The Regime Doubles Down: Kosher Deli Terror Attack in Paris Was Random – Not Anti-Semitic Attack

Wow. I honestly thought that Obama misspoke when he described the shooting at the Paris Kosher Deli days after the Charlie Hebdo slaughter, as a “random attack.”

Here’s what he said in his interview with the Obama subservient lapdog outlet, “Vox.”

“It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you’ve got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.

Whoops, right? This was not “random violence” any more than the Fort Hood shooting was “workplace violence.” The attack was clearly anti-Semitic and it reignited age-old fears about Jews being targeted in France and in Europe.

Obviously Obama meant to say it was an anti-semitic attack on a Kosher Deli – but speaking off the cuff – he muffed his words up a little. It happens to everyone.

But no.

It appears that the Regime has decided that – for whatever reason –  they are going to play down the anti-semitic angle of that Kosher Deli shooting. They’re going to keep calling it a “random attack”  – —

Poor Josh Earnest and Jen Psaki. They soldier on day after day –  forced to swallow their pride and recite these absurd talking points.

Via The Right Pundit:

JON KARL: “This was an attack on a KOSHER Deli. Does the president have ANY doubt that those terrorists attacked that deli because there would be JEWS in that Deli?”

JOSH EARNEST: …The adverb that the president chose was used to indicate that the individuals that were killed in that terrible tragic incident, were killed, not because of who they were – but because of where they randomly  happened to be.

Seriously, that’s what they’re going with. Even though Obama said vicious zealots were randomly shooting “a bunch of folks”,  they’re saying he meant that the victims were “random” because they weren’t all Jews. Even though the Kosher deli was obviously chosen by the Jew-hating terrorists because they wanted to kill some Jews at a Jewish deli.

It’s like saying that the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center wasn’t an attack on America because there were people from all over the world in those buildings – making it a “random attack on a bunch of folks.”

So, while you’re trying to figure out if A. this is just a case of  immature leftists refusing to admit that Obama misspoke, or B. (much worse) immature leftists not wanting to admit that Jews were the intended victims in the Kosher deli terrorist attack – (because they’re pushing a pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel agenda and this doesn’t fit their narrative of Jews always being the bad guy?) here’s State Dept. Spox Jen Psaki with the same exact moronic talking points.

Asked if the attack was really random, Psaki said, “They were not all victims of one background or one nationality, so I think what they mean by that is, I don’t know that they spoke to the targeting of a grocery store.”

The AP’s Matt Lee asked her whether it was an “anti-Jewish attack” and who does the White House think would be in a kosher market? Psaki waffled and punted the question to  the French government, like it’s their call. The French government, of course, has  been unequivocal in describing the Kosher Deli shooting as an anti-Semitic attack.

What more – another State Department spokesperson last month, said, “We condemn in the strongest terms ‎yesterday’s cowardly anti-Semitic assault against the innocent people in the kosher supermarket.”

They’re not allowed to say that, anymore, apparently.

Linked by Bastion of Liberty, thanks!


Obama Success Story, Yemen, Now A No Go Zone For Americans


Seriously – it was only last Fall that this president was citing Yeman as a model of success.

On September 10, 2014, the White House released a couple of excerpts from Obama’s address to the nation on his strategy to combat terrorism abroad:

“But I want the American people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It will not involve American combat troops fighting on foreign soil. This counter-terrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground. This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years.”

Today, via Gateway Pundit, the US Closed its Embassy in Yemen – Suspending ALL OPERATIONS

US Embassy Staff in Yemen. (Facebook)

The US Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen released an emergency message in January warning ALL US CITIZENS to “depart immediately.” The embassy went on to say US citizens are responsible for making their own travel arrangements.

Has anyone checked on Somalia lately?

Obama Regime Brags To U.N. About 46.5 Million Americans On Food Stamps…


If you thought that record numbers of people on foodstamps was a negative thing – a problem that needs solving – you were wrong.

The fact that a quarter of all Americans receive some kind of “food assistance” is something to “boast” about in today’s America – which is striving to compete with those paragons of human rights virtue – CUBA. 

Some day – if we work really really hard – The United States of America may be able to reach that pinnacle of Democratic fairness and equality that Cuba has become under the Castros.

Via CNS News:

In response to a recommendation made by the Communist government of Cuba, the U.S. State Department is boasting in a report submitted to the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights on Friday that there were “46.5 million” people on food stamps in the United States last year and that a quarter of all Americans received government “food assistance.”

In response to the same Cuban recommendation, the State Department also told the U.N. High Commissioner that 9 million people have signed up for Medicaid since October 2013—as part of the impact of Obamacare.

“In FY2014, we invested more than $103 billion in domestic food assistance programs, serving one in four Americans during the year,” the State Department told the U.N. High Commissioner.

“[N]early nine million individuals have enrolled in coverage in state-run Medicaid programs since October 2013,” said the State Department.

Hey let’s not forget the free Obamaphones, housing subsidies, welfare expansion, disability expansion – all of it – every bit rife with fraud. Oh there is so much to be proud of, here, America.

At some point they are going to run out of other people’s money. I guess we’ll find out in 2016 if America wants to go full Greece.

Hat tip: Weasel Zippers

Obama Vows to Bring the Terrorists to Justice — AGAIN


Graphic via the People’s Cube

So, an annoyed Barack Obama – who was really hoping to be able to focus on free community college, and climate change, this week –   sent his “deepest condolences” to the Mueller family, and vowed to *ahem! ahem!* “bring those responsible for Kayla’s death to justice.”

In his statement, Obama said: “Isil is a hateful and abhorrent terrorist group whose actions stand in stark contrast the spirit of people like Kayla.”
He said: “No matter how long it takes, the United States will find and bring to justice the terrorists who are responsible for Kayla’s captivity and death.”

We have heard this mantra before:

-“We will be relentless in tracking down the killers and bringing them to justice.” Barack Obama addressing the UN assembly on Sept 25, 2012 in reference to the great video uprising of Benghazi, 9/11/2012. A variety of that mantra was repeated dozens of times by Obama and/or his White House State Dept. mouth pieces for months and months until the story became “dude, that happened 2 years ago!”

-“When people harm Americans, anywhere, we do what’s necessary to see that justice is done, and we act against ISIL, standing alongside others.” – Barack Obama 8/20/14, just prior to resuming his golf game on Martha’s Vineyard.

– “Those who make the mistake of harming Americans will learn that we will not forget … that our reach is long and that justice will be served,” the President said. – Barack Obama 9/3/2014

Obama didn’t seem so determined to mete out justice, earlier this year, when he denied Jordan their request for Predator spy drones that would have helped them pinpoint  targets in the war against the Islamic State.

Via The Washington Times:

The refusal, disclosed by a House Armed Services Committee member, has gained attention since Jordan has emerged as a critical player in a U.S.-led coalition to destroy the Islamist terrorist group in the days after it released a video of its execution by fire of a captured Jordanian military pilot.

Jordan retaliated Thursday with F-16 airstrikes on the Syrian town of Raqqa and is vowing a relentless war against the Islamic State, also known as ISIL and ISIS.

Members of Congress are calling on the White House to approve a list of weapons for King Abdullah II, a strong U.S. ally.

Obama’s budget probably doesn’t allow for expenditures on random, non-existential threats overseas when there are much more pressing issues like climate change to deal with here at home.

But don’t worry – he won’t rest until he brings those terrorist folks to justice..




R.I.P. Kayla Jean Mueller


It’s not yet known when or how but government officials have confirmed the death of Kayla Jean Mueller, a US aid worker from Prescott, Arizona who had been held captive in Syria since 2013. ISIS claims she was killed during the Jordanian air strikes, but have presented nothing to back up that claim. She was only 26 years old.

Her parents released a letter from Kayla believed to have been written in November of 2014.

Via the Guardian, it reads like something from the book of  saints.



Everyone, If you are receiving this letter it means I am still detained but my cell mates (starting from 11/2/2014) have been released.

I have asked them to contact you + send you this letter. It’s hard to know what to say. Please know that I am in a safe location, completely unharmed + healthy (put on weight in fact); I have been treated w/ the utmost respect + kindness.

I wanted to write you all a well thought out letter (but I didn’t know if my cell mates would be leaving in the coming days or the coming months restricting my time but primarily) I could only but write the letter a paragraph at a time, just the thought of you all sends me into a fit of tears.

If you could say I have “suffered” at all throughout this whole experience it is only in knowing how much suffering I have put you all through; I will never ask you to forgive me as I do not deserve forgiveness.

I remember mom always telling me that all in all in the end the only one you really have is God. I have come to a place in experience where, in every sense of the word, I have surrendered myself to our creator b/c literally there was no else … + by God + by your prayers I have felt tenderly cradled in freefall.

I have been shown in darkness, light + have learned that even in prison, one can be free. I am grateful. I have come to see that there is good in every situation, sometimes we just have to look for it.

I pray each each day that if nothing else, you have felt a certain closeness + surrender to God as well + have formed a bond of love + support amongst one another … I miss you all as if it has been a decade of forced separation.

I have had many a long hour to think, to think of all the things I will do w/ Lex, our first family camping trip, the first meeting @ the airport. I have had many hours to think how only in your absence have I finally @ 25 years old come to realize your place in my life.

The gift that is each one of you + the person I could + could not be if you were not a part of my life, my family, my support.

I DO NOT want the negotiations for my release to be your duty, if there is any other option take it, even if it takes more time. This should never have become your burden.

I have asked these women to support you; please seek their advice. If you have not done so already, [REDACTED] can contact [REDACTED] who may have a certain level of experience with these people.

None of us could have known it would be this long but know I am also fighting from my side in the ways I am able + I have a lot of fight left inside of me.

I am not breaking down + I will not give in no matter how long it takes. I wrote a song some months ago that says, “The part of me that pains the most also gets me out of bed, w/out your hope there would be nothing left …”  

aka-The thought of your pain is the source of my own, simultaneously the hope of our reunion is the source of my strength.

Please be patient, give your pain to God. I know you would want me to remain strong. That is exactly what I am doing. Do not fear for me, continue to pray as will I + by God’s will we will be together soon.

All my everything, Kayla

Her family released the following statement:

“We are heartbroken to share that we’ve received confirmation that Kayla Jean Mueller has lost her life. Kayla was a compassionate and devoted humanitarian. She dedicated the whole of her young life to helping those in need of freedom, justice, and peace.”







Our Weasel Of The Week Nominees!!

It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

Here are this weeks’ nominees….

Anti-Gun-CT-Senator-Chris-MurphyGun Confiscator And Progressive Zombie Senator Chris Murphy ( D-CT)

The Noisy Room : I am nominating Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) who along with gun-hating nuts Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Sen.Robert Menendez (D-NJ) joined bill co-sponsor Rep. Elizabeth Esty (D-CN)to announce a bill that would limit magazine capacity to 10 rounds nationally.

Murphy stressed that he has not met ‘a single hunter or a single person who hunts for sport’ who needs more than 10 rounds. And being the Progressive whacko he is, Murphy is promoting an agenda to disarm the American people and he needs to obscure the facts. As such, he went to the old standard of demonizing lawful gun owners.

He said those who wanted high-capacity magazines were more interested in ‘arming against the government.’

So, Murphy is equating people who choose to exercise their Constitutional rights with militants who desire an armed insurgency. He’s saying that having a 30-round mag is the same thing as joining ISIS. The truth is nearly every gun owner in America is a responsible citizen, including the millions who own modern sporting rifles and 30-round magazines. It’s a pity for weasely Murphy that the darned Constitution keeps getting in his way.

Superhero, Medal of Honor Winner,Captain Of The Starship Enterprise And Yes, NBC Newscaster Brian Williams!!

 The Right Planet : Brian Williams claimed the helicopter he was aboard was forced down after being hit by an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) during the Iraq invasion in 2003. But military personnel who were there at the time claim Williams was not in the Chinook helicopter that received shrapnel damage from the RPG. Brian Williams then admitted his “mistake” in a lengthy Facebook post, blaming the ‘fog of memory over 12 years.’ Now, there are a number of allegations going around claiming Williams has a history of embellishing his experiences, including saving puppies from a fire, seeing dead bodies float down a river during Hurricane Katrina, and Katyusha rockets whistling past his helicopter while he reported from Israel in 2006. Maureen Dowd recently wrote NBC execs were warned a year ago Brian Williams was “constantly inflating his biography.” Interestingly, some so-called “insiders” allege Williams has been lying for years, and NBC knew all about it. If true, why did NBC choose to do nothing about it?

 Virginia Right! : My nomination this week is Lyin’ Brian Williams the NBC News Anchor who prefers to embellish the news and be the news rather than just read it.

I’m not sure what it is about the Middle East. All the Liberals seem to have delusions of grandeur and feel the need to put themselves in harm’s way, but only in their minds.

NBC already had credibility problems and replacing Williams will not be easy. There is no such thing as an honest left wing journalist. There are only those that have been caught lying and those who have yet to be caught lying.

Bookworm Room: Yes, yes, I know he’s been nominated a dozen times before, but President Barack Hussein Obama is the weasel-gift that just keeps giving. I mean, honestly, can you imagine any president before Obama going before the National Prayer Breakfast, a primarily Christian function, and castigating its members for being associated in some way with Crusades that took place a thousand years before? Because he’s not a member of the clergy, it was amazingly arrogant and disrespectful. Because he’s an ignoramus, it was amazingly factually wrong. And because he’s a Leftist, it attempted to deflect attention from present-day depredations by practitioners of the religion that shall not be named, by strongly implying that the religion that shall not be named is simply acting out a reasonable response to Christian provocation (a thousand years ago).

Frankly, for this one, Obama should get a special “Weasel into Eternity” award.
Rep. G.K. Butterfied (D-NC), Cop Hater And Anti-Israel Head Of The
Congressional Black Caucus.

 JoshuaPundit: G.K. Butterfield is the head of the Black Congressional Caucus. Now,  he could be nominated for his campaign to have all shootings where a black person is killed in an altercation with police judged not by local  prosecutors but by a ‘special prosecutor’ appointed by the Obama Justice Department (because of course, the entire justice system is racist).

But this week, the weasel merits my attention for another reason. He’s a willing tool to bash Israel and support an anti-Israel president.

President Obama, in his continuing efforts to make Israel a partisan issue has been urging Democrats to boycott Israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech on Iran’s nuclear weapons program…and one of the first calls went out to Butterfield, the head of the CBC, whom eagerly complied. So far, there are 11 other members who are boycotting the speech, including Maxine Waters, John Lewis, Muslim members Keith Ellison and Andre Carson, ex-Black Panther Bobby Rush, James Clyburn, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Barbara Lee, Charlie Rangel, Gregory Meeks, and there are at least 12-14 others I could name whom will probably follow along like John Conyers and Sheila Jackson Lee based on what they share with the ones who have already agreed to boycott, including Butterfield….their stridently  anti-Israel voting records.

In the grand scheme of things, it makes little difference. It’s not like Israel is losing any friends here, if you get my meaning. But some of these people ought to be ashamed of themselves, especially the older ones like John Lewis and Charlie Rangel. They’ve conveniently chosen to forget and ignore  that without Jewish funding, advocacy and help in organizing the civil rights movement, it might very well have taken many years more for the Civil Rights movement’s successes, if they happened at all. It remains a long overdue debt.

Perhaps it’s too much to expect even a  bit of gratitude, especially since there are several anti-Israel Leftist  Jews also boycotting the speech to give these members of the CBC cover. But I’d expect at least a little shame deep inside, for what little that’s a worth. Of course even  that won’t exist, since most of  the CBC will gladly follow Butterfield’s urging, and become willing soldiers in Obama’s anti-Israel campaign.

This  is truly despicably weasel behavior. And I hope in the end the inevitable payback hits them all hard and unmercifully.

Well, there it is. What a despicable group of  Weasels…ANY OF THEM COULD WIN! Check back Thursday to see which Weasel walks off with the statuette of shame!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum.

And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it...or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

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