Obama: Republicans Are Aiding ISIS By Calling Them Islamic

The first paragraph of this Time article by Michael Scherer perfectly encapsulates this president’s M/O for the past six years.

The newest front in the American war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) will not take place in the deserts of Syria, Iraq or Libya, but on the covers of the nation’s tabloids and the airwaves of its cable television jabfests. President Obama, with two speeches in as many days, has decided to take the battle to his conservative critics.

Yes, the front in which this president is most willing to actually fight – is not in the Middle East against fanatical, head-bloodthirsty enemies who have declared war against Western civilization – it against in his own country, against his own fellow citizens..  For Marxists like Obama – everything is political – and the “war” against ISIS (such as it is) is an opportunity to for the community organizer to score political points against the GOP – who in Obama’s telling – are playing right into ISIS’s hands by acknowledging that they do in fact represent a virulent strain of Islam. This Obama “truthbomb” has been specially catered for his left-wing media toadies: Republicans are aiding ISIS by peddling this “lie.”

Those who identify the black-clad extremists with their religious roots, the commander-in-chief argued repeatedly, are peddling a “lie” that will drive recruitment by the nation’s enemies and ultimately hurt U.S. interests. These terrorists are desperate for legitimacy. And all of us have a responsibility to refute the notion that groups like ISIL somehow represent Islam, because that is a falsehood that embraces the terrorists’ narrative,” he said, using the U.S. government’s preferred acronym for ISIS, which is also known as the Islamic State.

Anyone who has seen the NY Post cover today however, can see how well Obama’s BS is going over (with even the liberal media.)


But he did not stop there. A day after talking about the “debate in the press and among pundits” over terminology, he accused others in the public sphere Thursday of aiding the terrorist cause by highlighting the connection between Islamic teachings and Islamic State’s tactics, which include rape, beheadings, crucifixions and slavery. “That narrative sometimes extends far beyond terrorist organizations,” he continued. “That narrative becomes the foundation upon which terrorists build their ideology and by which they try to justify their violence, and that hurts all of us, including Islam and especially Muslims who are the ones most likely to be killed.”


Andrew McCarthy, NRO: Find the ‘Countering Violent Extremism Summit’ at the Intersection of Islamists and Leftists:

Linking to this again because he does a great job explaining what Obama’s atrocious CVE Summit is all about.

The public is worried about our national security because, after six years of Obama, jihadists have more safe-haven than ever to plot and train for attacks against America, Israel and Western Europe. Obama, however, sees the situation as grist for a large-scale exercise in community-organizing: A summit that gathers “governments, civil society groups, and community leaders from more than 60 nations” to address “the anger that festers when people feel that injustice and corruption leave them no chance of improving their lives.”

By the president’s lights, what causes terrorism is not sharia supremacist ideology, something that is not to be discussed. Instead, “anger” over “legitimate grievances” — that always turn out to be the same grievances the Left grieves over – makes young Muslims vulnerable to “exploitation” by al Qaeda and ISIS.

For their part, Islamists share the Left’s affinity for muscular government that suffocates individual liberty. They are also anxious to gull Westerners into seeing their grievances as driven by wayward American policies rather than sharia principles. That makes an alliance with the Left a good fit – notwithstanding important differences on such matters as abortion and the rights of women and homosexuals (differences that allies can set aside when defeating a common opponent is the higher objective).

CNS News: Administration’s Poverty-Islamic Terrorism Link Has Been Challenged by Studies:

Rather than being driven by lack of economic opportunity, some of the most prominent jihadist terrorists over the past decade have been educated members of their societies, with plentiful opportunities open to them.

“Terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease,” a RAND Corporation report commissioned by Secretary of Defense stated in 2009. “Terrorist leaders actually tend to come from relatively privileged backgrounds.”

The report said that “root cause factors” do affect terrorism, but do so “indirectly by contributing to an environment.”

A 2002 paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research examining links between poverty/low education and participation in terror found that in the cases of both Hezbollah in Lebanon and Palestinian suicide bombers, support for violent activities was higher among those more educated and better off.

Guiliani Drops a “Truthbomb” on Obama

Ace of Spades has lately been referring to Obama as “President Bullworth Truthbomb” in reference to Obama’s reported fantasy of “going Bulworth,” that is, behaving like the protagonist of Warren Beatty’s 1998 film, Bulworth.

Bulworth is a Senator who finally breaks free of the constraints of American politics to say what he really thinks. And what he thinks consists largely of obscene raps and wild speeches openly pushing for socialism.

Obama and his acolytes have been dropping these Bullworthian “truthbombs” on the electorate with a vengeance since the midterm elections – in the wake of which Obama said he was finally “liberated” to do and say whatever he pleases.

Well, Republicans can drop “truthbombs”, too.

At a private dinner at the 21 Club in NYC,  former Mayor Giuliani said of Obama, “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America. He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

For the liberal media – (and at least one dork in the conservative media) this was a controversial thing to say. But for those of us, who are not charter members of the Barack Obama fan club – not so much. It’s what many of us have been feeling for over six years.

Really since he hit the scene in 2008, and I started really paying attention to him – it was obvious to me that we had a very different type of political animal on our hands running for president – (irrespective of his brown skin and “funny name.”) This is a man who did not have the standard all-American background past presidents have always had. He had spent his formative years in Indonesia, being raised a Muslim in a Muslim country. Obama was never a boy scout. He didn’t play little league. He didn’t go to church on Sunday. He did have a tranny nanny.

Later on in Hawaii, he was mentored by a communist writer and activist. He  spent his college days hanging around radical activists.

To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structured feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism and patriarchy.

And there is no evidence that he ever discarded his Marxist predispositions. Indeed, all the evidence points to the fact that he hasn’t.

In Chicago, he worked as a radical community organizer using the tactics of the communist Saul Alinsky. As a stepping stone into Chicago politics, he attended a radical black church.  He was introduced to Chicago politics by a communist Bill Ayers. His friends have always been far-leftists and Islamist radicals.

Good God, it’s been a living nightmare having this man as our president.

It’s about damn time someone started mainstreaming what so many of us have been feeling for the past 7 years.

 See Also: 

Andrew McCarthy, NRO: Find the ‘Countering Violent Extremism Summit’ at the Intersection of Islamists and Leftists:

You may understandably think of it as an ISIS jobs fair, but the ongoing confab in Washington is officially known as President Obama’s “summit” on “Countering Violent Extremism.” That being the case, many Americans seem surprised at the appearance of Salam al-Marayati, leader of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). After all, the White House is having a public hissy fit over the upcoming speech to Congress by Obama’s bête noire, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. An odd time, one might think, for the POTUS to be so chummy with a Muslim activist best know for theorizing, right after the 9/11 attacks, that “we should put the State of Israel on the suspect list.”

But National Review readers will not be surprised. Marayati and MPAC figured in my 2010 book on the Muslim Brotherhood’s U.S. operations – The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America (“grand jihad” and “sabotage” are lifted verbatim from an internal Brotherhood memo that describes the Islamists’ objective to infiltrate and destroy our country). And three years ago, I profiled Marayati and MPAC in this NRO column.


Our Weasel Of The Week

It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all slime-worthy and disgusting,but in the end the overwhelming winner was….the envelope please…

Obama’s Hand Picked Wanna Be Propaganda Kommissar, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler!!

  JoshuaPundit: For his plans to take total control of the internet, make it a utility and hugely expand  taxes and fees. And to  ‘regulate’ internet and broadcast content to shut down ‘extremist’ (AKA conservative,  anti-Obama thought) via a 323 page plan he refuses to let congress or the public see.

Yes, Tom Wheeler is definitely one slimy weasel…such people are unworthy to live in a free society.

Well, there it is! 

Check back next Tuesday to see who next week’s nominees for Weasel of the Week are!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum, and  remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it...or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?

Ouch: Megyn Kelly Reduces Luis Gutierrez To Sputtering, Incoherent Mess

You know what happened here.

Megyn Kelly saw the deranged remarks Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) made on MSNBC following the judge’s decision to temporarily block  Obama’s action on immigration, and she said, ‘book that guy for tonight’s show!’ 

Gutierrez had said on MSNBC that the “militancy that will be activated throughout the immigrant community in terms of voter registration, voter participation and voter anger at the Republican Party… I think you are going to see it in an unprecedented manner.”

He had also said “the decision speaks volumes on how mean and xenophobic people can be.”

But that was PMSNBC where lunatic opinions are spouted on a daily basis and the other talking heads nod sagely in agreement.

This is Fox News. With Megyn Kelly. And this interview was one for the ages.

“You seem to be speaking about Republicans as mean and xenophobic,”  Kelly remarked, asking him what he was basing that on.

But Gutierrez only wanted to talk about the villainous judge – and went on and on detailing his mean and xenophobic ways –  and how even his Mayor thought it was a bad decision!!1!! Gutierrez sputtered on and on as if anyone cared what the Democrat Mayor of Brownsville thought.

In a classic “Kelly moment,” she calmly reminded him that there is a rule of law in this country, and not only did the judge in this case not think Barack Obama had the authority to put the executive order in place – Barack Obama didn’t think he had the authority to do this — for six years! Is he also mean and xenophobic?” Kelly asked triumphantly.

Gutierrez stammered that he disagreed with the president on that, but he had won that argument. And he kept on blathering, but Kelly interrupted with the coup de grace:  “you didn’t attack his motives or impugn his character!”

At this point, Gutierrez got a little freaky and weird, “You know — you and I can have a much longer conversation,” he began, looking at her sideways.

“Why don’t you just answer the question, sir,” Megyn said impatiently.

“I can bring you a repertoire of things that have been said on the floor of the House of Representatives about illegal immigrants…” he continued.

But Kelly cut him off – “you’re dodging!”

She cut to a commercial while Gutierrez was still blathering incoherently.

Watching the body language and facial expressions of the Congressman in this interview, one gets the distinct impression that he was under the influence of something – alcohol,  a controlled substance or perhaps uncontrolled substance – I’ll leave it to you to decide what.