Megyn Kelly Blisters Jen Psaki: American Influence is diminishing While Iran is on the Rise

Yesterday Fox News reported that “crew served weapons were destroyed at the embassy in Yemen, while Marines’ personal weapons were “rendered inoperable” at the airport, and their destroyed components were left behind.”

After diplomats left, the anti-American Houthi rebels seized embassy vehicles.

Reportedly,  CENTCOM was “outraged” by the fact that the weapons had been rendered inoperable.

Wednesday night, Megyn Kelly had veteran and Fox News contributor Pete Hegseth on “The Kelly File” to to talk about the order.

“So, we’re surrendering around the world, we’re surrendering our embassy, and now we’re asking U.S. Marines to surrender their dignity, give up oaths that they made, creeds that they live by, and surrender their rifle,” Hegseth said indignantly.

In a fiery interview, Thursday night, Megyn Kelly questioned the State Department hapless Spox Jen Psaki (sporting her most fetching ‘Charming Charlie’ necklace yet) over this week’s hasty evacuation of the U.S. embassy in Yemen.

Psaki denied that the State Department was behind the weapons protocol, but wouldn’t say who was.

Via Fox News Insider:

“Why was the evacuation from the embassy so hasty when we knew things were deteriorating for weeks now?” Kelly asked, remarking that clearly something didn’t go according to plan.

Psaki insisted that the evacuation wasn’t hasty.

“We’ve been planning for weeks a range of contingency options,” she said.

Kelly questioned why Marines weren’t allowed to bring their guns on planes and asked who ordered Marines to disarm.

Psaki explained that Marines followed the proper protocol to disassemble weapons. She said the order was not given by the State Department or ambassador, but did not say who told Marines to disarm.

Psaki admitted that Houthis taking control of U.S. vehicles was not part of the plan.

Kelly asked: Do we have control of our policy in the Middle East, and does this reflect a lack of American leadership?

Psaki said that this evacuation was not about American leadership, but rather about the situation on the ground, which she described as “too volatile.”

“It appears that the policy we pursued in connection with the Arab Spring from December 2010 forward has failed, at a minimum is in the midst of failing,” Kelly remarked, noting that the U.S. has had to pull out of Libya, Syria and Yemen.

“It seems very clear that American influence in that region is diminishing while that of Iran is on the rise,” Kelly said.

Psaki said that the U.S. has to look at each country individually. She said that the U.S. is working to see how it can get Libya to a more stable place, while Syria is in the middle of a civil war. She added that the U.S. plans to return to Yemen, since the Houthis have said they’re non-threatening to America.

“They have ‘death to America’ – literally – written on their signs!” Kelly fired back.

The Houthis certainly sound like trustworthy sorts who will totally uphold any agreements they’ve made with the State Department.

Kelly went on to ask Psaki about reports that the Obama administration is interfering with the Israeli elections.

Rest assured, the Obama State Dept. would never do anything improper regarding our great ally Israel’s elections.

Kelly’s next guest, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer, declared that Psaki is vastly underpaid by the Regime.


Gateway Pundit: US OFFICIALS LEAVE 25 VEHICLES With Keys in Ignition for Houthi Rebels in Yemen (Video)

Charles Krauthammer: Obama’s Buzzfeed Selfies “Truly Distasteful”

I long for the return of warm weather.

Because with the return of Spring, we’ll see more presidential golfing and less presidential mooning and preening for the camera in frivolous interviews with YouTube personalities, and left-wing a$$hole websites.

The latest presidential embarrassment came in the form of a Buzzfeed/ObamaCare infomercial that was filmed on the same day the nation heard the awful news about a young American woman’s death at the hands of ISIS and as Americans were evacuating Yemen .

My God.

On Special Report, Thursday night, Charles Krauthammer said when he first saw the video of Obama taking selfies and making funny faces he found it “amusing.”

“The idea that you could diminish the dignity of a president who gave a one-on-one  with someone whose claim to fame is bathing in a tub of Froot Loops is a rather paradoxical one,” Krauthammer  noted.

“But when I learned when he did it, it really is of a piece with playing golf after you learn of the beheading of an American, that makes it truly distasteful.”

Krauthammer added, “it just shows you how frivolous he is in executing his office. And that I think is not a question of the dignity of the office, but of the seriousness of the man.”



YOLO man!’ President Obama now using a ‘selfie stick’ to get people to buy Obamacare [photos]

 ’24 Signs That You’re A Propagandist’: Buzzfeed ducks ethics questions

‘Nero and his fiddle ain’t NOTHING!’ Sorry, world: Obama’s busy with his selfie stick

You don’t say’: Men who take a lot of selfies might be psychopaths

‘Mockery?’ White House getting ‘exactly what it wanted’ from Obama’s selfie stick video

An Apologetic SPLC Removes Dr. Ben Carson From Extremist List


Well well. 

After drawing a firestorm of criticism, last week, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has removed the conservative pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson from its “extremist list.”

SPLC said in a release, “In October 2014, we posted an “Extremist File” of Dr. Ben Carson. This week, as we’ve come under intense criticism for doing so, we’ve reviewed our profile and have concluded that it did not meet our standards, so we have taken it down and apologize to Dr. Carson for having posted it.”

Of course they didn’t notice that putting the conservative philanthropist and possible 2016 presidential candidate on their extremist list “didn’t meet their standards” until after it was exposed and a huge public outcry ensued.

The SPLC had cited Carson’s “pro-traditional marriage stance, opposition to ObamaCare, and support for a flat tax as reasons for placing him on the list alongside members of the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and the Westboro Baptist Church.”

The liberal group isn’t completely backing down from their criticism of Dr. Carson, stating they want to look into if a “better researched” version of his profile should be included in their list.

“We laud Dr. Carson for his many contributions to medicine and his philanthropic
work, and we, like so many others, are inspired by his personal story. Nevertheless, particularly because Dr. Carson is such a prominent person, we believe that his views should be closely examined,” the release said, before going on to list some of the quotes they believe to be “extreme.”

I don’t laud the left wing extremists at the SPLC who tried to pull a fast one on a decent conservative because they disagree with him on social issues – but were forced to back down when their disinformation was exposed and their credibility was on the line.

These repugnant Fascists are yearning for the day when they won’t have to back down from demonizing their political enemies.

TSG: So When Does Lying FBI Informant Al Sharpton Get His Unpaid Suspension?


Now that Lyin’ Brian Williams has been thrown under the bus by NBC News for lying to its viewers, the Smoking Gun is asking why the lying “Rev. Al” is still clinging to the bumper.

Now that the media conglomerate has delineated that bright line, when does the Rev. Al Sharpton’s suspension without pay begin?

In the wake of last year’s lengthy TSG report about Sharpton’s secret work as a paid FBI Mafia informant, the MSNBC host sought to blunt the story’s disclosures with a series of lies told at a pair of press conferences, on his nightly “Politics Nation” program, and in a report on Williams’s own NBC Nightly News (which was rebroadcast on NBC’s Today show).

Sharpton, 60, cast himself as a victim who first ran into the FBI’s warm embrace when a scary gangster purportedly threatened his life. He was “an American citizen with every right to call law enforcement” for protection, Sharpton told his MSNBC audience. His sole motivation was to “try to protect myself and others.”

He needed the FBI’s help, Sharpton claimed, because his relentless advocacy on behalf of African-American concert promoters had angered wiseguys with hooks in the music business. “I did the right thing working with the authorities,” Sharpton assured viewers. As for being branded an informant, that was a label for others to worry about. “I didn’t consider myself, quote, an informant. Wasn’t told I was that,” said Sharpton.

These claims, broadcast by NBC Universal, were demonstrably false.


Read on here for the whole sordid story.

Meanwhile, Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren has been wondering why tax cheat Sharpton gets a free pass from the IRS.

Why should Reverend Al Sharpton getting a pass from the IRS and the White House? (and the NYC Mayor!)

1. Why hasn’t the IRS garnished Reverend Al Sharpton’s MS/NBC pay for all his back taxes? Reports are that he owes more than 4 million dollars in back state and federal taxes.

2. And why does the Obama Administration continue to invite him to the White House for his advice while he has outstanding this reported (New York Times) tax debt? Why not make him pay up, and then invite him?

I have read article after article that Reverend Al Sharpton owes lots and lots of back taxes — that means he owes you. And, to the extent he is not paying his taxes, you are picking up the tab.

The IRS and state revenue divisions need to be garnishing his wages (like it does to others who owe taxes.) Reverend Sharpton gets paid a hefty salary at MS/NBC and the IRS and state revenue divisions can find MS/NBC…it is just not that hard. (Try googling its address!)

And until he gets current in his debt to the taxpayer, he should not have “most favored nation” status with President Obama and the White House.

There is just a tiny conflict of interest, there. It’s nice that there are at least SOME members of the media willing to point these things out.

Our Weasel Of The Week!

It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all slime-worthy and disgusting,but in the end the overwhelming winner was….the envelope please…

Superhero, Medal of Honor Winner,Captain Of The Starship Enterprise And Now Former NBC Newscaster Lyin’ Brian Williams!!

 The Right Planet : Brian Williams claimed the helicopter he was aboard was forced down after being hit by an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) during the Iraq invasion in 2003. But military personnel who were there at the time claim Williams was not in the Chinook helicopter that received shrapnel damage from the RPG. Brian Williams then admitted his “mistake” in a lengthy Facebook post, blaming the ‘fog of memory over 12 years.’ Now, there are a number of allegations going around claiming Williams has a history of embellishing his experiences, including saving puppies from a fire, seeing dead bodies float down a river during Hurricane Katrina, and Katyusha rockets whistling past his helicopter while he reported from Israel in 2006. Maureen Dowd recently wrote NBC execs were warned a year ago Brian Williams was “constantly inflating his biography.” Interestingly, some so-called “insiders” allege Williams has been lying for years, and NBC knew all about it. If true, why did NBC choose to do nothing about it?

 Virginia Right! : My nomination this week is Lyin’ Brian Williams the NBC News Anchor who prefers to embellish the news and be the news rather than just read it.

I’m not sure what it is about the Middle East. All the Liberals seem to have delusions of grandeur and feel the need to put themselves in harm’s way, but only in their minds.

NBC already had credibility problems and replacing Williams will not be easy. There is no such thing as an honest left wing journalist. There are only those that have been caught lying and those who have yet to be caught lying.

Let’s have some fun and look at a few of the other Lyin’ Brian snapshotz:

Now, all this does sort of make you stop and think. OK, Brian Williams has told a heckuva lot of lies,but then he’s not really a journalist – he just plays one on TV. He’s really just an actor hired for his ability to sell the Leftist narrative anyway. So why does he catch all kinds of hell and lose his job when those whom tell  lies that do real damage, like President Obama , the Clintons, and a host of others get a pass..usually by people like Brian Williams?

I think I understand why.

Think of the Left and its ideas as one big seedy carny, where the rubes and their wallets are lured by loud, impressive carnival barkers with a swift line of gab to patronize third rate acts and rigged games where it’s next to impossible to win any of the flashy prizes on display. Impossible, that is unless you’re a paid shill working for the carny to ‘win’ something and draw a crowd of people whom swallow the con and line up to try their luck.

Ever been to one of those?

Now, if people really thought about it, they’d realize that the cooch dancer in the tent they bought  $5 tickets to see do her erotic snake dance wasn’t really a young, sexy blond like  the barker said but probably someone’s bored middle aged overweight wife whose act was nothing worth anywhere near that much. And they’d realize that they might be able to buy some of those stupid prizes at the games outright for far less than playing them for 20 minutes or a half hour was going to cost them, and in the end, they’d actually have something for their money instead of a sheepish grin and an empty wallet.

What reeled them in, of course, was belief, belief that they were actually going to get something special. Belief stoked by the barkers and the shills.

And that’s why Brian Williams got slammed.

You see,   Brian Williams was one of the barkers, the guy selling the con.  If one of those screws up and gets caught, well, you simply  hire another one, and maybe recycle somebody like Brian Williams a few months down the road when everybody’s forgotten all about what happened. Meanwhile, he can sweep up or clean out the concession stands or something else  backstage to make himself useful until his ‘comeback.’

But  Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the other usual suspects and the crap they’re peddling are the con, and that’s very different. They’re the tawdry merchandise barkers like Williams, the crowd at MSNBC and the New York Times are selling. It’s one thing to axe a salesman or a shill who got clumsy and got caught. It’s another thing entirely when the rubes find out the product is garbage, the acts aren’t nearly as appealing as they were told they were and that all important  belief gets suspended. Then the marks stop showing up with money in hand, the whole carny is merely seen as the predatory animal it is and the show could go out of business.

So let’s award Brian Wilson his well-earned Golden Weasel.. If anything, what happened is that he forgot he was just the carnival barker rather than the talent itself. Trying to stretch things so that he was the show rather than just another shill was where he went wrong.

Well, there it is! 

Check back next Tuesday to see who next week’s nominees for Weasel of the Week are!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum, and  remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it...or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?

Republican FCC Commish: Obama’s Net Neutrality Plan Is a Government Takeover of the Internet


Image via 

Commissioner Arjit Pai, a Republican member of the Federal Communications Commission has been sounding the alarm about Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet with a 332 page regulation that will be passed on February 27 unless a large enough outcry from the public prevents it. Pai told Mark Levin on Wednesday,  that the document goes well beyond what he ever imagined the administration would propose, amounting to huge increases in internet rates, and government control of nearly every aspect of the internet.

Via The Washington Times:

Commissioner Arjit Pai also called on FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to release the “secret” proposal to the public prior to the agency voting on it. Mr. Wheeler last week released an outline of strict new federal oversight of the Internet, a plan known to advocates as so-called “net neutrality,” but won’t reveal the text of the plan until the FCC’s meeting on Feb. 26.

“The American people are being misled about President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet,” Mr. Pai said. “Last week’s carefully managed rollout was designed to downplay the plans of a massive intrusion in the Internet economy. I have now read the 332-page plan. It is worse than I had imagined.”

He added, “The claim that President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet does not include rate regulation is flat-out false.”

Mr. Wheeler said the plan will declare broadband a “telecommunications service” under Title II of the Communications Act, giving the FCC broad new regulatory powers. It’s a more intrusive proposal than Mr. Wheeler originally outlined last year, and it more closely follows guidelines endorsed by Mr. Obama last November.

The FCC is supposed to be an independent organization but according to Pai, Obama has been directing it since the 2012 election.

On Monday, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Ron Johnson, Wisconsin Republican, asked Mr. Wheeler in a letter to turn over any documents related to communications and meetings involving the White House and agency officials.

Mr. Johnson told the FCC chair that he was concerned there was “apparent pressure exerted on you and your agency by the White House.” The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee also is investigating the issue.


Seton Motley, Human Events: Obama’s Internet power grab visual aide hates his Net Neutrality

 Now the President wants to do to the Internet what he’s done to health care.

Dramatically increase regulations on private companies – which will demolish the private sector.  And steamroll state laws and dramatically increase federal government funding of local government Internet providers – to replace the private sector he demolished.

And the President has picked his government Internet visual aide.

Obama Touts Municipal Web in Cedar Falls, Where Everyone’s Wired

Obama used the the well-wired city of Cedar Falls, Iowa, which provides broadband access thats almost 100 times faster than the national average, as an example for the rest of the country.

(The President said) “If you live, or have a business in Cedar Falls, you can get a ‘gig  for less than many Americans pay for premium cable.


Obama Lied: Broadband Speeds Aren’t Faster or Cheaper in Cedar Falls

(Cedar Falls’) 1 gig service…costs more than the most expensive programming packages offered by Comcast, Time Warner Cable, DIRECTV, and DISH Network….