More On The SC Pipe bomb case

Now, it’s looking like the SC pipe bomb suspects are linked to the Sami al Arian case.

Michelle Malkin and Dan Riehl are reporting today that the FBI raided a house, 12402 Pampas Place, in the Tampa area, Saturday morning, in connection with the pipe bomb boys. This is the house that Ahmed Mohamed had moved some of his stuff into, but had not completely moved in. Both men were occasional visiters to the house.

Agents can be seen removing more PVC piping from the home on the Tampa Bay Fox affiliate.

This house has a quite a history.

One of the names tied to the address is FBI Most Wanted terrorist Ramadan Shallah.

Please read Michelle Malkin, and Dan Riehl’s blogs for the details on the connection to Sami al Arian, because it is quite the tangled web, and gives Nice Deb a head ache, plus her kids are imploring her to go swimming with them, and that’s just what she’s going to do.

No More Mr. Nice Guys

Laura Ingraham at the Corner is right. We need a president who has a bit of a mean side.

I kind of want a mean, tough S.O.B at this point — who can cut the legs out from underneath the Dems and the dinosaur media who are invested in America’s defeat. Someone who seems pleasant on the surface but who knows how to send in the daisy-cutters when al Qaeda or Taliban thugs are sleeping.

She made that point in reference to Huckabee, who she says is “just such a nice, earnest, down-to-earth man”.

I would say that Mitt Romney doesn’t seem to have a mean bone in his body, either.

Giuliani, on the other hand….well, as we all know he can be a little acrid at times. (Scroll down to video). I consider that plus at this point, too.

Fred Thompson also seems like someone who would be more than happy to cut the legs out from under the liberal Dems, and media.

And oh, how they so richly deserve it.

After almost seven years of Bush’s “new tone”, I’m ready for a fighter. And by that I mean, someone who is willing to fight the war of words here at home in a tougher, and more effective manner.