Dr. Ben Carson Reacts to Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Speech: “Perhaps We’re Being Betrayed”

Famed Pediatric Neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson suggested that Christians are being betrayed by their president on Fox and Friends Saturday.

Asked about Barack Obama’s controversial National Prayer Breakfast remarks, Carson said, “well, certainly his words give us some insight into his thinking and his actions or lack thereof, and, you know, there have been atrocities committed throughout human history in the name of religion, and they’re all horrible, and to sit down and try to decide which one is worse than the other, doesn’t make any sense. We should condemn them all, give no quarter to anyone who is involved in such activities, and to try to divert the attention away from the outrage that has been focused on the radical Islamic terrorists, in this manner is rather disingenuous, I’m sure, to say the least.”

In response to how he reacted to the president’s remarks as a Christian, Carson said, “obviously, it makes me feel that perhaps we’re being betrayed. perhaps we don’t have a leader who feels the same about things as most of us do, but the good thing is, we have a system in place, that has allowed us to take control.

Dr. Carson also discussed with Tucker Carlson his personal formula for success – “THINK BIG.”

With an acrostic, Dr. Carson spells out his philosophy of living:

  • T-Talents/time: Recognize them as gifts.

  • H -Hope for all good things and be honest.

  • I -Insight from people and good books.

  • N -Be nice to all people.

  • K -Knowledge: Recognize it as the key to living.

  • B -Books: Read them actively.

  • I -In-depth learning skills: Develop them.

  • G -God: Never get too big for Him.

Left wing extremist group, Southern Poverty Law Center has decided to put Dr. Carson on their “Extremist Watch List.” Because in America, today, if you are a proponent  for traditional marriage, you are an EXTREMIST who needs to be WATCHED.

Via Legal Insurrection:

SPLC’s “Extremist” watch lists are particularly notorious, and in some cases blatantly political.

Most of the people on the list are on it without much controversy, including Klan and neo-Nazi figures.  But several critics of political Islam are on the list, as was Rand Paul in 2011 (accused ofElectoral Extremism).

Landing on SPLC’s Extremist list can be politically deadly, and also deadly in the real sense.  TheFamily Research Council made the list because of its position on same-sex marriage, inspiring Floyd Lee Corkins to go on a murderous shooting spree at FRC headquarters.

Yesterday I noticed a name I was surprised to see on the list: Ben Carson, listed as “anti-LGBT.”

One gets the definite feeling that progressives like the SPLC and the president of the United States consider “extremists” like the gentle Dr. Ben Carson to be a greater evil and threat to their well-being  than the violent Islamists who are currently rampaging throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa.

Saturday Movie Matinee: ‘It’s Not World War II, It’s the 1930s’

NRO: Krauthammer’s Take: ‘Susan Rice Is Right, It’s Not World War II. It’s the 1930s.’

In her foreign policy speech today at the Brooking Institution, National Security Adviser Susan Rice announced that the United States is not facing a threat “of the existential nature we confronted during World War II.” Yes, it’s not World War II,” Charles Krauthammer agreed on this evening’s Special Report. “It’s the 30s.”

“What we have,” said Krauthammer, “is a threat spreading and growing around the world, of which this administration either doesn’t recognize the threat or doesn’t want to admit it. It is pretending it doesn’t exist and will not actually even name it.”

Here’s a Ralph Peters double feature: Lt Col. Ralph Peters (ret.) appeared on Lou Dobbs and Hannity Friday slamming Natl. Sec Advisor Susan Rice’s speech as “mush”, “self congratulatory”, and “bumper-slogans.”

Rice Defends Foreign Policy, Says U.S. Not Facing Existential Threat – Col Ralph Peters – Lou Dobbs:

“The world is on fire, and he plays golf,” Peters declared, adding, “Mr. President, it’s not about the color of your skin – it’s about the content of your character.”

Ralph Peters Slams Susan Rice’s Speech: The Yogurt I Had for Breakfast Had More Structure:

Franklin Graham on Hannity: Obama Can’t Face Reality:

Western Journalism: Bishop Jackson To Obama, You Ought To Close Your Mouth!

I have a message for the president with all due respect to him and to the office: Mr. President, if you don’t want to give terrorists a recruitment’s tool, instead of closing Guantanamo Bay, frankly sir, you ought to close your mouth. Because you just gave them a gigantic propaganda tool. They called us ‘crusaders’ and you just confirmed it.

The Bishop went on to slam President Obama for defending Islam over American Christians.

Mr. President, we’re not on our ‘high horse.’ What we are is on high alert. And the American people would like for once, to know that you are willing to defend Christianity and defend America instead of defending Islam.

Start video 1:00 in to avoid long introduction.

Obama’s Ridiculous Christianity/ISIS Comparison || Louder With Crowder:

WFB: America in Retreat: The Price of Obama’s Indifference | SUPERcuts! #158

John Batchelor, Newspeak:

With Thaddeus McCotter and Andrew McCarthy. The trio discuss the Regime’s refusal to call the Taliban terrorists.


From May 2013:

Bill Warner, PhD: Jihad vs Crusades:

Greta: Saluting Ronald Reagan On His 104th Birthday:

Remember when we had presidents who loved America?

Brian Williams’ evolving story on Iraq 2003 | Mashable:

Brian Williams Hilarious Lies and Excuses! || Louder With Crowder:

PJ Media Trifecta: Hilarious Hillary: Are the Democrats a Party of One?

Greta: The IRS And The Al Sharpton Double Standard:

Why isn’t the man in prison?

According to Fox Business correspondent Liz McDonald, “It’s an open secret that there is disparate treatment within the IRS when it comes to dealing with taxpayers.”

WFB: Romney Bows Out, MSNBC Hardest Hit: MSNBC’s stupid ‘binders full of women’ jokes have now become even less relevant:

Johnny Cash’s When The Man Comes Around: