldn’t matter what my rhetoric was – ‘oh I’m fighting the mafia!’ There’s Joe Colombo!”

And he proceeded with the Obama example – ‘I’m for the police’ there’s Al Sharpton? Police everywhere are going to say, ‘give me a break. I get the point Mr. President.'”


Garrett suggested that Giuliani had had his differences with the police when he was mayor, and they had turned his back on him, too. and Giuliani quickly disabused him of that notion. (Makes you wonder who was feeding Garrett these weak arguments? Media Matters? The White House itself? Garrett’s star has fallen far since his days at Fox.)

Giuliani said that there had been  a dispute with the union about pay – “‘Double zeroes for heroes’ they chanted. “But they never turned their backs on me. And I never had an issue about policing with them.”

Unfortunately, in the second half of the segment, he criticized the police for turning their backs on De Blasio, and he repeated his assertion that it is unfair to blame De Blasio for the cop killings. (I think Obama/Holder/Sharpton/de Blasio do have blood on their hands for encouraging the false racial narrative about the police and allowing it to take root, and encouraging ( in Obama advisor Sharpton’s case) organizing the protests.)

Giuliani did say that he thinks that de Blasio should apologize to the NYPD.

“He created an impression with the police — that he was on the side of the protesters. Now some of those protesters were entirely legitimate, but some of those protesters were horrible, yelling, ‘kill the police, kill the police.’ I don’t remember protests with people yelling ‘kill the police’ since the 1960s and 70s.”

Giuliani said that if de Blasio would apologize to the police and lose Sharpton, “maybe then he can have a better relationship with the NYPD.”

Garrett’s only response to Giuliani’s numerous assertions, was, “interesting.”



MS/NBC should suspend Rev Al Sharpton until he gets on a payment plan to pay the reported millions he owes in taxes. And the IRS and state revenue divisions should garnish his MS/NBC salary until his reported tax bill is paid. NYT reports he owes $4.5 million in taxes.

Via Truth Revolt: Fox News’ Jason Riley: Obama, Holder, Sharpton Push False Racial Narrative:

Fox News contributor Jason Riley brilliantly nails the false racial narrative perpetuated by the likes of Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and President Obama — that racism is an “all-purpose explanation” for everything that is wrong in America’s black communities.

Riley is right on target with this, echoing what Sheriff Clark and others (like me) have been saying.

The behavior in high-crime black communities must change, Riley said, if the community wants a positive perception. Yet, prominent black voices in this country — Sharpton, Holder, and the president himself — aren’t willing to have that conversation, he said.

More Riley via Bookworm Room on the culpability of the race-baiters: The murderous Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson:

JASON RILEY, WALL STREET JOURNAL: The one person of course who is responsible is the animal who pulled the trigger, he’s the one that we hold personally responsible for this and rightly so. And it’s also true, that Mayor de Blasio, with his anti-cop rhetoric, has created an atmosphere in the city that has made an occurrence like this much more likely than it otherwise would have been.

You know, what we have learned over the years is that when someone like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson injects himself in racially contentious situations people tend to get killed, whether it’s Crown Heights, Brooklyn, back in the early 90s, Freddie’s Fashion Mart up in Harlem in the mid-90s, or these anti-cop protests following the Ferguson shootings. When you the mayor, or the president of the United States, or Attorney General Holder, and you choose to align yourself with someone like Al Sharpton instead of with the men in blue who protect our cities nationwide, you’re asking for mayhem.

Weasel Zippers: Eerily Similar To NY Case: Durham Police Officer Targeted And Shot At By Two Black Men Who Came Up Behind His Police Car

Weasel Zippers: De Blasio Booed And Heckled During NYPD Officers Graduation Ceremony – Update: Crowd Shouts “Traitor!”…

Video here. MehYou can hear some boos among the applause but it’s not overwhelming. Officers were likely lectured about decorum and the need to behave themselves before the ceremony.

Ace of Spades HQ: Obama: Racial Tensions Are Now Coming Out in a “In a Way that is Probably Healthy “

The community organizer just keeps organizin’ his communities.

With racial issues and policing headlining the political conversation in America in the midst of nationwide protests and the murder of two police officers in New York, President Barack Obama said he believes the issue of race relations is surfacing “in a way that probably is healthy.”…

“I actually think that [the U.S. is] probably in its day-to-day interactions less racially divided,” Obama said in an interview with NPR released Monday and recorded before his family vacation in Hawaii. “The issue of police and communities of color being mistrustful of each other is hardly new; that dates back a long time. It’s just something that hasn’t been talked about.”

The fact that some residents in high crime, gang-infested neighborhoods feel hostility toward the police is not something we talk about because it’s an obvious, sickening fact everyone already knows.

The healthy conversation we should be having on race is the one Jason Riley talked about in the video above – the one Obama/Holder/Sharpton/de Blasio and their fellow travelers have no interest in discussing because it doesn’t help them politically.

And for this president to suggest that this country is less racially divided since he came into office when polls overwhelmingly show that Americans say they feel more racially divided than ever before, takes Gruberism to a new level. I’m actually impressed.