Saturday Movie Matinee: ‘It’s Not Over’

Chairman Gowdy questions Secretary Clinton about Benghazi – Round 1:

Elijah Cummings, Trey Gowdy spar over Sidney Blumenthal emails, testimony:

Chairman Gowdy questions Secretary Clinton about Benghazi – Round 2:

Chairman Gowdy questions Secretary Clinton about Benghazi – Round 3:

Fox News, Special Report: Inside Hillary Clinton’s measured Benghazi testimony:

Fox News, Greta Van Susteren: Gowdy Says Committee is Closing in On State Dept. Officials Who Denied Security:

Plus Gowdy says he’s moving to have all 54 interview transcripts cleared for release – since Cummings et al have been so adamant about having Sidney Blumenthal’s transcript released.


Rep. Susan Brooks: ‘We Are Not Done… Over A Dozen Interviews On Benghazi Already Scheduled For November’

Megyn Kelly Tears Into the Media for Deciding Hillary Clinton Won Benghazi Hearing:


PJ Media: No, Hillary Clinton Did Not ‘Triumph’ at the Benghazi Hearing:

Hillary Clinton’s performance at the Select Committee on Benghazi hearing yesterday has been proclaimed by some in the media as a “triumph” because she was able to keep her composure without committing any major gaffes during the day-long marathon.

Clinton did appear to be composed and well prepared for everything the Republicans on the panel threw at her, but there were a couple of extremely weird moments in which she laughed inappropriately during serious questioning. Those moments could come back to haunt her.

And there was serious damage done to her credibility on a number of fronts.

PJTV: Got Law? How Hillary Clinton’s Lawlessness Gets Ignored…

 Pamela Geller: Facebook pics of jihadis entering as “refugees”:

Colin Flaherty: New videos from Baltimore riots: Plus, more from an old friends:

Fox News: O’Reilly: Do Americans Realize What the ‘Hijacked’ Dem Party Supports?:

WATCH: Little Boy Hilariously Denies Eating Cupcake: