Photoshop Of Sheriff Arpaio Makes The Rounds

Elias Bermudez of Immigrants Without Borders has been called to question for distributing an email with a doctored photo of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in a Ku Klux Klan outfit, pulling a noose towards a man in a sombrero and serape.

He claims that he only “forewarded” the email to “several dozen” people, including members of the media.

Bermudez is involved in a public dispute with Arpaio who is guilty of the sin of actually enforcing immigration laws. This apparently makes him “scary”.

“I hope he understands that someone is playing a bad joke,” Bermudez said. “But he also needs to know whoever put it together is expressing the feelings of the Hispanic community…We really fear Joe Arpaio.”

I don’t know about the Hispanic community, but illegal immigrants have every reason to fear Arpaio. They should fear all law enforcement officers…..because they’re illegal.

But Sheriff Arpaio is just a straight shooting, old school, law and order kind of guy. How exactly does that make him a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan?

This is just a typical leftist smear tactic, and a particularly lame one, at that.

The sheriff said he was upset with the photo but not deterred. “There are certain factions that would like me to go away,” Arpaio said. “The more they go after me, the more I’m going to lock up the illegals.”

Which is why he’s my favorite sheriff in America.

H/T: Right Truth

8 thoughts on “Photoshop Of Sheriff Arpaio Makes The Rounds

  1. I want that fence built and I want Social Security numbers checked. If they’re here and fraudulently using someone else’s SSAN I want them in jail and then deported.


  2. This isn’t an immigration issue, it’s a race issue; and the racists aren’t we (who want to enforce immigration laws) but them (who want Hispanics to go scot free).

    The point I submit as an indication of this: where were all these activists when immigration officials deported thousands of innocent South Asians after September 11, 2001?

    I have relatives who left and could/can never come back because they were here illegally, one who was here to study.

    Most people who left and who were made to leave were students, shop-keepers, and hard-working people seeking a better opportunity.

    Where were the activists then? Where were the compassionate politicians and pastors then? Where were the humanitarians?

    So I say, Feh.

    Deport illegals, no matter of what race or ethnicity they are.

    Although I have relatives who were affected by immigration officials’ enforcement of immigration laws, I firmly believe that immigration laws need to be enforced. Most of my relatives, although displeased, all understand.

    And I am somewhat intrigued at the fact that while the Left is so concerned about America’s image and how America treats its minorities, the deportation of illegals after September 11, 2001, has had an irreparable (sp?) and negative impact on America’s image in Muslim countries: people alleged and continue to allege that America is anti-Muslim, persecutes Muslims, and is out to destroy and persecute Islam, with the deportations used as an example of irrational yet official and organized anti-Muslim bias and policy. Indeed, it is often described as America kicking out Muslims (as a form of ethnic cleansing) and targetting Muslims, specifically and especially, for persecution and prosecution. These points are repeated over and over and over again in Muslim countries (especially in Pakistan), and are hard to refute, especially when one spewing them forth left or was kicked out of America shortly after September 11, 2001: they portray themselves as victims of organized and official persecution by the American government, based on the fact they are Muslim, rather than on the receiving end of a government actually setting out to enforce its laws and they (the deported) having been one who deliberately violated the laws and policies of the state.

    And on the one hand, their bitterness is understandable (most were, after all, forced to leave with little preparation, and all knew they were forced to leave from the one country they could be successful and within which they could make a decent living, and were forced to go to comparatively substandard countries, like Canada or Britain (sorry, Weasel!) or Mexico, or hell-holes, like Pakistan or India); but, on the other hand, their negative disposition is somewhat unjust considering they were here illegally (for whatever reason) and in violation of this country’s laws and policies. But the meme that everyone should have the right to relocate to America and stay here as long as they want is pretty strong and universal, despite how ridiculous it is taking into consideration universal values such as national sovereignty and border security and control.

    Oh, my. I am a chatty one today, no?


  3. The head of our Research division spoke at a meeting a few weeks ago. One interesting fact I learned: he’s having a heck of a time staffing our labs. Why? Not enough H1B visas to go around. That’s the visa for highly qualified workers.

    Now, I have NO problem with importing our scientists and doctors, particularly if they want to stay and become Americans. Poaching talented people from around the world has been an excellent strategy for the States. So why in the HELL would we restrict these visas? At all, really?

    We want tens of millions of uneducated farm workers, but we can’t be arsed to take in several thousand of the smartest people in the world?


  4. I’m just now reading about this sheriff because a friend of mine told me about him. I read about his policies and I read some of the complaints about them, too.

    As a “liberal”, I gotta say that I totally agree that this doctored picture is inappropriate and bad form. I don’t like to see it from wingnuts, either. Inappropriate is inappropriate.

    I agree with his insistence that illegal immigrants do not have the same privileges that legals or citizens do. I also cheer the fact that the prison experience is not a pleasant one. However, from what I see so far, he does cross the line into the range of inhumane.

    Now, on to the tangential topic of south Asian deportations and H1B…

    As an Information Technology worker, I am very aware of the H1B situation. Fortunately, I made sure I am way too valuable to tossed aside, so I have never been unemployed for long. On the other hand, I see the H1B as yet another tool for greedy corporate “entities” to keep incomes artificially low. (They’re paying now, because they’re finding that the cheap labor isn’t so cheap.)

    Anybody who really believes there is a “shortage of IT workers” is a victim of propaganda. I have known people in my industry with years of experience who could not find a job after the huge offshoring began. It happened to the laborers (steel, manufacturing) and it is now happening to the financial and research workers.

    Corporatist (look up the definition, I dare you) practices with no regards for people are eroding this country. Illegal immigration serves their purposes. Until THEY are made to pay, it will continue. Don’t punish the people who are desperate for work. If they can get the work, they will keep coming regardless of the cost. Rather, stop exploiting them and their countries and find ways to give them reason to stay where they would rather be – in their home country.

    Incidentally, I am about to attempt to become a foreign worker in Europe. It should be an interesting experience.

    Don’t blame “liberals” for “not raising caine” when the muslims were deported. Anybody who didn’t toe the Neo-Con line was crushed by their media machine. To blame liberals for “being silent” during that fiasco is like blaming the chickens for being slain by the fox. Get real.

    Those of you who think it is the “dirty liberals” who are destroying this country should stand back and take a look at where we are now after nearly 27 years of CONSERVATIVE rule. Even Clinton was constricted by Republican control of congress and himself caved to the whims of the corporations (remember NAFTA?). If you want to stop illegal immigration, punish the ones who benefit most from it.

    Ask yourselves this: Why is our government not enforcing its own immigration laws? Why aren’t businesses being hit as hard as the poor people in that sheriff’s prison? Why? I know the answers, but I’ll let you choose to take a look around or not. Red pill or Blue pill. Choose.

    Those of you who already pegged me as a lefty wacko should know I am a bow hunter, firmly support the right to own firearms, and enjoy fly fishing. I believe whole-heartedly in personal responsibility, and am horrified at the level of political correctness I have witnessed over the years. I believe in balanced budgets and eliminating the DEBT (not merely the deficit). I am horrified at the refusal of our federal government to step up and rebuild New Orleans, and where it does throw money is toward corporations and away from responsible sustainable communities. Bankruptcy is now almost impossible for families hit by catastrophic expenses (health care), but corporations continue to use it as a means of doing business.



  5. You don’t come off like a lefty wacko, CL.

    I agree with a lot of what you say.

    We need to enforce the law, whether it’s an illegal worker, or the corporations that hire them.


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