This Is Weird

Okay, now I’ve seen it all.

You need to check out the Islamberg Hiking and Mountaineering Club.

I’m not going to supply the link, (no way Jose) you can ‘google it!’

Talk about weird. Scary weird.

Weird scary.

Okay, I’m now officially weirded out, and scared.


I checked out the website, today. All the “Loose Change” and other creepy stuff is gone.

Also the #1 site when you google Islamberg, today is, Life In Islamberg, a website devoted to “Refuting the lies and exposing the frauds brought about by the vested interests which seem to have no end..”

I call B.S.

11 thoughts on “This Is Weird

  1. The Boy Scouts of America sponsor a group of scouts that excludes other religions?
    An FBI agent is involved in the troop?
    The more I read, the weirder it gets.


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