Ski Resort’s Infestation Hurts Business

World Net Daily reports that Telluride Colorado is infested with moonbats.

The town board recently voted to impeach President Bush, and Vice President Cheney, something that all the trendy left-wing towns are doing. An Impeach PAC group now lists more than 180 entities across the country that have passed impeachment measures, including, predictably, San Francisco, West Hollywood, and Chapel Hill, SC.

Unfortunately, for Telluride, their decision to jump on the Impeach-Bush bandwagon is causing a bit of a backlash.

One ski club of 175 people already has made plans to go elsewhere, another skier has threatened to sell his home there and another critic predicted the town soon would bow to Mecca.

“It’s huge, unbelievable,” said Telluride Mayor John Pryor. “Ski groups are canceling for the winter. Hundreds of people are bailing. The (town) website is flooded with people saying they’re canceling their vacations here.”

Awwwwww……so sad.

One letter to the local newspaper’s comment blog, said:

“Hey Telluride…get back to your lattes, jazz festivals, celebrity sightings, wine tastings, and poetry contests and leave the heav[y] lifting of real world politics to those of us in the real world.”

I would only add, “And while your at it, get me a juice-box!”

5 thoughts on “Ski Resort’s Infestation Hurts Business

  1. Mountain area’s tend to be, and they also tend to be exclusive. Even “Idlewild” I think is the spelling just south of Palm Springs in San Jacinto is FRIGGEN EXPENSIVE!!!

    True Story, my roommate, and a very good friend, his name was eric smith, (which I thought was funny cuz his name was “eric smith” but he loved to tout his native american heritage) . . . .

    He and I were walking down the main road in idyle, and someone showed us a characture of the two of us walking, and my roommate mocked the “artist” “what can you do?”

    Eric sat down, and sketched on the paper the artist had an image of the street “artist” begging for money in front of 2 marines (Eric was a Marine.)

    I knew Eric was an artist, but I didn’t know he had talent or a sense of humor, so I spent a shitload of money buying him . . .are they called “chalks?” or “coals?” and I got him a 3 foot odd tall canvas.

    He was surprised, he thought I was just being me, taking on a new hobby only to ignore it, but he loved the chalks, and didn’t know why I gave him the canvas, and I said “one day, remember me here?”

    He laughed, cuz he realized that I was more than WP, and yes, there are periods of my life when I was VERY WP, in fact MORE WP than even you guys know.


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