Jon Soltz: Who The Hell Does He Think He Is?

My uniform”, “my military”, he says.

Jon Soltz became a right wing blogosphere bete noire recently, when he tried to shut down an NCO at Yearly Kos because he’d had the audacity to offer an opposing view on the war….(we’re not losing). In true leftist fashion, Soltz attacked the messanger, (the fact that he was wearing his uniform) but couldn’t address the message.

He drew attention to himself again, on Hardball, when he faced off with Buzz Patterson, showing the same authoritarian smugness. When Buzz Patterson mentioned that he’s been to Iraq, too, Soltz fired back, “Are you talking about your rah rah sis boom bah cheerleader tours?”

So, just who is this jerk?

Soltz is a graduate of Washington & Jefferson College with dual degree in Political Science and History. He has completed graduate work at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.

He was a US Army Reserve Captain, in a Transportation Support Battalion. He did one year in Kosovo prior to 9/11, and four months in Iraq in 2003 as a Captain, and spent one year activated, training reserve and guard soldiers at Fort Dix.

Soltz has been a liberal, anti-war activist since at least 2004, when he volunteered for John Kerry’s 2004 campaign. He co-founded the group, VoteVets.Org, pegged as the Democratic “Swiftboat Veterans For Truth”, in January of 2006.

The Stated mission of the VoteVets.Org is:

to elect Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to public office; hold public officials accountable for their words and actions that impact America’s 21st century servicemembers; and fully support our men and women in uniform.

It claims to be non-partisan, but I don’t know…..

“I was telling my friends I would be the Swift Boat Captain of ’06,” Soltz, 29, says.

And in a Washington Post puff piece, from earlier this year, Soltz claimed to be conservative. Here’s what he had to say last Feb.:

Soltz said the group is pro-military and not a front for the Democrats. “I’m a conservative,” said Soltz, who volunteered on Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign. “I don’t think 20,000 more troops is Democratic, I don’t think 20,000 troops is Republican. I think it’s stupid.”

No, refusing to listen to encouraging news about the surge from an Army Sergeant is what’s stupid.

Not being able to read the handwriting on the wall is stupid. Did no one give Soltz the memo? All the cool kids are praising the surge, now.

And, I’m sorry, but a conservative doesn’t attend “The Yearly Kos” conventions, write for the Huffington Post, (unless you’re Greg Gutfeld), and work ceaselessly to defeat Republicans.

I call B.S. on that.

Watch out for more of Jon Soltz’s special brand of B.S. in the months to come.

Someone needs to swiftboat him.


Looks like Melanie Morgan is trying to shine a spotlight on the cockroach, too.

She makes the point that Soltz, a Reservist, has used his uniform for political purposes, yet accuses U.S. Army Sgt. David Aguina of doing the same. A liberal activist who’s a humongous hypocrite? The deuce you say!

Thanks to Joe Wierzbicki for the tip.

Ski Resort’s Infestation Hurts Business

World Net Daily reports that Telluride Colorado is infested with moonbats.

The town board recently voted to impeach President Bush, and Vice President Cheney, something that all the trendy left-wing towns are doing. An Impeach PAC group now lists more than 180 entities across the country that have passed impeachment measures, including, predictably, San Francisco, West Hollywood, and Chapel Hill, SC.

Unfortunately, for Telluride, their decision to jump on the Impeach-Bush bandwagon is causing a bit of a backlash.

One ski club of 175 people already has made plans to go elsewhere, another skier has threatened to sell his home there and another critic predicted the town soon would bow to Mecca.

“It’s huge, unbelievable,” said Telluride Mayor John Pryor. “Ski groups are canceling for the winter. Hundreds of people are bailing. The (town) website is flooded with people saying they’re canceling their vacations here.”

Awwwwww……so sad.

One letter to the local newspaper’s comment blog, said:

“Hey Telluride…get back to your lattes, jazz festivals, celebrity sightings, wine tastings, and poetry contests and leave the heav[y] lifting of real world politics to those of us in the real world.”

I would only add, “And while your at it, get me a juice-box!”

Pakistan To Declare State Of Emergency?

Pakistan’s President Musharraf is very close to declaring a State of Emergency in Pakistan, due to “External, and internal threats” to Pakistan and deteriorating law and order in the Taliban controlled northwest near the Afghan border, a spokesman said Thursday.

By external, does he mean Barack Obama? Oh, I guess he does:

Tariq Azim, the deputy information minister also said statements coming from the United States, including from Sen. Barak Obama, D-Ill., a presidential hopeful, over the possibility of U.S. military action against al-Qaida in Pakistan “has started alarm bells ringing and has upset (the) Pakistani public.”

Musharraf told American Senator Richard Durbin in a meeting yesterday in Karachi that comments by senior U.S. officials and would-be presidential candidates about the possibility of unilateral U.S. strikes within the country were “counterproductive and that Pakistan remained resolved to fight terrorism,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.

More about Obama’s reckless sabor rattling can be found at Muslihoon’s.

Government forces, feeling the pressure from the United States to crack down on the growing terrorist problem in their tribal areas, attacked two militant bases with helicopter gunships and artillery yesterday in some of the army’s toughest action in the lawless Afghan border region since militant attacks began surging last month.

“He (Musharraf) emphasized that only Pakistan’s security forces, which were fully capable of dealing with any situation, would take counterterrorism action inside Pakistani territory,” the ministry said.

Hat tips: Right Truth and Conservative Beach Girl

UPDATE (Thursday morning):

It looks like Condoleeza Rice helped to persuade Musharraf from declaring a State of Emergency.