More On The SC Pipe bomb case

Now, it’s looking like the SC pipe bomb suspects are linked to the Sami al Arian case.

Michelle Malkin and Dan Riehl are reporting today that the FBI raided a house, 12402 Pampas Place, in the Tampa area, Saturday morning, in connection with the pipe bomb boys. This is the house that Ahmed Mohamed had moved some of his stuff into, but had not completely moved in. Both men were occasional visiters to the house.

Agents can be seen removing more PVC piping from the home on the Tampa Bay Fox affiliate.

This house has a quite a history.

One of the names tied to the address is FBI Most Wanted terrorist Ramadan Shallah.

Please read Michelle Malkin, and Dan Riehl’s blogs for the details on the connection to Sami al Arian, because it is quite the tangled web, and gives Nice Deb a head ache, plus her kids are imploring her to go swimming with them, and that’s just what she’s going to do.

8 thoughts on “More On The SC Pipe bomb case

  1. *sigh*

    I’m ready to punch in the face anyone who says there is no terrorist threat.

    Good on the government for being so good at keeping tabs on terrorists.

    Although, I guarantee you, there will be plenty who will allege that these Muslim-type people were obviously framed by the Freemasonic Crusader Zionist Jewish imperialist Keebler Elves.

    Reminds me of a joke:
    Stalin summoned Moscow’s Chief Rabbi and asked him: “Who is responsible for this conspiracy to assassinate me?”

    The Chief Rabbi responded: “The Jews and bicycle-makers.”

    Stalin asked: “Why the bicycle-makers?”

    The Chief Rabbi wearily replied: “Why the Jews?”


  2. Shallah-lah-lah-lah!

    He’s obviously motivated by people mocking his name. 😉 If not before, now he will be!

    America: At the forefront of mocking the enemy since 1776.


  3. Here’s a link for you ND.

    I found it at the corner, and the article is just plain fascinating, and since you are contiguous in your coverage of islamist issues, figured I’d hand it over to you.

    Also I figure Mus could make some hay of it.


  4. “Freemasonic Crusader Zionist Jewish imperialist Keebler Elves.”

    I am so going to use this in something I write.


  5. Thanks, WP.

    Too much for me to read, tonight. I’m going to bed, and will have another look, tomorrow.

    Those “Freemasonic Crusader Zionist Jewish imperialist Keebler Elves.” have been working overtime, lately.


  6. Great article, WP. I’ve begun working through it and already have a number of comments.

    One thing this article does, which is refreshing for me, is emphasize the difference between “liberals” and “Leftists”. In most other countries, the liberals would agree with The Republican Party, which is liberal but not Leftist. Socialists, Communists, and other delusional political factions adhere to the Leftist heresy.

    Which is why, according to American politics, we are conservative and right of center, whereas according to politics around the world we would be liberal and left of center. The Democrat Party would be further left. We have no party or even political movement that corresponds to those that are right of center in other countries. This is because American politics and the American people tend to be quite centrist.


  7. Pingback: Tea Party Alert: Anti-ObamaCare March On Washington This Thursday | DC SMELL REPORT

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