Mark Levin Book, Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto #1 With A Bullet

The book, released today, is already #1 at Amazon. There’s clearly a hunger out there for the conservative argument against the Statism that’s being foisted upon America.

Here he is talking about it on The Sean Hannity Show, last  night:

Levin will be appearing on the Rush Limbaugh Show, tomorrow.

Reviews of this important book can be found at:

The American Thinker

Town Hall, David Limbaugh

Sweetness and Light

NRO, Kathryn Jean Lopez

8 thoughts on “Mark Levin Book, Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto #1 With A Bullet

  1. I’ve listened to him for years on radio and he always sounds like daffy duck to me, he’s a lot more credable when you can see him speaking. And of course, he’s right.


  2. I went to Barnes & Noble early this afternoon after checking online this morning to see whether my nearby store had the book in stock. By the time I got to the store, EVERY COPY HAD ALREADY BEEN SOLD. And when the clerk called all the other stores in the area ALL OTHER STORES in the area ALREADY SOLD OUT ALSO.

    Two of us were standing by the counter inquiring about the book at the same time. Both of us made silly and somewhat rude comments about the Obama-junk on the shelves in front of us. We shared a high-five, snickering about how this amazing book is already out of stock on the day it was released. I’ll order a copy online along with another book I’ve been wanting to purchase to help me better understand the Constitution.


  3. Yup – my trip to B&N had a similar result as Cathy’s. I also noticed the number of Obama books situated for the most exposure as well. Everywhere we go – market, nook stores, BJ’s, Costco, wherever … Obama, Obama, Obama. Even saw an Obama picture frame set at Wally World for the Obama collectors.



  4. I told my husband we need to get the book, but he reminded me I still have to read Atlas Shrugged, which I made him get me, and I haven’t even started it.


  5. Good point Cathy, I saw the same thing at B&N in my area, Obama’s, Hillary’s, and even Jimmy Carter’s propoganda all situated right at the front door, with no one paying a bit of attention to them I might ad. But after putting in my order for Liberty and Tyranny I was emailed two days later by B&N that the book was backordered and there was no indication of when any more would be available. Translation; “dont bother us”


  6. I received Mark Levin’s book as a gift for Father’s
    Day and I could not put it down. It is the very
    best exposition of the vast difference between
    Conservatives and “Statists”, as Mr Levin dubs
    left-wing Socialist “Liberals” that I have ever
    read, and it should be must reading for all
    tradionalists in our country. Congratulations to
    Mr. Levin, a true Conservative scholar and
    author. I hope all America is listening!


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