Jon Soltz: Who The Hell Does He Think He Is?

My uniform”, “my military”, he says.

Jon Soltz became a right wing blogosphere bete noire recently, when he tried to shut down an NCO at Yearly Kos because he’d had the audacity to offer an opposing view on the war….(we’re not losing). In true leftist fashion, Soltz attacked the messanger, (the fact that he was wearing his uniform) but couldn’t address the message.

He drew attention to himself again, on Hardball, when he faced off with Buzz Patterson, showing the same authoritarian smugness. When Buzz Patterson mentioned that he’s been to Iraq, too, Soltz fired back, “Are you talking about your rah rah sis boom bah cheerleader tours?”

So, just who is this jerk?

Soltz is a graduate of Washington & Jefferson College with dual degree in Political Science and History. He has completed graduate work at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.

He was a US Army Reserve Captain, in a Transportation Support Battalion. He did one year in Kosovo prior to 9/11, and four months in Iraq in 2003 as a Captain, and spent one year activated, training reserve and guard soldiers at Fort Dix.

Soltz has been a liberal, anti-war activist since at least 2004, when he volunteered for John Kerry’s 2004 campaign. He co-founded the group, VoteVets.Org, pegged as the Democratic “Swiftboat Veterans For Truth”, in January of 2006.

The Stated mission of the VoteVets.Org is:

to elect Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to public office; hold public officials accountable for their words and actions that impact America’s 21st century servicemembers; and fully support our men and women in uniform.

It claims to be non-partisan, but I don’t know…..

“I was telling my friends I would be the Swift Boat Captain of ’06,” Soltz, 29, says.

And in a Washington Post puff piece, from earlier this year, Soltz claimed to be conservative. Here’s what he had to say last Feb.:

Soltz said the group is pro-military and not a front for the Democrats. “I’m a conservative,” said Soltz, who volunteered on Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign. “I don’t think 20,000 more troops is Democratic, I don’t think 20,000 troops is Republican. I think it’s stupid.”

No, refusing to listen to encouraging news about the surge from an Army Sergeant is what’s stupid.

Not being able to read the handwriting on the wall is stupid. Did no one give Soltz the memo? All the cool kids are praising the surge, now.

And, I’m sorry, but a conservative doesn’t attend “The Yearly Kos” conventions, write for the Huffington Post, (unless you’re Greg Gutfeld), and work ceaselessly to defeat Republicans.

I call B.S. on that.

Watch out for more of Jon Soltz’s special brand of B.S. in the months to come.

Someone needs to swiftboat him.


Looks like Melanie Morgan is trying to shine a spotlight on the cockroach, too.

She makes the point that Soltz, a Reservist, has used his uniform for political purposes, yet accuses U.S. Army Sgt. David Aguina of doing the same. A liberal activist who’s a humongous hypocrite? The deuce you say!

Thanks to Joe Wierzbicki for the tip.

19 thoughts on “Jon Soltz: Who The Hell Does He Think He Is?

  1. Don’t expect much harsh scrutiny from the MSM as Kos leads the Mediacrats around by the nose. They don’t want to anger him and read what he woudl say about them afterwards. Remember, many media types concede they don’t even read conservative sites and only go to places like Kos and Media Matters. Ergo, that is what is normal and constructive to them.

    And I like how the Kossacks now impugn anybody who served and does not take their meme to heart as mindless cheerleaders.


  2. I bitched officers regularly, becuase I was correct, thats how I got my NAM.

    this guy is a shitbird zero who feeds on his willingness to offend the enlisted. I would eat him alive, as would many Marines. He’s lucky he’s Army. The PUSSY!


  3. ND, there are a large group of officers, and they know it, Mesa (who was a Zero) admitted it.

    In general even as a court-martialed private I pittied the new butter bar’s cuz they just plain don’t know.

    The first lietenants, as I mentioned at aces tend to be one or the other, either rotten PRICKS or appologistic fucks.

    Thats fine, you have to learn about who you command.

    Captain is the best rank in the MC because they are the ones who finaly get it.

    Soltz, never got it, and he never understood the military. See, the reason it’s important to understand your NCO’s and SNCO’s is because THEY LIVE IT!

    A good Zero (officers are assigned pay grades of “o-1” “o-2″ etc” so the Marine enlisted tend to call them “Zero’s”

    Anyways a good Zero, realizes that while they themselves are more fit (most of them are) they must respect the fact that the enlisted LIVE military, and the officers get a break from the service, while their troops don’t.

    He was a piece of shit, if Mesa comments, cuz mesa was an infantry officer, Mesa would agree.

    Officers live in a limbo, I sorta pitty them.


  4. In service, there is only one branch that personaly posessese that service, and thats the Marines.

    “My Corps!” the Army doesn’t have that affect. This wannabe is mimicking R.Lee. Ermy.
    who is also a Marine.


  5. pssst.. for those who are wondering, a “butter-bar” is a 2nd Lt. (Army and Marines), lowest ranking officer, i.e. brand new pup. So called because the single bar insignia on their uniform is gold in color.

    I believe the corresponding rank in the Navy would be Ensign Junior Grade.


  6. “On Wednesday, Move America Forward Vice Chairman, Lt. Col. Buzz Patterson (USAF, Ret.) confronted Soltz on his political activism at the same time he is serving in the reserves – a violation of the U.S. Military’s Uniform Code of Military Justice.

    As captured in a video from MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews, Soltz screamed, yelled and literally stuck his tongue in the side of his cheek in discomfort as he realized that Colonel Patterson had busted Soltz for improper conduct. ”

    That’s from Joe’s link. Go read it all. Thanks, Joe.


  7. Pingback: KOS Panelist Stolz, “you never ever use my uniform again in the name of political purposes” « The Hostages

  8. Every enlisted man this the branch that he selected is the best. Just like someone stated above, “Army is pussies”. Being ex-military, I’ve seen this alot. Whether it be Navy flags in front of their houses, or GOD forbid, the VFW. For it being a center for military folk, it is a total marines vs. navy, or Army vs. Marine.. etc. etc… Stoltz is just an asshole. Plain and simple. Not a Army asshole, just an asshole. Any veteren sees him as just that. Give him time, he’ll bury hiimself….. the pussy 🙂


  9. I am glad we are America. Else I would be one of the first to demand that the mandatory sentence of defamation (as in, actual falsehoods) regarding the military should be execution.

    Whereas I have nothing but respect and awe and admiration for people in the military, those who defame the military, whether in it or not, justly earn my full wrath and ire.

    And so it is a good thing I am not God either. Or where Soltz is now, there would be a pile of ash (see: Sodom and Gomorrah; Lot’s wife).


  10. Soltz has been very careful not to slander the troops. He tries to pass himself off as very pro Military. He just is rabidly against the war in Iraq, the surge, and Republicans.

    He’s a lefty with the much desired (by the Democrats) “absolute moral authority” (supposedly, because he served in Iraq) to speak on Iraq.


  11. It is IMPOSSIBLE, again IMPOSSIBLE to defame the goal of the military while supporting it.

    It’s like saying “I suport mothers but you have shitty kids”



  12. WP:

    And my brother, and his friends, ALL agree that the actions of people like Stoltz totally anger the servicemembers.

    What it appears to be happening is that the left is grooming another generation of Winter Soldiers to use their military service as a self perceived security blanket when, years down the road, they are in politics and criticizing the military or a future operation. Look at how many Iraq vets ran in 2006 as Dems. Look at Stotlz, Beauchamp and Paul Rieckoff (sp?). All of these folks are lefties who are trying to insulate themselves from criticism of their actions and claim that their side will “use” the military “smarter” to fight pressing threats such as …….


  13. Or he’s a moby.

    “moby – An insidious and specialized type of left-wing troll who visits blogs and impersonates a conservative for the purpose of either spreading false rumors intended to sow dissension among conservative voters, or who purposely posts inflammatory and offensive comments for the purpose of discrediting the blog in question. The term is derived from the name of the liberal musician Moby, who famously suggested in February of 2004 that left-wing activists engage in this type of subterfuge: “For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you’re an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion”.

    Substitute any public forum for blogs, and you have a classic moby, here.


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