Texas Domestic Terrorhick Faces Federal Charges

Well, this is a new one on me.

The 47 year old man, Clinton Udet Pinckert (yes,that’s his real name), from Clint, TX, was trying to disable planes by shining a laser at them as they flew over his home.

He was arrested Tue. night at his home by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in the clink.

According to a federal criminal complaint filed today, Pinckert allegedly shined a Class IIIb laser product at a plane flying over his house.

Pinckert is expected to have his initial appearance at today before United States Magistrate Judge Norbert Garney. Pinckert is being held at the El Paso County Jail without bond.

“We take this matter very seriously,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Manuel E. Mora said. “The safety of hundreds of people were at stake had the laser disoriented the pilots.”

I hope CAIR is paying attention. The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force doesn’t just pick on Muslims, now do they?

H/T: Crime Scene KC

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