Muslim Commune in Catskills Under Scrutiny

Holy Moly, has anybody seen this?

This isn’t the Catskills I remember:

Officials say Islamberg – a wooded, 70-acre encampment in upstate Tompkins, about three hours north of the city – acts as the headquarters for an outfit called Muslims of the Americas, widely believed to be a front for Jamaat al-Fuqra, founded by radical Pakistani cleric Mubarak Ali Gilani.

Reports of gunfire and military-style physical training at the camp have led some investigators to believe that the group’s members are preparing for homegrown jihad.

According to one account, a neighbor said he has seen commune members dressed in Port Authority uniforms.

Great, just great….

10 thoughts on “Muslim Commune in Catskills Under Scrutiny

  1. Reports of gunfire and military-style physical training at the camp have led some investigators to believe that the group’s members are preparing for homegrown jihad.

    No! Ya think?


  2. Naaaaah, let’s wait until they actually succeed in some kin dof attack and 10s, 100s or maybe even 1000s of people are killed before we take a look into what may be going on there.

    Otherwise, we are violating the sacrosanct civil liberties that they enjoy in this evil, oppressive, Godless country of ours.


  3. Right now, undoubtedly, the ACLU is sending lawyers to the camp to defend the Jihadis pro bono.

    What do you want to bet?


  4. I’m sure the jihadis-in-training already have the ACLU lawyers on retainer. Hell, I’d almost be willing to bet that quite a few of the ACLU vacation at this compound.


  5. Oh, come on! Those are probably just for their Friday night costume parties.

    Jeez, always jumping to conclusions, aren’t you?



  6. Pingback: Nice Deb Jamaat ul Fuqra/Islamberg Update «

  7. Pingback: Islamberg Back In The News « Nice Deb

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