Newsflash: John Edwards – Not Very Bright!

This is just staggering, folks.

On Thursday, when John Edwards was campaigning in Iowa, a resident asked him whether the United States should follow the Cuban healthcare model. Never mind the outrageousness of the question. Check out his answer:

“I’m going to be honest with you — I don’t know a lot about Cuba’s healthcare system,” Edwards, D-N.C., said at an event in Oskaloosa, Iowa. “Is it a government-run system?”
(emphasis mine).


He has become a laughingstock on Cuban Blogs like Babalu, and Uncommon Sense.

Uncommon Sense asks:

So what else might we expect from Edwards in the coming weeks?

“I don’t know, is the pope Catholic?”

“I don’t know too much about Hillary, is she a woman?”

“I don’t know too much about water, is it wet?”


Lauraw points out in the comments, the dilemma such a question poses for Edwards:

1) Yes, I think we should follow the Cuban Healthcare Model
2) No, the Cuban Healthcare Model doesn’t work

Are pretty bad options for him, as a Democrat.

Saying #1 will alienate a large bloc of voters (people with brains), and #2 will enrage the left.

Having an opinion on this might well be worse than claiming ignorance.

So true. Remember the truther question he couldn’t work up the nerve to answer decisively?