Terrorist Website That Instructs Jihadis How To Kidnap Americans…

is officially out of commission, or pwned, as  Jawa reports.

The American hosted site was a favorite for online Jihadis, especially al Qaeda.

The guide to taking hostages itself is not actually new, it’s been around since at least 2002, but it’s once again making the rounds.

Apparently, this and other terrorist websites, try to legitimize themselves by masquerading as news outlets.

The guide begins by enumerating goals that a kidnapping can achieve, including the release of prisoners, extraction of information from the hostage, weakening the enemy’s morale and creating deterrence, raising international awareness of conflicts in which the kidnappers’ organization is involved, blackmailing the enemy for money, and generating anti-government sentiment in the hostage’s country of origin.

In the section dealing with selecting a target, the guide recommends choosing someone of importance to the enemy (such as a high-ranking military officer or a prominent businessman). However, he should not be a physically strong person who can put up significant resistance. In order to ensure that the operation goes smoothly, it is recommended that he be knocked out with tranquilizers.

More at Memri.

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