Photoshop Of Sheriff Arpaio Makes The Rounds

Elias Bermudez of Immigrants Without Borders has been called to question for distributing an email with a doctored photo of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in a Ku Klux Klan outfit, pulling a noose towards a man in a sombrero and serape.

He claims that he only “forewarded” the email to “several dozen” people, including members of the media.

Bermudez is involved in a public dispute with Arpaio who is guilty of the sin of actually enforcing immigration laws. This apparently makes him “scary”.

“I hope he understands that someone is playing a bad joke,” Bermudez said. “But he also needs to know whoever put it together is expressing the feelings of the Hispanic community…We really fear Joe Arpaio.”

I don’t know about the Hispanic community, but illegal immigrants have every reason to fear Arpaio. They should fear all law enforcement officers…..because they’re illegal.

But Sheriff Arpaio is just a straight shooting, old school, law and order kind of guy. How exactly does that make him a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan?

This is just a typical leftist smear tactic, and a particularly lame one, at that.

The sheriff said he was upset with the photo but not deterred. “There are certain factions that would like me to go away,” Arpaio said. “The more they go after me, the more I’m going to lock up the illegals.”

Which is why he’s my favorite sheriff in America.

H/T: Right Truth

Jamaat ul Fuqra/Islamberg Update

Pamala Geller over at Atlas Shrugs covered Jamaat ul Fuqra, in a long and extensive post, over a week ago, concentrating mostly on the Hancock, New York (Islamberg) location. I covered Islamberg back when I had first heard of it in early June, here, here, here, and here.

Some information that was new to me:

  • Jamaat ul-Fuqra has close ties to al-Qaeda. In December 1993, Sheikh Mubarek Ali Gilani, the founder of ul-Fuqra, was an honored guest at an international gathering of Islamic terrorists at the residence of Hassan al-Turabi in Khartoum. At the gathering, Sheikh Gilani and Osama bin Laden were caught on film chanting, “Down, down with the USA!” “Down, down with the CIA,” and “Death to the Jews.” The film now remains in the “Alec File” – – the CIA dossier on bin Laden.
  • Members of the group have been arrested for trafficking in firearms, including AK-45s.A recent report prepared by the Center for Policing Terrorism maintains that Jamaat ul-Fuqra “may be the best positioned group to launch an attack on the United States, or, more likely, help al-Qaeda to do so.”
  • Since the time of its establishment at a radical mosque in Brooklyn, New York, Jamaat ul-Fuqra has been responsible for more terror attacks on America soil (30 and counting) than all the other terrorist groups combined. It has spawned and sponsored assassinations, kidnappings, mass murder, grand theft and fraud.  Some noted associates of Jamaat ul-Fuqra include Richard Reid, the Shoe bomber and John Allen Muhammed, the Beltway sniper.
  • Members of the group, including Clement Rodney Hampton-El took part in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. Others, such as Zacarias Moussaowi and Melvin Lattimore, played key roles in the attacks of 9/11.

Islamberg is the location for the International Quranic Open University, where students learn that their “formost duty” is to “wage jihad” against “their enemies”.

Their training manuals are written by Sheikh Gilani himself, and boast lively jingles like this one:

“Come join my troops and army,”
Says our Sheikh Gilani .
“Prepare to sacrifice your head.
“A true believer is never dead.
“Say ‘Victory is in the air,’
“The kafir’s blood will not be spared.”

In “Pillar of Lies,” the standard text at the school, Gilani writes that the 9/11 attack was an elaborate plot hatched by Zionists to launch the US invasion of Muslim lands.

I’ve seen some of the “Pillar of Lies” stuff myself, on one of their websites, before they took it down. Freaky stuff. Sadly, not all that different from what you’d see in a DU, or Kos post, though.

In a recruitment video for The International Open Islamic University, Gilani boosts: “We give [students] specialized training in guerilla warfare. We are at present establishing training camps. You can easily reach us at Open Quranic offices in upstate New York or in Canada or in South Carolina or in Pakistan.” Before becoming a student at the university or a citizen of Islamberg, recruits and students are compelled to sign an oath that read: “I shall always hear and obey, and whenever given the command, I shall readily fight for Allah’s sake.” They are also obliged to contribute 70% of their welfare checks and other sources of income to Muslims of the Americas, Inc.
Following the basic training at the compounds and their reception of a degree, the best and the brightest of the students continue to be shipped off to Pakistan for advance training in terrorist tactics.

There’s much much more at Atlas Shrugs, including pictures of the compound, I’d not before seen.


Religion is becoming increasingly passe, and laughable according to liberal elites, who are bound and determined to drill into our heads, and especially into our children’s heads, that there is no God.

There have been a whole slew of anti-Religious books of late: God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, by Christopher Hitchens, The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins, God: The Failed Hypothesis, How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist, by Victor J Stenger, Letter To A Christian Nation, by Sam Harris, and Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person’s Answer to Christian Fundamentalism, by David Mills.

Whew! They’re getting downright evangelistic in their zeal to spread the atheist word. I get the feeling that they’re attempting some kind of Atheistic juggernaut.

At least a couple of the books seem to focus on Christianity, just judging from the titles, which doesn’t surprise me, because I’ve been sensing a growing amount of vitriol towards Christians, in particular, by leftists. But I haven’t read them, and I won’t read them, because they don’t interest me. What interests me, is that these people feel the need to write these books.

And now, we have a new Documentary in the works by noted atheist, Bill Maher, which will show us all, how stupid, crazy, and dangerous, believing in God is.

“Religulous” (as in ridiculous) will attempt to poke fun at what Maher feels is the absurdity and inherently comical nature of most organized religions. “I think it’s going to release a great torrent of energy,” Maher says.

Charming, no?

Bill Maher does not want a “person of faith” in the White House.

I, on the other hand, just want a conservative in the White House. If the most conservative nominee happens to be an atheist, so be it. I will vote for him.

But I’m the fundamentalist because I’m a devout Catholic.

You can see Maher talking about the film on Larry King, here.

An excellent essay on the Hitchens book, here.

H/T: Patty Ann

Terrorist Website That Instructs Jihadis How To Kidnap Americans…

is officially out of commission, or pwned, as  Jawa reports.

The American hosted site was a favorite for online Jihadis, especially al Qaeda.

The guide to taking hostages itself is not actually new, it’s been around since at least 2002, but it’s once again making the rounds.

Apparently, this and other terrorist websites, try to legitimize themselves by masquerading as news outlets.

The guide begins by enumerating goals that a kidnapping can achieve, including the release of prisoners, extraction of information from the hostage, weakening the enemy’s morale and creating deterrence, raising international awareness of conflicts in which the kidnappers’ organization is involved, blackmailing the enemy for money, and generating anti-government sentiment in the hostage’s country of origin.

In the section dealing with selecting a target, the guide recommends choosing someone of importance to the enemy (such as a high-ranking military officer or a prominent businessman). However, he should not be a physically strong person who can put up significant resistance. In order to ensure that the operation goes smoothly, it is recommended that he be knocked out with tranquilizers.

More at Memri.