Anti-War Protest Kansas City Style

Well, the kids went back to school, this morning, so I thought I’d mosey on down to the big city to check out the moonbat action outside Bartle Hall, where Bush was speaking before the National VFW Convention.

Kansas City protesters aren’t as colorful or numerous as the ones in say, San Francisco, or NYC, but I took some pictures anyway. The signs were what you’d expect: the obligatory Bush/Hitler comparison, Abu Ghraib man-on-the-box pic, and inflated Iraqi casualty numbers (that neglect to mention how many of the dead are by terrorists….or are terrorists),

and of course, “Impeach Bush”.

I liked the plain cardboard placard — old school. My husband said it was probably a wall from his house. He’s terrible!

As I was heading back to my car, I ran into some Vets and their wives who had returned to their hotel. I asked if I could take their picture, and they were a little uptight about it until I told them that I was pro-American, unlike the bunch in front of Bartle Hall. Then they loosened up. They all enjoyed Bush’s speech.

9 thoughts on “Anti-War Protest Kansas City Style

  1. Given the usual surplus of idiocy at these things, I have to say that I found the “M + peach” to be at least somewhat creative. Visually, at any rate.


  2. It’s always sad to see people like that blonde haired girl in the fourth picture. She looks like she was probably raised in a nice home with a decent family and probably was given most of what she wanted throughout life. And then she goes off to college and starts listening to professors and buys into their bullshit and turns her back on her family and the way she was raised because she’s been “enlightened”. In ten years she’ll either have grown up and realized what a fool she was, or she’ll end up old and bitter, constantly looking for something to protest against to give her wasted life some meaning.


  3. Ya kinda sucks u people dont support your country or your troops..either way some of you are vetrans and i have to say thanks


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