Shock!: Bias Found At MSNBC

Joe Scarborough had the big scoop this morning on his Morning Joe show.

Some examples of the bias include, people in the newsroom ceaselessly booing President Bush during a State of the Union address, and cheering when Karl Rove resigned.

The deuce you say!

More at Newsbusters.

3 thoughts on “Shock!: Bias Found At MSNBC

  1. I can’t wait for the MSM to cover this!

    *crickets chirp*

    But, just imagine had Fox personnel done this to a Dem President’s SOTU.


  2. I’m shocked and appalled at this lowering of journalistic ethics, standards, and complete lack of integrity. Who would think that in this day and age the main stream media would play favorites?

    *Tap. Tap. Is this thing on?*


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