Video’s Of The Day: Matt Drudge Speaks and More

Matt Drudge Visits the Alex Jones Show: Full Interview:

Yeah, I know – Alex Jones. This is a first for me – but when the reclusive “media kingpin” Matt Drudge speaks, it’s worth listening to.

 “She’s old and she’s sick,” the Drudge Report founder said in an interview with Alex Jones.
 Drudge slammed the media for propping up Clinton’s candidacy.
“She’s not a contender. They’re making her a contender with these propped up Saturday Night Live things. It’s like a head on a stick,” he said, chiding NBC for “giving her endless hours of airtime.”
 The media mogul cited Clinton’s hypothyroidism as cause for concern.
“Anybody who is 70 years old who is hypothyroid, you do not elect president, ladies and gentlemen,” he said.
Drudge also mentioned her “sex affairs” which he said is a big story no one is talking about and alluded to his “long history” with the Clintons:
“They’re ugly. They play dirty. They sued me for $30 million last time around,” he said. “Hillary Clinton with the NSA — good luck if you dissent. Snowden, I’ll switch places with you.”
It’s a long, free wheeling interview. I would skip the first few minutes, though because it’s just Alex Jones talking about how shocked he is that Drudge is in the studio.

Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About the Migrant Crisis:

I guy Drudge mentioned in the interview with Alex Jones. I thought I’d check him out.

The Kelly File: Servers seized, new players uncovered in Clinton scandal:

PJ Media: Video: Donald Trump Is Like Your Annoying Drunk Neighbor:

This is funnier than hell. I posted it at PJ Media, too and the Trumpets are having a hissy fit in the comment section.

Jeff Sessions: Opening Statement On Refugee Hearing; Syria:

Special Report: ‘This is an embrace of government to GO AFTER the little guy’ – Stephen Hayes SLAMS Trump:

Rubio slams Trump over eminent domain:

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio criticized Donald Trump over his views on an aspect of property law.

Louder With Crowder: Trey Gowdy Goes Off on GOP Leadership – “Kevin, You’re Wrong…”


On Monday, the Obama administration announced that President Obama would veto a defense authorization bill if it did not close down Guantanamo Bay. White House press secretary Josh Earnest explained that the House funding bill would be vetoed “principally because…of the irresponsible way that it funds our national defense priorities, but also because of the efforts to prevent the closure [of] the prison at Guantanamo Bay.” He added that Democrats would sustain Obama’s veto, and defense authorization would die.

Obama’s strong stand on Gitmo underscores two vital points. First, President Obama does not fear defunding America’s national security. Second, Obama does not fear Republicans in Congress.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has been authorized for five decades running. The current NDAA fully funds the military through a workaround measure, thanks to President Obama’s demands that a huge chunk of sequestration cuts come from defense funding. Now Democrats complain that the workaround measure isn’t good enough: Republicans should bust open the bank again.

But that’s not Obama’s main criticism of the NDAA. He has long had a bug in his ear with regard to Gitmo, which he feels has strengthened terrorists’ feelings about the evils of the United States. Given his recent moves to parlay with the Cuban dictatorship as well, Obama may want to hand Gitmo in totality back to the Cuban government. The fact that Obama would be willing to dramatically cut America’s military funding, even as Russia takes over Ukraine and Syria, as Iran gears up for a big regional military push, as China continues its aggressive behavior in the South China Sea, demonstrates Obama’s top priority is doing leftist work, not protecting the United States.

Rollcall Video is from a week ago:

One thought on “Video’s Of The Day: Matt Drudge Speaks and More

  1. I enjoy Stephan Hayes, he’s a good columnist and I find myself almost always agreeing with him. His biggest problem is he works for those two idiots Barnes and Kristol. He really needs to get a job where he’ll get some better exposure and readership.

    Stephan is also a card carrying member of the “Special Report Three Amigos Group” {with Jonah Goldberg as the designated hitter}. Friday Stephan came as close as anyone, I’ve ever seen to having a Cardiac Attack on the set, when Krauthammer actually reallocated some of his “Wine, Women and Drink” money and put it down on Trump. It’s a good thing he was wearing his glasses {even though they shattered} because his eyeballs would’ve been rolling across the desk.

    Having said all of that, I agree with Stephan on the Eminent Domain issue, but he does {on occasion} react and takes shots at Trump that really are uncalled for. The Three Amigos sit there on the set and appear on Sunday’s and pontificate how inept the republican establishment leadership has been and beats them up {deservedly so} because they roll over and do nothing. Then when they attempt to do something {like a Constitutional shut down} they beat the living hell out of them and call them idiots. Hardest hit of course is, George Will because Scott Walker dropped out of the race {he says his wife was working for Walker. wink-wink okay Georgie}.

    Remind you that two out of the three of the Amigos actually sat down for a dinner, at one of their houses with the President Elect, who was attempting for flip them onto his side. I have never been a Trump fan and I’m under no allusion that he is some dyed in the wool, Ronald Reagan foot soldier {you know like John McLame is} but they have been predicting and hoping for his demise for months now and it hasn’t come about. At some point, if Trump continues on this path, how are they going to justify any support for Trump? At a certain point they really appear to be partisan, establishment, political hacks and will only diminish him IF he becomes the nominee of the party. At some point they may have to drop the Pom-Poms and try a smaller megaphone?

    Besides. . . . . IF Trump IS BS’ing all of us on these issues {Taxes, Jobs, Illegal Immigration, Foreign Policy} what is the difference between him and the establishment rino {Reagan foot soldiers} who we have been “electing and re-electing” for decades now?

    Ted Cruz 2016
    {Trump is my backup}

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